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March 8

1978 - Wednesday - Treasure Cay.
Watched Luna V, big boat from Biloxi, pull out from Marina at breakfast time. Did wash. Bought groceries. To golf course - no carts - walked back and out again after lunch -played 9 holes - went thru a foursome very well! Willie the gardener gave us tomatoes he had grown.

1979 - Thursday-34° at 6 AM. Cloudy - became sunny in afternoon. Pat here to clean. Did a few house chores - left at 10 o'clock for Bloomingdales White Plains - bought plate stand - on to Elmsford Westchester Restaurant Supply for rolling pin and small silverstone fry pan - met Eileen there - to her home for lunch - to N.Y. Botanical Garden for "Preview of Spring" - beautiful flowers - returned to Tarrytown and from there home - here at 6 pm

1980 - Saturday - 38° at 6 AM - Foggy - Misty day - thunderstorm in evening - not much rain.
To Bethel - bought Texaco gasohol first time $1.31 gallon - Emily's for cheese and olive oil - Bethel Market for groceries. Mulvaney's library cards.
Varga here at 5:15 for a cocktail - to Arch for dinner - Wes spent all his money - Varga came in for brandy on return. Ricky phoned we won 2 firsts, one second, 3 Honorable Mentions Greenfinger Show - 6 out of 9 entries.

1981 - Sunday - 32° at 6 AM. Cloudy, cold damp - not an outdoor day at all. To 8 o'clock Mass. I read papers -  did wash. Wes worked in shop.
Mike Mannion came after lunch with bills from surveyor - tree clearing - septic permit and his own charges - discussed house plans.

1982. Monday - 26° at 6:30. Fair. Slept late
Sun. 6:19. 5:55. Beautiful sunny day. Cold and windy but warm in Solar. Wes did his thing - in shop and split wood. Did crossword puzzle. I put creeping fig in white duck - too much sun there for ivy - planted Jasmine in spiral Lettuce & tomatoes coming up well. After lunch I knocked dead branches from trees on north side.

March 9

1978 - Thursday - Treasure Cay - cloudy -rain later - stopped at 3:30. Played 18 holes of golf - the last part in rain. Had walked out but took bus back. Had a Scotch -hot soup and a good nap. Walked to Post Office and to hotel for newspaper - no mail and no paper. Bought few groceries - Read, dinner, needlepoint & bed. Hotel posted notice Mackey would not operate tomorrow.                

1979 - Friday - 25° at 6 AM - Beautiful day - rose to 52° in afternoon. To Mass. To Brewster - looked at Oldsmobiles - didn't like them - admired Chevy Malibu - drove it-will consider it. Shopped at Fish Store for chowder for lunch and cod for dinner. Home for lunch and nap. Hobbies in afternoon Too wet to work outdoors.

1980 - Sunday - 39° at 5:45. Wes chased domestic geese and fed Mallards (25) before breakfast. To 8 o'clock Mass. I fixed dinner - meatloaf and Helen's chocolate cake which split when taken from the pan. Dinner at noon - nap. To Riverside to Green Fingers Show - beautiful exhibits - delivered our entries to Jean Sofford Hawsie Nash. Ricky - Helen Ross. Home at six. Beautiful afternoon after cloudy morning. Dropped to 22° at bedtime.

1981 - Monday - 32° at 6:15. Cloudy all day until sunset when cleared in West. 
Checked on the record player - it worked! 
Wes in shop- I did chores and made a cake and fruit dish for Eileen's visit tomorrow. After lunch we finished sorting and recording house costs 1952-1980 - over $108,000 - not considering our labor - amazing.

1982 - Tuesday - 18° at 6:15. Light snow most of day - two inches - cleared at sunset. To Mass. House chores and crossword puzzle. I finally did a little needlepoint - made a cake for Sunday. To Marcus and filled car with gas - then to McKeon's where Louise went over schedule for Women's Committee -seeds to order and assignments. Wes worked in shop. Gasoline was $1.359 for no lead -down at least 5¢
Arch Heine brought Jule's repaired radio for us to take to her on 17th.