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February 15

1978 - Wednesday - 7º at 6:45. Fair Sun 6:50 - 5:30 Beautiful winter day. To  9 o'clock Mass - about 8 women there besdies us. Took bedspread to laundry in Ridgefield - Wes to cleaners - Pepperedge for bread - Bethel for thistle seed and wire basket for Asparagus [[? Megeri (no luck) Bethel market - to Newtown Lexington Gardens for wire basket - lunch at Blue Colony Dunes - Home fo nap - Dug out 2 remaining bulb pots from cold frame- tied [[? arbourtal]]

1979 - Thursday - 6º at 6 AM. Sun 6:51 - 5:30. 
TR & Pat's day - up and at it. Became fair, sunny beautiful winter day - Mr. Variau, carpenter, came at 9 to remove kitchen door - To rebuild it to swinging door. I prepared dinner - MO & Jule here at 5 pm. Wes worked in his shop - went to bank (snow predicted for tomorrow) laid fire. Did a wash by carrying hot water - hot water pipe opened after dryer was on.

1980. Friday - at Treasure Cay with Hohndens. We leave today. Cloudy. Walked beach - To Hotel for 11:30 taxi - rained heavily while there - Joan & Hooker left alone in taxi - met Brills who told us Peggy Bam & their mother had to return yesterday to charter a flight as Bahau Air had cancelled. Lunch and nap - another long beach walk - light rain - Pete and Pat brought bottle of wine.

1981 - Sunday - 17º at 6 AM - Fair beautiful winter day. high 40º. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for [[? loggeshalle]] expected 12:30 - arrived 1:45. Went to Bogus Road for walk around to show them location - then back for cocktails and lunch - They left about 7 o'clock. We tried to call the Duns' - Carol reached Ginger later and phoned us Wes was  hospital in Bezton - George had been there -  changing his day therapy - leukemia.

1982 - Monday - Washington's Birthday Celebration Federal Holiday. [[strikethrough]] Sun 6:55 [[/strikethrough]] Temperature 27º at 6:30. Cloudy morning - cleared before noon - mildest day this winter - first mild day Wes says - high 54º. Split wood - trimmed dead wood from trees on south side - put up wire enclosure for Miss Boo's visit tomorrow - Raccoon climbed it and came to Solar door then got in garage - finally gave him peanut butter on bread to get him out of there! Well at 165 - hard rock again. Sun 6:50 - 5:30

February 16

1978 - Thursday - 2º at 5:45, 8º at 7 AM - Cloudy - cold water pipe frozen until noon. So, what else is new?
Wes to Dr Ross, Brewster, for contact fitting at 10 o'clock. should be ready in ten days. I made buttonholes in wine [[? Draw]] shirt. Mr John Maggie here at 1:30 to talk about oriental rugs - suggested we go to [[?] in NYC with him in April. Meserve asked about feeding trees - will do 6  Moraines. Called Apex for new door for French doors.

1979 - Friday - 10º at 6 AM. Light snow overnight. Cloudy morning. sunny at noon - high temperature 16º. 
To 7:30 Mass. Did wash with hot water - cold water pipe did not open. Mr. Vareau phoned would [[?]] kitchen door Monday. Jean Mulvany,Erhard Plumber here to revamp lundry room piping - finished at 4 pm. Harris seeds delivered Gardiner Toff, Zoning Officer looked at shed. Jim Mulvany silver-soldered piece of Wes' model - Goody day

1980 - Saturday - at Treaure Bay - beautiful morning and day. Walked the beach. Bought couple things at grocery store. No mail. "Fiesta" at noon - [[?]] for church - school benefit - Wild Boar - Conch - Peas & Rice - Coleslaw - dinner $4.00 - Best value since we arrived. Bought half coconut pie for $2.00 for later. To 5 o'clock Mass - Wes came at 5:15. Light supper - read.

1981 - Monday - 20º at 6:30 Beautiful sunny day - high almost 50º Presidents Day Holiday
To Scotts Corners, Albane Electric Appliance - saw stoves, ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators - he will phone prices. Back home for lunch - nap - wrote letters - Wes worked in shop. Out to fee birds - clean feeders - pick up sticks - brak up ice floes at pond.

1982 - Tuesday - 44º at 6:30 - cloudy - became sunny and mild - over 50º - Solar room reached80º - lovely! I worked at Ballard - then shopped Brunetti and went to Union Trust in Ridgefield. Wes worked in shop. Eileen brought up Boo at 12:30. We took down big wreath over hayloft door. We moved what chips we could (frozen underneath) to soggy spot between veg garden boxes. Took Boo for walk - just as leaving she was in fenced area - saw Raccoon there - too bad as she was very excited - he didn't run.