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January 2
1983 - Sunday. 30° at 6:30. Dark at breakfast - cloudy, cold day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared house and dinner for Casbles and Morrises - here 12:30/5 PM. Cleaned up and relaxed all evening. Last of "To Serve Them All My Days' by Delderfield on TV Channel 13,

1984 - Monday - 24° at 7 AM. Lighly snowing - just about an inch accumulation. Damp - dreary Sun 7:20-4:39. Wes in shop - brought in wood - brushed snow from front door walk. I swept deck and terrace, picked up kindling I finished blue wool long skirt - took zipper from [[? ?]] blouse and closed up that seam. Fixed up desk calendar for 1984 - little job but good for organizing New Year. Nicholas Nickleby on Channel 13.

1985 - Wednesday - 54° at 6:30. Dark - gloomy. Sun 7:20-4:40. Temperature fell to 45° by 9 pm - and down all day. Rain, heavy at times - cleared at sunset. 

We went to Conn. Extension Service for garden calendar - Lot available - they will mail - bought soil test Sat - bought gasoline and windshield wiper fluid - few groceries at Shoprite - put G.M. Electronic Stock Certificate in safe deposit box - home for lunch & nap - Howard Casble replaced light over oven to eyeball type - did crossword puzzle - caught up on magazines

1986 - Thursday - 26° at 6 AM - Dark - Fair around noontime for our walk - went as far as Sunley's

To Mass. To bank, and Waldbaum's - bananas 2 lbs/89¢ To record a delivery of oil Dec 31st - 405 gals at $1.15

After lunch & nap - took Christmas tree and crib down - left livingroom decorations - When placing evergreen boughs on cardinal flowers noticed damage on azaleas along path, so used all wire and netting we had to cover bushes - [[?]] at garage corner very badly eaten.

1987 - Friday - 35° at 8 AM - Snow has changed to rain Sun 7:20-4:39 - not to see it today. Snow again lightly around noon - turning heavier late afternoon. Wes shoveled road apron - snow very wet - heavy with water. Rest of day indoors. Phoned Eileen - she said Bit & Betsey left her house about 10 - reached home at 4:20 - bad trip

January 3

1983 - Monday. 28° at 7:15 - Slept late. Sun 722-443. Cold beautiful day. Lunch in Solar [[?]] 71°. Washed blue corduroy seat cover of den sofa - took Christmas trees down - put branches on plants in wood knoll. Covered azaleas with wire cages against deer.

1984-Tuesday- 27° at 6 AM - Dark - Sun 720-439 Mostly cloudy - all cloudy - damp day - just over 32°. To Mass. To Danbury - left typewriter at [[?]] for repair - had duplicate key made for front door - will put it in "stone" Eileen gave us for Christmas - To Marcies - milk now $1.85/gal - bank. Home for lunch nap - filled suet and feeder - We split wood - I cut down small beech tree on knoll top - we continued clearing along upper road. Nicholas Nickelby on Channel 13

1985 - Thursday - 28° at 6 AM - Cold, cloudy day. Rain predicted - To Mass.

I went to Marcies and bank - made Tavern Bars using less sugar - dry - maybe baked too long. Wes split wood and worked in shop. We walked down Bogas to Allen's corner - puffing on the hill. I started work on Rock Garden seed order.

1986 - Friday - 33° at 7 AM - cloudy. Sun 722-438. To bank - Marcies - Bethel Agway & Rings End looking for chicken wire to use against deer - found only 40 feet - everybody must be wiring up. Home for lunch of pea soup which I had made in morning. Wes in shop and made blue straps for luggage rack - Bern came out and we took our walk to top of Red Mountain - it had rained in morning and there was dense fog. To Tempanelli's at 6:30 for dinner - Rosses there - home at 11:30.

1987 - Saturday - 30° at 7 AM - About 5 inches of snow - beautiful winter scene as every branch covered. Sun 7:20-4:40- Mostly cloudy day - some breaks of sun. Raked, shoveled & pulled snow from driveway, walks and solar roof. To St Mary's for 10:30 Wedding of Greg Pen and Cary McDonald then took Alex and Helen to The Inn for brunch - Helen's delayed birthday luncheon. To Youngs for birdfood - milk and banana from Stop & Shop - home for nap. To Jeanne & Al Tempanelli's at 6:30 John & Pinkie Scott's car couldn't make driveway so I picked them up and we took them home at 10:30.