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January 1

1983 - Saturday - 30° at 6:30 Sun 7:22 4:41 Beautiful sunny day. Prepared to visit Eileen - here at 12:15. Cocktails in Solar - didnt need fire Wes had laid in livingroom when we had dinner. Eileen and I walked Boo in Scodon development. She left at 4 p.m. We cleaned up - watched "Black Stallion on TV in evening. 

1984 - Sunday 20° at 7 AM. - Leisurely breakfast. Phoned Eileen - she could come up - here at 11:30. Turned sunny before then - after Wes had laid a fire in den - used it in evening. Eileen & I took Boo for a long walk - think grouses have moved in - much ice over driveways and gutters of road - had to watch walking Eileen left at 4. We cleaned up - read papers - enjoyed fire - watched "Citadel" on Channel 13. Had phoned girls when Eileen was here - all well. 

1985 - Tuesday - 36° at 7 AM.- Light rain. Thanked God for our good health and starting a New Year. Sun 720-439. We are not to see it today. 

Left at 10 for Eileen's - admired her microwave and new kitchen counters. Mary came up and Eileen gave us dinner. Enjoyed the day. Home at 4:15 - very foggy - glad to be in.

1986 - Wednesday.- 32° at 7 AM - Mostly sunny & cold. Prepared for visit of Eileen and Bob - here before 11 o'clock. Eileen and I took a walk up Red Mountain Road with Boo - Wes rested his cold. We are both blowing a lot. Wes cooked Omaha steaks on outdoor grill in front of garage - Eileen noticed oil delivery ticket stuck in garage door high up - Hoffman delivered yesterday 405 gals @ 115 plus - Had a very pleasant afternoon with Eileen - we phoned Bob & Joan - no answer at Kelly's.

1987 - Thursday - 22° at 8 AM. Hazy, cloudy day - snow started about 5 pm - about an inch at bed time. Prepared dinner and house for visit of Eileen, Bit and Betsy - they are at Eileen's for the holiday - came here at 11 o'clock - left at 3:30. Nice day - Wes had a good fire going - we walked the dogs and I drove them to see the Danbury Fair. Wes cleaned up while we were out. We did the crossword puzzle - read & relaxed.