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February 9

1978 - Thursday - Minus 10º at 6:45. Fair & cold all day - not much melting although sun is warm: Wes lost his contact lens in bathroom sink. Couldn't believe it. To 9 am Mass at Rectory. Cold water pipe in laundry frozen - came loose by afternoon. To Alec & Helen's at 11:45 - they picked up Dan Machless - his birthday Feb. 11th - To Three Bears for Birthday Luncheon. Home at four - did wash - fire in den felt good in cold.

1979 - Friday - 10º at 6 AM - fell to 3º within an hour. A beautiful fair, cold winter day.
To 7:30 Mass (Father back from vacation). I worked at the Greenhouse in the morning. - mailed birthday card to Dan Machless (11th) Wes split wood
Hobbied afternoon.
Lots of cardinals, gold finches, House finches. Chickadees like new feeder at side.

1980 - Sunday. at Treasure Cay with Hohnsbies - Beautiful sunny day. Wes & Hooker looked sunburned - Joan & I being careful. Rented bicycles - went all around development. [[?]] [[?]] to look for shells - biked into Treasure Cove by old church nothing there yet but cool., I fell from bike at start of day - pulled muscle left side & wrenched left knee. Walked back at noon. Mrs. Hooker went in - Too cold for ladies. Cocktails with Mary Louise & Dick Brill, her mother Louis Joseph - Peggy Bam of Pelham - Joan & Bill - Paul & blond wife - all lovely people.

1981 - Monday - 18º at 6:30, Clear.
Sun 6:57 - 5:23. To Mass - a bit slippery but the rented Ford Escort did well - last daily Mass until 23rd - Father going to San Francisco.
Brought down plant light to kitchen - put forcing bulbs under it as day was so dark& gloomy.
Installer brought draperies for sitting room - to be found who pleat, for 3 days but look good.
Wes in shop - light snow all day & about 2 inches. Paper delivered at 4:30. I made cookies, pie brownies - getting fat!

February 10

1978 - Friday - Minus 10º at 6 AM - Fair - Breakfast before 7:30 Mass. Wed to Dr Ross Brewster 10 AM for contact replacement -  to rest eyes by wearing glasses - told come back Thursday. After lunch did shopping chores. Groceries, cleaners, Frame Shop for enlargement of Front Pond pictures Alex took, Brunette's for bedsheets for ceiling paint (my bathroom) Craig's - picked up charm bracelet. Piles of snow all over Impossible to get around & cold - minus 2 at night.

1979 - Saturday - minus 16F at 6:45 AM. We were going to Mass but decided too cold. Fair day, but cold - high 14º at bed time. Laundry pipe frozen all day - decided to wait to put heater there. 

1980 - Sunday. t Treasure Bay with Hohnderns - beautiful sunny day. To 8:30 Mass at Sts Mary & Andrew Church & Joan & Hooker went shelling - found a bagful. I rested my side & knees - due to pretty bad cold - Wes kept me company.
Got lunch  of pancakes. nap
To hotel for dinner.

1981 - Tuesday - 10º at 6 AM. Sun 6:56 - 5:25.
Went to St Charles Kitchens (Mr Gerard) Scotts Corner at 9 AM discussed plans - looked at sample wood and steel / formica colors. Mailed pot cover to Eileen and applique quilt to Pam. To Ridgefield, reclamation center both papers and bottles. Shopped for liquor and Caldor for a few supplies. Home for lunch. I helped Gizella with her needlepoint. Wes worked in shop.

1982 - Wednesday. 23º at 6 AM. Sun 6:57 - 5:24 Sunny beautiful winter day - cold but warm sun. At noon when temperature was 28º outside our Solar was 72º. House chores and hobbies this morning. To bank. & Fireside Shop in Brookfield - bought a Between Doors fan to spell Solar heat - shopped for Wes' pill refill - home to give coffee to Everett Pearce - well in at 112 feet - will [[?]] now gallon and a half per minute