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March 2

1978 - Thursday - Washington D.C. - at Marriott Twin Bridges - took National Airport bus to Airport where took the Metro - bought a Farecard for $1.00 - Round trip fare to Smithsonian stop - 1/2 hr ride. Thru Herschhorn Sculpture Garden and Air and Space Museum. Back to hotel for lunch - drove to Lorton Va. Went thru Gunston Hall, home of George Mason. William Buckland Architect. Auto train left at 4:45. Small room - dinner - movie Caine Mutiny.

1979 - Friday - 34° at 6 AM. Raining - stopped before noon, but cloudy and damp all day. To 7:30 Mass. To New Canaan - picked up Greeff wallpaper sample from Coventry Design - like it - ordered it. Stopped at Vista for bananas. Home for lunch. Hobbies. To Preste Danbury for welding supplies.

1980 - Sunday - 8° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Became sunny at noon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared dinner. Eileen here at noon. Brought a lot of bread and a streptocarpus for French door.
Good day. Eileen left at 4:45 - forgot her glasses.

1981 - Monday - 30° at 6:30. Cloudy and cold all day
Mike Mannion here from 9-12. Went over house plans and heating, equipment, etc. After lunch had long nap. Wes worked in shop. I wrote letters - did filing etc.
Wes phoned Brian to inquire about splitting wood at Bogus

1982 - Tuesday - Sunny day until after lunch. Looked like snow late afternoon. To Mass. Rosses back from Arizona. Wright Face men worked 8-3 pm - taking down dead trees - cut off 2 big stumps - put cable in oak on South end. We bought new booster at Caldors - lights for gro lamps - one was bad. Wes worked in shop. I lifted beech on south side - and cut off one small oak - looks neat.

March 3

1978 - Friday - on board Auto Train - Raining very heavily on arrival in Sanford Florida at 9:30. On way to Buena Vista Village about 10:30 - Hotel Royal Plaza - room not ready - had lunch - walked thru Walt Disney World Village - lots of interesting shops - back to hotel for nap.  Stephen & Helen Loughman sent message couldn't come for dinner account rain which stopped at 3 o'clock.

1979 - Saturday - 35° at 6 AM - Foggy - cleared at noon. Sunny afternoon - high 53°. To 7:30 Mass. Lucienne Harbearn coming for dinner so I shopped Stop & Shop - cooked Wes in shop.
We relocated 2 squirrels.  Chased 2 Canada Geese.
Wes picked up Lucienne at six o'clock - we had a drink and dinner - then to High School for concert of Ridgefield Orchestra - had a drink at Lucienne's following - did dishes - to bed at one o'clock.

1980 - Monday - 10° at 6:30. Fair - high 32° - stiff breeze in morning made it very cold. Did Garden Club work - a lot of telephoning to locate basket for Dr. Safford's streptocarpus. Wes had shop hour. To Union Trust to transfer $10,000 to 6 months certificate @ 13.629. Shopped at Stop & Shop for their dollar sales - to Bobbie Longmere to pick up basket - home. Wes set up fire in den.

1981 - Tuesday - 26° at 6 AM - Fair - cold - windy day. To 7:30 Mass. To bank to cash in last six months certificate - picked up last of burner plates for Thermador from Pasquarella Bros. Left for Pleasantville at 11:30 - Visited cemetery - on to Cornell's for luncheon - Mary was also invited. Home at 6 pm.  
Brian phoned had looked over wood at Bogus and gave estimate for splitting.

1982 - Wednesday - 18° at 6:15 AM. Clear. Sun 6:27-5:48. Sunny day but temperature high was 32° with winds. Returned bad light tube to Caldor - bought Brie Cheese & Crackers and a few items at Stop & Shop. After lunch and nap I prepared dinner. Wes in shop and split wood. Lou Krawcheck phoned - he needs cost of old house and also told us he could claim sales tax only on those items we paid directly - a blow. Alex and Helen here for dinner at six.