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March 20

1978 - Monday - Ramada Inn, Valdosta, Ga. The Redwings are here. Beautiful morning. Left at 7:15 after breakfast served by a Tiny, inexperienced, cute waitress - for Callaway Gardens - North on I-75 to Perry etc - reached Pine Mountain at 11:45 - lunch at Country Store - delicious biscuits & jam - To Inn - Room 223 - drove around gardens - daffodils - magnolias out - dogwood budding - three Greenhouses - rode around lake veg. garden - to golf house to look around - 4 courses in beautiful condition - back to room for nap - drink - dinner

1979 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Mostly fair day. Wind was strong. Out for few hours after lunch to prune maple tree along road fence and carry off the willow debris I raked yesterday. Wes pulled fence together against geese. Saw one squirrel in morning - he was up to traps several times but never trapped there. Hobbies part of day. Terry and Lucienne here at 5 o'clock to return slide projector - stayed to have a drink. Rosses returned.

1980 - Thursday - 30° at 5:45. Cloudy. Spring arrived 6:10 AM. Sun 5:59-6:08. To Mass. 
Worked below barn - raked  willow branches - cut out top of Scotch Pine broken by [[?]] last fall. Set up birdbath at retirement garden - bulbs coming up there. Chased geese three times. Cleaned out den closet - threw out empty boxes. 

1981 - Friday - 8° at 6:30. Sunny & cold. Spring arrives at noon - 12:03 pm - not "springlike" at all To Agway for corn & bird food -  bought stamps at 3¢ as postage goes to 18¢ on Sunday the 22nd.
To Ridgefield after lunch to inquire for construction loan - Village Bank not lending at present - to Ridgefield Savings - will consider $100,000 - may need to raise it by mortgage on present house - they will advise Monday.

1982 - Saturday - 30° at 6:30. Some clouds Sun 6:00-6:08. Spring arrives. Became beautiful day - best this month. 
House cleaning day. Also planted the forced tete-a-tete and Thalia daffodils on north woods path. Uncovered plants at top of hill - all look in good condition. To "On Golden Pond" at 2 pm - Ridgefield theatre $1.50 for seniors. Lovely movie. To Vargas at 6 pm for dinner - [[?]] there

March 21

1978 - Tuesday - Callaway Gardens, Pine Mt. Georgia - Partly cloudy - became sunny & warm -  shower at 7 pm while we were at dinner. Buffet breakfast - beautiful strawberries. Played "Sky View" Golf Course - 9 holes - repeated the course - better second time - used pull carts - finished at 1 pm - lunch - ride to Gardens - Chapel - log cabin - flowering quince forsythia - magnolias in bloom - lots of narcissus. To Country Store for more gifts - dinner in Garden Restaurant which is original golf house - Slept well.

1979 - Wednesday - 37° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy. Spring arrived 22 minutes after last midnight. Became beautiful day - high 64°. Relocated squirrel (#22) before leaving for 9:45 appointment with Dr. Bair - Wes' blood pressure beautiful (130/80) and my appointment with Dr Williamson - fitted in early - so home at 12:15 for lunch - nap - practice at driving range - raked over little bridge - set up bird bath there - bulbs coming up. Beer at white iron chairs front door.

1980 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM. Foggy - light rain became heavy and continued into night - flood over road. Wes lifted lawn boys in barn - didn't quite reach there thank God.
We spent day rearranging furniture in den - Wes took down two long shelves and hung pictures and plates and brass tray there. Put McGillicudy table and a black chair in attic. Watched cars trying to get thru flood on road - Many turned in our driveway. 

1981 - Saturday - 14° at 6 AM - Clear off and on - cold & windy - not an outdoor day.
Did house chores - Wes in shop.
Lydia Straus - Edward, Architectural Designer - of Woodbury came here - went to Bogus site for inspection of location and return here for discussion of house plans. Told us we had an "energy efficient" house - not a "solar" - but general approval of plan.

1982 - Sunday - 38° at 6:15 - cloudy. Light rain part of day - an indoor day definitely. Caught up on papers - I did needlepoint - Wes balanced the checkbook and worked in shop. I made pound cake for Tuesday's Garden Club meeting - had telephone calls with Val Casey and Louise McKeon on set-up of Garden Room at Keeler.