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September 4

1978 - Labor Day - 55° at 6:30. Breakfast before Mass - but lights on. Watched 7 ducks land. No Mass was held - we hadn't read the bulletin! Wes walked up Pine Mountain on the survey. I did house chores - transplanted Meyeri asparagus fern - watered plants. Played golf 1:30-3:30 -  teamed with Young man Jerry & girl Jerry. Picked vegetables - transplanted broccoli - Wes put fertilizer on big lawn. To Helen & Alex for dinner at 6 pm.

1979 - Tuesday - 60° at 6 AM. Fair, warm day - humid. Joe Keller's last day before school - may work an odd Saturday. Weeded birches - trimmed everywhere - Wes cut only below barn and big lawn. Lettuce coming up. Picked tomatoes - peppers - squash. Pickled remaining onions. Made tomato sauce.
Above doesn't write as much but it was a full day. Did wash and hung part of it outside- enough sun reaches behind new shed to dry clothes.

1980 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM. Fog on pond - good sleeping last night. To Mass.
Wes painted shingles on east end of house - (bedroom end & livingroom). I finished lower section there later in day. I put second coat on door frame back of breezeway. Picked loads of beans - More big cantaloupe - they have been very good. Golf 2/3:45 - fast game very few people. Found boy's bicycle on West End.

1981 - Friday - cloudy. Mike worked - crawl space windows installed - made additional shelves for den - Mariano delivered den furniture and book boxes. All Glass Co. measured for shower doors and bathroom mirrors - Jule Lane visited for a short time in morning - shopped Stop & Shop - liquor - picked up cleaned clothes - cut south side of grass - Jimmy installed smoke alarm upstairs - Vargas visited in evening.

1982 - Saturday. 54° at 7 AM. Slept a little later. Beautiful day. Brought fern and jade plants back into livingroom from deck - Did wash. Picked up cancer survey sheets from McKeons - Rosses - Stoddards and Mark Sattler - Millicent may not complete. Marcus for milk - lunch - nap. Wes moved all remaining chips to edge of wood knoll - cleaned off plastic. Brought up from over cliff, Christmas fern - polypody - partridgeberry - small hemlock. Transplanted Flight of Butterflies into shade garden - put one Ligularia behind railroad ties. Enjoyed the day.

September 5

1978 - Tuesday - 48° at 7 AM. Sunny - beautiful - 20 ducks. Wes picked up Joe Keller - his last day before going back to school. He cultivated below barn and cut all banks. I made doctor appointments for 15th and 21st - Went with Alex Ross to see marble altar at Mauresa - think not suitable for our new church - Stopped in at church site - roof on. Alex came back for sandwich. Wes cut lawn - I cut back and side - cultivated veg garden - picked strawberries. To Mr. & Mrs. [?] on Pine Mountain to learn area history for survey.

1979 - Wednesday. 64° at 6:45. Foggy - slept late. Became mostly sunny but humid and at times looked like a shower.
I went to Greenhouse Committee meeting at Ballard 9:30/11:30. Shopped afterwards - home at 1:15. Lunch - nap - made hor d'oeuvres for tomorrow. Wes had cut grass over both bridges.

1980 - Friday - 68° at 6:15. Cloudy some drops but no hoped-for rain. Police picked up bicycle while we were out.
Wes took Green Machine to Nutmeg for repair - bought flagstone for Ballard Memorial Garden - Sears for paint pads - bank - prescription renewed. After lunch we bought liquor - few groceries - took papers to recycling - placed stone at Ballard - took 2 melons to Ricky Harrison - a lot of errands - took advantage of "non-painting" day.

1981 - Saturday. Cloudy - cleared 3 pm - unfortunately no rain. John the Plumber connected the water in kitchen sink - all toilets now work - he started up the heat. Real living again! We unpacked 16 boxes of books (2 records) put them on den shelves - unpacked some brass and Delft. Castles came for a drink at 5:30 - we went to the Old Oak for dinner. Alex gave us a Streptocarpus saxorum.

1982 - Sunday. 46° at 6 AM. Fog over pond - became beautiful day - cool but warm in sun. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for Eileen's visit - here before noon - brought bread and Sweet Woodruff and Blue Sedum. She showed Wes how to feed Boo and left some of her supplies. Took a walk down road and brought back moss. Eileen brought up Aer Lingus trinkets & carry on and Irish money. Wes cooked a sirloin steak - good.