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April 3

1978 - Monday - 27°at 5:45. Breakfast before 7:30 Mass. I worked at Greenhouse 9:14-12:15. Wes ordered fertilizer and peat from [[Pinchbeck?]] - which was delivered. He trimmed white pine in back corner. Nathan Gulloti here at 2 o'clock to discuss [[?]] front dam - Will give price. We burned the 2 cut down hemlocks from below barn and other trimmings - old bird feeders etc (we had burning permit) Wes getting a sore throat.

1979 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM - Foggy - Around that temperature all day and a light rain
Polished livingroom [[living room]] brass. Wes then worked in shop. I washed flower pots - pruned Pieri Japonica cut out white cotton twill [[shirt?]]. To Caldor for interfacing and Minute Timer - to Stop & Shop for a few groceries. Ziegler picked up 2 front hall rugs. We made Julia Child Pound Cake with Chocolate bits but they didn't stay in suspension - good anyway.

1980 - Thursday - 24° at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful day with breeze - worked outdoors in a sweater. [[strikethrough]] To mass. [[/strikethrough]] Wes had shop hour. He dug holes for transplanting (spreading) blueberry bushes - didn't move them as not peat moss. Ordered it from [[Pinchbeck?]] - they delivered salt hay! Returned later with peat. Transplanted Alberta Spruce on back bank & cut out sod there. Lunch on terrace - Trimmed out bed. Cocktail on breezeway. To service at 8 pm

1981 - Friday - 28°at 6 AM. Fair warm day. High 76°. Worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9-12. Picked up Duckling print [[(Runwald)?]] framed.Mike [[Mannion?]] brought set of plans and specifications. Gathered coldframe [[cold frame]] and other articles to give to the garden Mart sale. Sattlers. [[?]] and Mary Luke here for drinks 5:30. Sattlers to Washington tomorrow. Alex and I leave Tuesday for Arizona and California
1983 - Saturday - 33° at 5:45 - Icy film on bird bath. Light rain in morning - heavier in afternoon - Thunderstorms at night - Very high weeds - electricity clicked off once - had to reset microwave clock. Saw 2 pair Crossbills - white winged.
House chores day. Caught up on papers. Cut last season's dead growth from all garden plants - Most are growing well.
Gathered all oblong containers to catch water dripping in solar - caught 2 pails

April 4

1978 - Tuesday - 32°at 6 AM - Cloudy - had some freezing rain overnight. I chased 4 domestic ducks and 1 goose when Mallard flew in. The 7 geese came in later, so I connected the wire fencing across the lower brook - after lunch Wes drove in posts and put fencing from shed to bridge. Wes has a cold, so he didn't come outdoors until afternoon. I spread 2½ bags Hollytone - need more. Ziegler picked up 2 hall rugs for cleaning.

1979 -Wednesday - 28° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - Rain about 5 o'clock - continued in night. Cold and damp. We installed sides on Park coldframe [[cold frame]] - Transplanted Creeping Veronica from coldframe [[cold frame]] spot to top of barn wall. Planted red onions - had ½ inch rain in gauge from Tues.
Hobbies in afternoon.

1980 - Good Friday - 43° at 6 AM. Raining - cleared mid-afternoon - thunderstorm during evening. 
I went to Edith Mefley's for meeting (on Christmas Show - Shopped [[Brunette's?]] for meat and vegetables. 
Wes worked in shop. We went to 3 o'clock service at church. Made chocolate chip/bran cookies - very good.

1981 - Saturday - 58° at 6:30. Cloudy - very light shower mid-morning. Ada Franken and "Joe" with Truck took umbrella table - pots - small black table - chairs baskets, etc. for Garden Mart sale. We went to drug store to renew Wes' pill and bought fertilizer at Meekers. Wes rototilled garden after putting on compost and fertilizer. I cultivated asparagus bed and dug out wild rest of garden.  Filled out construction loan form for Village Bank - turn it in Monday

1982 - Sunday - 39°at 6AM - Sun came up but clouds immediately covered it - cold day. Snow flurries - windy and unpleasant - about 28° at bedtime.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
To Eileen's at 11 o'clock - had dinner - admired her new windows - home at 4:30.