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April 11
1978 - Tuesday - 42° and cloudy. Wes chased pair Canada Geese before breakfast. Cold and dreary day with rain at night.
Did shopping chores in morning - drug store, few groceries, Meekers - Wes got a haircut. Hall rugs were delivered from cleaner Ziegler. Nathan Guillote phoned account threatened rain will come in tomorrow. Wes took car to Brewster for tire change. Raked house side of barn and behind house. Mice have eaten tulips.

1979 - Wednesday - 27° at 6 AM. Fair. Chased pair of Canada Geese before breakfast. Caught #31 squirrel after breakfast. I drove to Yellow Monkey Florist - The Cheshire Tree - to pick up flowers for Greenhouse Workshop - there from 9 to 12 - brought home arrangements and small new bowl. Wes had graded pile of dirt at West End and continued work on that after lunch. We split daylily at end of bare wall - took two pieces to bank across big bridge. I cultivated asparagus and blueberries. Beautiful, cool, sunny day.

1980 - Friday - 38° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful warm day. Wes transplanted all the blueberries making two rows. I went to Ricky Harrison's to learn how to make a "Living Ivy Wreath." In afternoon took out coldframe from Barn roof - leveled ground there - pruned herbs. Cuttings and small plants spent day in sun.

1981 - Saturday - 51° at 6 AM. Off and on cloudy with a few light sprinkles - not enough to stop work - Eileen said good showers in Tarrytown.
Joe Keller worked. Wes and Joe seeded bare spots front lawn - repaired dam wall - patched and seeded there. I split and planted strawberries. Took herbs, clethra. Arnica and Maidenhair Fern to Bogus. [[Hart?]] took some wood and will arrange a splitter and truck to move more. (Never did) 

1982 - Easter Sunday - 33° at 6 AM. Cloudy off and on sun - better day than the expected showers. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for visit of Eileen and Mary here at noon - with Boo who treed a cat up Varga's tree immediately! Good visit. They left at 5 pm - Saw pair of Cranes flying over pond - didn't land.

April 12

1978 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:30 - beautiful morning. I took 9 pack of leeks to Gizella - had a haircut - Wes transplanted the two Japanese Maple to spots near fence in back of breezeway - one Spruce and one Scotch pine below barn. Put sod in former Japanese Maple spot. Put numbers on mailbox. Moved stones from front door to vegetable shed to save them but men never arrived to start new dam. Fair day - cold breeze.

1979 - Holy Thursday - 37° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - mostly sunny afternoon. Pat here to clean. Wes finished grading West End except for picking up stones. I went to bank, Marcus, Liquor, Stop & Shop (bananas 39¢/lb) Appalachian Shop - bought cotton for vest course - skirts & shirts) To Ballard Garden to work for an hour. After lunch spread fertilizer on big flat lawn below barn and back of house. To church Services at 8 pm. Caught #32 squirrel.

1980 - Saturday - 38° at 6 AM. Downy Woodpecker in the Yankee Droll tray stayed there for twenty minutes even while Wes put out suet. Partly cloudy day. Some light rain in evening. Wes finished grading at blueberries. I planted Ricky's lettuce plants at barn - put midget eggplant in cold frame - it's worked well. Transplanted two of our evergreen nursery trees both below barn - cut down Ellen's spruce. Split daylilies at barn.

1981 - Sunday - 50° at 6 AM - cloudy in morning - very few drops rain - sunny in afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Eileen here at 11:30 - to Bogus site walked about looking for wildflowers - Buttons had a great time sitting on the high rocks. Back home for lunch & good visit. Eileen brought bread and stockings

1982 - Easter Monday. 34° at 6:30 - Sunny - a lovely day - a bit cool and breezy but good for working. Did a wash and other house chores. Wes wrote to Bert McClarity in Portland - had time in shop. Dolan delivered 5 yards of topsoil - truck went around lake. I transplanted Julia lettuce into individual pots. Wes wheelbarrowed soil to vegetable plant box for rhubarb - I added leaf mold. Brought last of one pile of chips for path. Wes put logs in black holder on south terrace to hide fan cover