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April 1

1978 - Saturday - 40° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - became fair and very warm - 73° - most of snow melted chopped ice back of breezeway to hasten melting. Wes leveled front stone walk - cut off two hemlocks below barn - all orange from two bad winter winds. I raked miniature evergreen garden - cut off dead ivy from white birch - We tied up arborvitae across big bridge - Wes raked under willow below barn and cleared all that area.

1979 - Sunday - 48° at 6:30 - mostly sunny - supposed to rain tonight. 2 pair Mallards - 2 Squirrels - no geese today. To 9:30 Mass. Finished treating houseplants with Malathion. Left some on breezeway - set others in livingroom French doors.
After lunch planted in garden, peas, spinach, Swiss Chard and lettuce.

1980 -[[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] Tuesday - 26° at 6 AM - Fair - Subway and Long Island R.R. strike in N.Y.C. Khomeini wont release hostages to government custody. Snow on grass - ponds iced Temperature rose to 58° - snow melted except for few shady spots - to Mass - stopped at Jule's for clay flowerpots & cup of coffee - worked outdoors cleaning flood debris - pruning spruce - white pine - raked leaves off terrace. 4 Kilduff geese got in around their fence - spent night here. Saw first robin.

1981 - Wednesday - 34° at 6 AM. Mostly cloudy day - wish it would rain. After shop hour set up umbrella table in garage - painted its legs - brought up from cellar other articles for Ballard Garden Mart sale next month. Mike Mannion phoned Village Bank would take our application for construction loan - went there after lunch and picked up form - left Reinwald Mallard Chick print for framing - Wes bought contact lens case.

1982 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Fair - sunny day but extremely high winds - To Mass. I went to Ridgefield - picked up tablecloths - groceries at Gran Central - worked at Ballard 9-12 - picked up cushions for dinette chairs and made deposit at bank  Home for lunch & nap. Tony Ongaro and helper took side stone terrace wall apart - started remaking it. Watered lettuce [[?]] to right but winds ripping the leaves. Covered plants for night. Many limbs down on roads from wind.

April 2

1978 - Sunday - 35° at 6:30 AM - Fair - windy. To 9:30 Mass - took Tommy Ghee with us. Their big car broke down - to Marcus for milk - road very bad.
Indoor work (desk work) for Wes in morning - I read papers - outdoors after lunch - too windy for comfort. We took birdfeeder from window box and planted ivy in it - raked some sticks - looked at our small evergreen tree & decided on those to move to replace hemlocks below barn.

1979 - Monday - 39° at 5:45 - Light rain continued most of day - temperature 40° all day. To 7:30 Mass. Polished brass scale, lamps & striding man in hall - bedroom candlesticks.
Hobbies in afternoon. I sewed green cotton skirt.

1980 - Wednesday - 39° at 6 AM - Cloudy - chased 4 Kilduff geese - later in day all 14 came in around fence at road. Light sprinkle in morning - cold raw day. Raked up at retirement garden - bulbs coming up. Wes cut limb from black pine across little bridge
Stopped in Bethel - Market - can green spray paint - bank - Marcus. Wes worked in shop.

1981 - Thursday - 47° at 5:45 AM - Clearing - some light rain overnight - not measurable. To Mass. Left for Presbyterian - Atchley at 8:50 - Wes had 10:30 appointment with Dr Savitsky - ear wax - nose & throat. I had 12 noon with Dr Jacobs - in fine shape. Home at 2:30 - lunch in car enroute. After nap to Bogus. Wes moved 2 hemlock and one baby spruce - I planted crocus - Electric construction drop made.

1982 - Friday - 34° at 6:30 - Ice on bird baths. Dreary, Breezy day. Not as warm as yesterday but good working outdoor weather with sweaters.
Tony & helper continued on side terrace - placing half the flagstone - looks good. Planted  Wayside delivery of perennials in pots & window box - put in Solar for night - planted 3 Japanese fern along knoll path - Wes marked out the path - also planted there 4 Primulas. Eileen's gift early in year. Cleared off rocks - brought the peat to south side for future garden