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February 29

1980 - Friday - 6° at 6 AM - Clear - Cold windy day. Paid bills. I worked at Greenhouse in morning - shopped afterward. Home at 2 for lunch and nap. Transplanted taxus and Ilex cuttings under lights in basement - about 6 each have root system.To Alex and Helen's at 6:30 for a drink - then to Windmill Diner for fish dinner.
Wes worked in shop during day.


March 1

1978 - Wednesday - 10° at 6:30 - Partly cloudy, predicted snow didn't arrive thank God. Left at 9:15 for Washington there at 3:45 - Marriott Twin Bridges - Wes worked out perfect route to reach it. Drink at Windjammer Lounge. Dinner at S & S Livestock Co. Phoned Mr. Pipkin. (315 miles)

1979 - Thursday - 24° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - became mostly clear - high 53° at 2 pm. Pat here. Louise had cold so Wes & I drove to St. Catherine's Church, Riverside, to enter Louise's begonia and my Topiary Rabbit in "Preview of Spring" show - lots of people there. On to Makie Rug Store in Greenwich - asked questions on church rug - stopped at St Michael's Church, North Street where Sister Cecilia showed us around. Lunch of fish stew at Marmaduke's, Brooksville. Home at 2 pm. Wes in shop - I transplanted Coleus.

1980 - Saturday - 4° at 6 AM. A very cold windy day. Sunny in morning, cloudy in afternoon - coldest day of winter. House chores - did colored wash - hot water pipe repairs by Wes held - lot of Garden Club telephoning for Green Fingers show. Checked tax return and paid Krawcheck. Cooked pot roast for tomorrow when Eileen will come. Wes worked in shop and helped clean house.

1981 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM. To 8 o'clock Mass. Became fair, breezy day. Chores and book balancing in morning. To Briere and Barbara Sobol's for luncheon at 12:30. Mary Luke there. Home at 3:30 pm. To Bogus property - cut brush preparatory to making trail for tractor to move wood to rear of lot.

1982 - Monday. 15° at 6:30. Fair. Sun 5:30-5:47. Despite good sunrise it was a mostly gloomy day. However temperature in Solar was around 60° and we left the plants there. I went to workshop at Ballard - "Gardening Under Glass" - bought meat and more peat pots to transplant the Minibel Tomato - Cooked in afternoon. Wes went for a haircut and to the bank and Marcus. Worked in shop.