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April 13

1978 - Thursday - 42° at 5:30. Fair - quite warm high 75° - strong dry wind. Picked up Econoline van in Danbury at 7:30 - drove to Tarrytown - put Eileen's secretary in van - moved other secretary downstairs for her - and chest/bureau - both to downstairs bedroom - back to Bethel to leave Secretary at Vaghi's - to Agway for birdseed - to Cooperative Extension Service for soil bag - planted two with Azaleas Eileen gave us in back of our bedroom. Dam work started.

1979 - Good Friday - 37° at 6:30 - mostly sunny. Pair Canada Geese - We chased them after breakfast. male mallard around - female flies in night and morning for corn - not nesting here. Caught #33 squirrel. We finished picking up some at new grading West End and seeded it. I transplanted leeks broccoli and cabbage into 2 1/2" peat pots - pick seeds marigold and cantaloupe in cold frame. To 3 o'clock General Confession and service at church. Planted new yellow onions in veg garden.

1980 - Sunday - 53° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy - off and on fair - better day than we expected. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made up check to pay taxes. Filled holes across pond where dug trees yesterday. Picked up Eileen's tree debris - took it to far side. Transplanted 3 Wiltoni Juniper  - 2 to back and one to front sign planting - 2 Cotoneaster Tom Thumb to back. Fertilized rhubarb and asparagus. Garden too wet to rototill. Took daylilies to Keller's.

1981 - Monday - 40° at 6 AM. Partly sunny - turned out to a beautiful day. Bulldozers were expected at Bogus but they didn't make it - still waiting on Masaon's road - we see the gravel trucks on G.W. Hwy.
We raked, seeded and fertilized back grass. I cultivated garden there - transplanted 3 poppies - doubt whether they will make it. Planted row of Buttercrunch. Planted more seed under cellar lights. Shuttle flight going well

1982 - Tuesday - 36° at 6:15 AM. Cloudy. Saw pair Canada Geese land on lake - few light showers - damp - not an outdoor day. To Mass. Wes went for haircut - bananas (39¢) at Basics - my shoes - Marcus. On his return I drove to Pinchbeck - ordered pot of tulips for Ruth Sharp's birthday - holder for wax and planting pots. Home for lunch - nap - Wes in shop. I made Julia Child's chocolate chip cake - finished "Boris Godunov" needlepoint.

April 14

1978 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM. Cloudy - very high wind and cold - 39° at bedtime. I went to Bethel and Ridgefield to shop - Bethel Market - Scholls - Liquor - cheese and flowers. Wes worked on "Ponds" sign all day. Foundation for barn was poured. I redid dry flower arrangement in back hall. Went outside late in afternoon, watered new transplants. Mollis and Exbury azaleas - moved dirt from Japanese Maple hole at back to compost.

1979 - Holy Saturday - 39° at 6 AM and raining. Read Prophecies from Bible at breakfast time. Decided not to go to Yellow Monkey as too rainy and cold. Hobbies instead - Wes in shop. I cut out pink back wrap skirt and sewed it in afternoon. Wes checked raingauge at 3 o'clock - 8/10 inch and continuing. Out to fill feeders and put out corn - pair Mallards at 5:30 and one female at 5 o'clock.

1980. Monday - 40° at 6:30 -Raining lightly until evening - no outdoor work as cold & miserable. Installed plant light at dinette table as too cold on breezeway for little plants. Caught up on inside chores - letters - mailed tax payment - planted tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers - used flush seed sowing kit - waxed floors - Wes repaired folding door diningroon to back hall where it was scratching floor.

1981 - Tuesday - 40° at 5:45. Light sprinkles - continued all day - heavier but a nice rain (one inch)
No Mass as Father in Bridgeport. While Wes had shop hour I shopped Basics and Marcus - saw John Murray there. He said expected equipment to Bogus this afternoon. Wes repaired laundry hot water faucet - was leaking. I picked up second plant light at Ballard - rained out of working at Memorial Garden. Planted flower seeds under lights. Watched Shuttle Columbia land. To Stations of Cross at 8 pm.

1982 - Wednesday. 31° at 5:30 - Sun coming up Beautiful day - best this spring - over 50°
Wes took car to Honda for tire change and inspection of undercarriage - it was ok.
I planted peas - transplanted parsley, chives tarragon and sage to foot of south terrace wall.
After lunch & nap Wes took down three trunk black birch on south side and we cut it up - used logs to fill crib on terrace - cut up brush and threw it over cliff - makes a wider area for garden.