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June 6

1978 - Tuesday - in NY @ Algonquin. After breakfast walked to Grand Central - spent time in bookstore - waiting for Eileen on 9:21 train - her birthday celebration - walked to Garage - drove to Metropolitan Museum of Art Garage 5th & 80th Street - Monet at Givinchy [[Giverny]] show - beautiful - lunch at Museum - drove to Eileen's - then on home. here at 4 pm - cut back & side grass - swept terrace Walked to check veg garden - everything looks good.

1979 - Wednesday - 52º - misty (Wes' notes) Sun out 7:30 - lovely day - 10 Mallards - 72º at noon & becoming cloudy - Mowed more grass - Left 4:30 for Tarrytown - dinner at Tappan Hill - Eileen's birthday - Home at 9:30 - skies cleared at dinnertime for nice evening.
G in Milwaukee- Pabst Theatre meeting Horticulture & Conservation - luncheon Mrs Kasten  - tour Chipstone - Bradley Sculpture Garden, Audubon Center - Annual Dinner & Plant Exchange.

1980 - Friday. Fair morning at Woodstock Inn. Took walk after breakfast to Billings Farm - Leslie Berger recognized Eileen on road & stopped to talk. Walked Elm Street - checked out of Inn - bought tile table. Picked up sandwiches at Butcher Shop - drove along River Road - saw colts with mothers - to Route 4 - 12 - 91 - 5. - went thru Precision Tool Museum at Windsor - to Putney Nursery bought 6 wildflowers - got lost at Hartford finding Route 84 - Home at 6:30 - Eileen stayed night. Good trip.

1981 - Saturday - 61º at 6 AM. Fair, warm & humid. Prepared for girls' visit. Wes saw worms on Freddy's tree - sprayed it. Eileen and Kelly here at 1:45 - went to Bogus to show progress. To Keeler Tavern - tour for the girls' sake - then to the Garden for the Caudatowa Garden Club benefit. Home via Ned Mountain Road. Birthday cake dinner for Eileen's birthday - they left for Tarrytown at 9 o'clock.

1982 - Sunday - 54º at 6 AM - Light rain. Another 1 1/4 inches. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Prepared for visit of Eileen and Boo - here at 11:30 and Reinwald - here 2:30 - Heavy rain part of time. Dinner for Eileen's birthday.
Put heat on.

June 7 

1978 - Wednesday - 52º at 7 AM - Partly cloudy - damp cold - put heat on for dinner - Rain at night - .45 IN.
Wes repaired electric line to pond pump - started refilling hole - bringing in lots of small stones - took all day.
I planted coleus, woodruff and eunonymous (euonymus) Emerald Gaiety Eileen gave us. Worked with Billie at Ballard Garden in afternoon. To McKeon's at 7:30 re survey of Ridgebury area.

1979 - Thursday - 56º at 5:30 Misty - Sun at 8 AM - 76º at 2:30 - (Wes' notes) Finished mowing - dinner alone - stew 
Left at 8:30 to meet G & Vera in New Canaan.
G's notes: In Milwaukee - Council of Presidents Meeting. Awards - luncheon at hotel - First Day of Issue Endangered Flowers Stamps Ceremony - Northwest Airlines Flight #224 left 5:15 - La Guardia 8:15 - limosine via Stamford-Darien to New Canaan- met Wes - drove Vera home - we here at 11 pm.

1980 - Saturday - home from Woodstock - very dark morning. Eileen left for home after breakfast - she missed turn for 684! Picked up cucumbers from the Rosses - he gave us Sweet Alyssum - planted them and wildflowers bought at Putney Nursery yesterday.
Looked like rain off and on - none until night.
Picked first strawberries - more asparagus - most of it going to seed.

1981 - Sunday. 62º at 6 AM Fair - beautiful day - nice breeze - cool. To 8 o'clock Mass. Fed back lawn off terrace - cut it later. Tied up tomato plants - cultivated veg garden. Zinnias coming up. Took Sweet Woodruff and one Heuchera to Bogus. Wes measured shop and planned placement of shop equipment. Quit early to return to 246 and read.

1982 - Monday - 52º  Cloudy. Gloomy - Another inch rain - Reinwalds and Eileen here. Leisurely breakfast - To Cannondale shops - only 2 open. Red Barn for lunch - good. Oliver Nursery bought woodland and alpine plants - Swiss Stone Pine - Rhododendron Wilsonii for Alex and Helen. Eileen bought plants. Home for Shish Kebab dinner.