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April 19

1978 - Wednesday - 40˚ at 5:45. Cloudy - Rain most of day - heavy at times. Did a wash - transplanted broccoli under lights. Wes balanced checkbook. I went to Keeler Tavern Garden House 10/3 for Flower Arranging Workshop. My cold returned - stuffed head. Wes stained "Pond" sign - painted mallards and letters black. 

1979 - Thursday 27˚ at 5:30 - clear - beautiful day. Worked at hobbies 7-8 am - Pat here to clean. Transplanted 4 small Juniper to bench moraine - Picea microsperma from front of weeping hemlock to spot close to driveway on same bank. Rearranged small bulbs and myrtle along driveway. Raked under laurel and hemlock and along back garden. Warm sun - cool breeze. Caught 2 birds in squirrel traps.

1980 - Saturday - 28˚ at 5:30. Frost again but sun up - beautiful morning. Packed for trip to Newport. Left Keeler Tavern at 8:15 for Newport - box lunch on bus - 46 people. Visited Whitehorne House - Newport Historical Society in Seventh Day Baptist Church - Old Colony House official never came at 12:30 for tour there - visited Hunter House and learned about Newport Townsend - Goddard Furniture - private home of Mr/Mrs Woodbridge on Clarke St. and Vernon House - dinner at White Horse Tavern - night at Treadway Inn.

1981 - Easter Sunday - 39˚ at 6 AM - Fair - Two Canada Geese for breakfast! Beautiful day. To 8 o''clock Mass. To Eileen's at 9:30 - reversed taxus at her terrace. Mary came at noon - had dinner. Walked about new condominiums and landing. Trees more advanced than up here. Home at 6:15 pm.

1982 - Monday - 42˚ at 6 AM. Sunny, beautiful day.
Hoffman serviced burner. Transplanted lettuce giving it more room. Took off coldframe from veg garden to terrace - put Wayside perennials in it. Wes went to Reclamation Center - rented drill. I was at Waren Window demonstration at Cotton Patch. Gasoline was 1.85 - lowest in long time. Wes drilled holes in railroad ties for pins - & returned drill to Taylor - we bought sunflower seeds - Raked spot where topsoil was dumped.

April 20

1978 - Thursday - 46˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - misting some light showers after 4:30. Wes went to Meekers for bolts to finish "Ponds" sign - hung it in afternoon. I made cookies for freezer for RGC meeting May 23rd. Outdoor work after lunch - cultivated barn planting and started along fence line - did entrance plantings to complement new sign. Transplanted more veg seedling plants - moved broccoli and cucumbers to cold frame.

1979 - Friday - 24˚ at 5:45 - clear - beautiful sunny day - cool breeze. To 7:30 Mass. Eileen here at 10 o'clock. We went to Talbots (bought nothing) and Country Fare. Looked at Elizabeth Seton and Rectory enroute home. Wes put in back dam - nice to see water high and pond flushed off. Wes drove us to Heritage Village for lunch at Timbers - stroll through shops. Home at four o'clock. Eileen forgot her gloves - has another pair. We had a nap - watered transplants - Nice day.

1980 - Saturday - in Newport, R.I. - Beautiful day. Walked to St. Mary's Church for 7:30 Mass - breakfast at Treadway Inn. On bus at 9:50 - rode to Breakers - Vanderbilt Home on Bellevue Ave - back to Touro Synagogue for tour there - then to Trinity Church (Episcopal) - walked to Christie's for lunch - fish pie and crepes - very good - walked to Treadway - bus tour of Shore Drive - beautiful houses - Bailey's Beach - back at Keeler Tavern 6:15 home 6:45 - Sandwich - watched War & Peace - The Sting.

1981 - Easter Monday - 44˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared to a cool beautiful day - needed a jacket to work Shop hour. Took myrtle and Iris dessicata to Bogres - the foundation footings were being poured - we returned in afternoon, and all the forms were on hand.

Peas, beets, coming up. Wes started all lawnboys - cut grass where it was needed. I painted "Ponds" sign lettering and mallard gold.  

1982 - Tuesday - 42˚ at 6:15 - Sunny. Saw pair Wood Ducks in trees looking for nest site - fascinating. Mockingbirds are around. Last of thistle seed put out for the year. Dolan delivered second 5 yard load of topsoil - placed near well. Wes transplanted two small hemlock back toward wood pile - I planted 3 aruncus - 3 each ligularia achillea and stokesia in perennial garden Gizella gave us bleeding heart (dicentra spectabilis) I moved our dicentra eximia. Found ledge in center of garden. Found trout lily - Trillium - anemone in bog garden.