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March 12

1978 - Saturday - Treasure Cay - Beautiful day - To 9:30 Mass Sts. Mary & Andrew Church - Father came by his new van to pick people up at the hotel. Crown of thorns - whip - purple robe - sponge - displayed in front of altar. Played golf after lunch - slow game as lots of players but good fun. To Spinnaker for Bohemian Buffet - loads of young people.

1979 - Monday - 20º at 6 AM - Fair, cold day - high 34º. high winds. To 7:30 Mass. Discussed children and other noise at 9:30 Mass Sunday. Dan McKeon to discuss with Parish Council. Earl Sturgis here at 9 AM - took old paper off hall - patched crack in bedroom ceiling - painted the ceiling - We have furniture all over place. I washed and ironed bedroom curtains. Wes got some hobbying done. One white goose sitting on nest on brush pile back of veg shed. Line fence too frozen to repair.

1980 - Wednesday - 20º at 5:45. Fair. Three white ducks spent night on pond bank. Mallards in for corn. Pond frozen over again. Left at 8:15 for appointments with Drs. Williamson and Baer. Good reports Wes' pressure 130/80 - mine 127/78. Lunch at Red Coach. Bought nail clippers at America House, Silverstone pan at Restaurant Supply, both Elmsford. Left Eileen's gloves at her house. Home at 4 pm after stop for gas.

1981 - Thursday - 18º at 6 AM. Fair - sunny - cold wind. To Mass. After shop hour, went to Bogies - Wes moved wood and stacked it on North border - had gone up with tractor & wagon. I trimmed brush - killed gypsy moths.
Returned home for lunch and did more work at Bogies in afternoon. Were stiff and tired at 5 o'clock but Wes had stacked a big pile of wood.

1982 - Friday - 45º at 6:30 - and very foggy. Plants survived in Solar. Didn't clear until 3 pm when sun came through. Shopped Agway - Ace & Lerue Auto Supply (Wes' supplies) & Basics. Lunch and nap. Out to straighten up lower wood pile, take netting from evergreens and azaleas - uncovered bulbs - picked up sticks, etc. - place looks clean. Noticed passing 246 G.W. that Freemans cut down two weeping willows and a maple at driveway.
Re 1975 - paid 33¢/lb for bananas at Basics - other stores 2/89. Coffee 2.18

March 13

1978 - Monday - Treasure Cay - Beautiful day. most beautiful so far. Walked to golf club - played 18 holes - some good - too many sand traps and three puts. Walked back to store for bread. Beer & lunch - After nap walked beach - Wes went swimming. Received first letter from Eileen, dated the 3rd. Bought NY Times (Sunday edition) for $3.00

1979 - Tuesday - 16º at 6 AM - clear. Mountain light goes out at 6:32. Beautiful day. Earl Sturgis finished painting ceilings - bedroom and Wes' bath. Wes cut up tree across back brook, brought wood to shed. I went with Gizela to Yellow Monkey, Cross River - shops of kitchen - flowers - clothes - antiques - gallery etc. Had our sandwich in car as no luncheon nearby. Home to set up den and bedroom after painting. Meeting at 7:30 in church on rug. Caught a squirrel

1980 - Thursday - 15º at 6 AM - Sun 6:10 - 6:01. To bank and drugs tore in Danbury. I bought an elastic stocking for my left leg, knee high. Storm predicted. Eileen phoned - asked us to stay with her overnight. Left at 4 pm - snow just starting here - no trouble driving. Brought casserole for dinner - had Irish coffee

1981 - Friday - 26º at 6 AM - Fair breezy day - sun warm but cold when clouds passed over.
Met Mike Mannion at Howard Castle's - went over electric requirements - problems with electric heat - decided on hot water. Mike gave us set of construction plans. He and Wes staked out house - and took elevations - tight squeeze to fit house in rocks and trees. We moved a little wood

1982 - Saturday - 30º at 6 AM - Clear until noon when it rained - cleared again at 6 pm.
House cleaning day - and cooked for tomorrow's luncheon. Had to go to Basics for more zucchini. Kelly at Eileen's - came down last night with Johnny for the weekend. Not an outdoor day - glad we cleaned outside yesterday. Left plants in Solar overnight with door to dinette open. Lettuce is still under lights in kitchen.