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March 22

1978 - Wednesday - Morning at Callaway Gardens - beautiful cool day after last night's rain. Left at 8:30 for Warm Springs - Little White House of FDR - Very simple home - museum of mementos - in beautiful setting - Via Route 274 to I-85 & I-285 around Atlanta to I95 to Chattanooga and on to Knoxville. Beautiful Country Road in valley between mountains - rolling hills - Stopped for night at Sheraton West outside Knoxville

1979 - Thursday - 24° at 6 AM - Fair - 1 squirrel on terrace and pair Canada Geese on pond - Wes relocate one squirrel (23) before I left for Greenhouse to work for morning - shopped Grand Central afterwards - home for lunch at 1 o'clock. Pat here to clean. Wes had an hour in shop and then started grading west end of front pond. After nap, we both worked in dell, raking debris & pruned black pine of deadwood. Helen & Alex here for drink at six, brought us hanging dove. 

1980 - Saturday - 34° at 6:30. Rain turned to snow. Water down a foot under front bridge - still over road and over retirement garden - back within pond at end of day but still a flood at big bridge.
Finished rearranging den - installed black/brass student lamp on wall - trimmed rug - put backing on [[bargills?]] filled holes in walls. Chases geese. To movie "Breaking Away" Ridgefield Cinema at 7 pm - very good.

1981 - Sunday - 30° at 6 AM. Cloudy - became partly sunny in afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Indoor chores in morning - to Bogus after lunch Moved four loads of split wood from front of lot to back - still a lot of unsplit to move

1982 - Monday - 38° at 6:30. Slept late. Fair very breezy (weeding) day. Did some house chores. Mary phoned would bring John Millar up after lunch so we put heat on house - They came at 2:30 - left at 5pm. We worked outdoors all afternoon cleaning blackberry bushes and other debris from spot along road above mailboxes. Hung thistle feeder on tree - squirrel had knocked it out of tree - Purchased [[?]]planting mix. Put Aquilegia seeds in refrigerator.

March 23

1978 - Thursday - Morning at Knoxville - left at 8:20 for trip North. - Route I-75 to I-40- to 81 - beautiful day - warm - beautiful country Tennessee and Virginia. Took a side trip to Natural Bridge below Lexington - brought back memories of honeymoon 40 years ago - bridge the same - loads of Motor Inns - Near Staunton took Route 64 to Charlottesville - beautiful vistas over mountain. Stayed at Holiday Inn - had dinner and went to church services (end of them) great difficulty finding church.

1979 - Friday - 28° at 6 AM - clear. Pair Canada Geese and 2 pairs Mallards on ponds.

1980 - Sunday 33° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day. To Mass at 8 o'clock. Read paper. Left at 10:30 to pick up Eileen - road at [[?]] Shell under water so backed out and went around Fair Grounds. From Tarrytown to Bronxville - dinner with Mary. Home at 5 o'clock - had salad - read - watched "Dutchess of Duke Street".

1981 - Monday - 23° at 6:30. Cloudy - Pair Canada Geese on far side - spring is here! Also pair Mallards plus two males and Harley. Became partly sunny and about 47°. To Union Trust, Danbury Mall office for construction loan - refereed [[referred]] to Union Savings and [[?]]. Only [[?]] seemed promising - 15 1/2% plus 2% - Union Savings had prepayment penalty. Ridgefield Savings phoned at noon - they would give mortgage of $100,000 at 14% on present house. Put coldframe at house - Set out lettuce. Rated banks

1982 - Tuesday - 28° at 6AM - Fair - sunny day high about 54°. To Mass.
Left at 8:45 - Stopped at bank in Ridgefield. on to Garden House of Keeler Tavern. Joint meeting with Caudatowa - cakes were a success - but no one wanted the pound cake - Home at 3 o'clock. Wes helped put all supplies away. He had put up hooks in garage for tools. Warner came by re hot water heater. Planted Burpee Basket Tomato and Broccoli