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March 4

1978. Saturday. AM at Lake Buena Vista - clearing - left for West Palm Beach after breakfast Route 4 to Florida Turnpike. Sent oranges to Varga from Citrus Shop. Reached West Palm at 12:30 stopped at Airport to confirm Mackey flight tomorrow - they have cancelled all flights until Tuesday. To Palm Beach Aviation charter flight at noon Sunday. Rode thru Palm Beach - beautiful homes - to Holiday Inn Downtown Flagler Blvd - good dinner of Dolphin.  Phoned Schneider & Eileen.

1979 - Sunday - 34° at 7 AM. Foggy - Five squirrels on terrace! Relocated 3 of them during day! 
To 9:30 Mass. Quiet morning - papers - Lunch - nap.  To Green Fingers Garden Club Show in Riverside at 2 pm. Admired displays - brought Louise's and mine (Bunny) home.

1980 - Tuesday - 8° at 6 AM - Clear - Waning moon at dining room window at breakfast time - became sunny day - high 46°. To Mass. Wes had shop hour. I prepared material for Green Fingers show - picked up Tiny Dill cucumber from greenhouse and Dolly Westman's basket to Jean Safford - baskets didn't cover Streptocarpus - On to Ricky Harrison - we worked on plants - to Dr Yanity at 3 pm - Lillium - to Helen and Alex with basket for their Begonia - brought [[?]] home. Marilyn Dillman picked up the two beige velvet open armchairs for Garden Preservation Trust auction Saturday.

1981 - Ash Wednesday. 12° - clear - cold and partly cloudy - snow predicted tonight. To 7:30 Mass in church. Shop hour. I planted lettuce and broccoli. Cut dead limb from white pine at retirement garden - made sure back drain was open. After church to Bogus site. Wes raked more chips. We trimmed out brush and arranged places for wood to be stacked.

1982 - Thursday - 10° at 6:15 - Clear at breakfast time - rapidly became cloudy - snow at 2pm - about one inch followed by light rain. To Mass. Took Thalia daffodils to Louise Mesteon who was going to "Preview of Spring" Show - My bulb pan was 7" instead of 6". Gathered house (246GW) costs and sales tax paid by us to send to Lou Krawcheck. House chores and hobby work. I cleaned oven with Pinesol. After roasting lamb last night it was a mess. Mary F returned from Florida.

March 5

1978 - Sunday - Morning at Holiday Inn West Palm Beach - beautiful sunny day - after breakfast took a ride thru Palm Beach - gorgeous. To airport - left at 12:30 on a small plane chartered from Palm Beach Aviation - hour's flight to Treasure Cay - learned there that Mackey had come in earlier! Very disgusted. Taxi to Mariner's Cove, Ball's apartment, #1201. Late lunch at Spinnaker and Bahamian Buffet at 8 pm.

1979 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy (For the record regular gas now 77.9¢)
To 7:30 Mass - I went to McKeon's at 9 AM - then with Dan and Rug Clearance Mall to church for rug discussion. On to Greenhouse - worked until noon - bought bananas went home for lunch and nap. Wes relocated a squirrel. Hobbies balance of day. Light rain most day - mild

1980 - Wednesday - 32° at 6:30 - Had snowed lightly over night - light rain in morning - not enough - everything very dry. Wes worked in shop. Paid Tom Caldwell 15.00 for snow plowing once in February. Prepared cards for flower show Riverside - did lot of telephoning re plants. Read all funnies.

1981 - Thursday - 29° at 6 AM. Dusting of snow. Gasoline (no lead) now $1.53/gallon - coffee at Basics $1.97 - higher other places. Light snow all day but not as much as NYC - only one-half inch - they had 6 inches. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9-12, shopping Brunetti before and going to Ridgefield Savings Bank. Wes worked in shop. After lunch we worked on costs of present house - fortunately we have records. Watched "Churchill and the Generals" on TV. Shoveled driveway.

1982 - Friday - 36° at 6:30. Cloudy - Wet snow on walk & ground - not all melted in rain. Sun out about 10 - beautiful promise of spring day. Tony Forselli took 2 loads of brush away. We had carried the brush to the road. St. Charles Kitchens repaired the cabinet door. Cut off grape vine in bog garden and pulled dead branches from trees - cut off a few saplings - Tony took all away. Our muscles stiff but good clean up.