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February 25

1978 - Saturday - 26º at 6 AM - (Warm!) Snow Flurries predicted - few onl - temperature rose to 36º. To 7:30 Mass - Did a wash - to Danbury Hat Co for peak cap and golf cap - mailed brown travel serape to Pam - Wes bought shoes at Welton Bootery.
I finished the terry coverup. Knocked icicles from front of house - they form every night - squirrels chewing bark from dogwood tree.

1979 - Sunday - 40º at 7 am - Cloudy - 6 Geese on lawn - Pair Mallards later also. - located 5 squirrels - will have to set traps again - one going down chain to feeder. To 9:30 Mass - met Louise McKeon with rug samples after - no decision.
Spent day hobbying.

1980 - Monday - at Treasure Cay - Beautiful day - nice breeze. Stars and moon out at night but saw lightning over Florida Way.
Picked up laundry - I had a haircut by Ruby - Wes cashed a travelers check, paid$1.50 on $100 - reconfirmed our 27th Mackey flight - found it changed to 9:15 AM instead of 12:45 PM - Returned books to library - walked beach twice - We had a swim.

1981 - Wednesday - 32º at 6:15 - Cloudy - off and on. light rain showers. Mostly indoor working day. packed part Johnson Bros. china to take to Tag Sale Shop tomorrow - wrapped up magazines. Jacobsen was returned. But a part was broken so it had to go back to the shop. Cut diseased limb from spruce across pond. Three pair Mallards tried to chase one another off pond. To Anne Tracy to show house places and colors.

1982 - Thursday - 16º at 6:15 - clear!
Sunny day - very high winds and cold - like March. Glad to have the plants in the Solar Room - Lautana almost dried up while we were out.
To bank. Agway for thistle seed, Mulroney's and Basics. Home for lunch and nap.
Bud Wright here to look at trees for trimming. Admired change in place.

February 26

1978 - Sunday - 27º at 7 AM - Fair - Sunny & Cold.
Ten squirrels on terrace at breakfast time. 9:30 Mass. Packed for trip - clubs - Florida bag and Treasure Cay bag - quite a job.
Louise McKeon came to look at Asparagus Myeri for Hartford show - too young was the verdict.
To Helen & Alex' at five - look at pictures he is taking to Maples.

1979 - Monday - 32º at 6 AM - Raining - ice on trees on hill [[strikethrough]] Ice in trees in hill [/strikethrough]] - reverse of usual cold pattern. All bushes ice covered at Rectory - very slippery walking. Spent day indoor - Wes out to split wood and fill feeders. White Geese around all day & the pair of Mallards in the morning. Earl Stuegis here to look at paint job - need 4 double rolls for entrance hall. Restained  plow stand for dish garden. Sewed silk evening dress. Wes in shop.

1980 - Tuesday - last full day at Treasure Cay. High winds during night - fair by 8:30 - but winds continued all day - waves very high - only day we didn't walk the beach. Paid bill - arranged for taxi for 8 o'clock tomorrow - no mail - received mail only one time this location. Packed - finished Scotch.

1981 - Thursday - 36º at 5:50 Rain and high wind during night. Some rain during day and night and continuing high winds. To Mass. Left at 10 o'clock for liquor store, reclamation center - left bottles, papers and magazines, exchanged buttons for cotton shirt, left Johnson Bros part and china at Tag Sale Shop; to Alberto for my suit and fur collar coat [[strikethrough]] (shortened [[/strikethrough]] (lengthened) - lunch at Brock in new [[?]] ; to Albano Appliance and St. Charles Kitchens at Seals Corner - went over plans with Mr Gerard. Home at 3:30.

1982 - Friday - 10º at 6:30 - clear. Beautiful day - cold and windy, but sunny - second day in a row. I worked for 1 1/2 hours at Ballard - picked up duck doorstop from Yarubee - shopped for groceries at Gran Central and peat pots from Bedients. Home for lunch & nap. Wes had been in his shop. Sorted cut out recipes and filed them in Joan's birthday present folder. Sent tax figure to Lola Hawcheck. To Joann & Al Tunpanelli's at 6:30 for dinner - home at 11 o'clock.