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January 4 

1983 - Tuesday - 19° at 6:30. Dark. Sun 7 22 - 4 44 Re former years - milk still $1.82/gal at Marcus. Beautiful sunny day - cold. To Mass. To Ridgefield Savings Bank to transfer 6 months Certificate to Money Market at Union Trust as better interest there. I had haircut - to Reclamation Center - lunch at Food Chandler - Home for nap. Wes in shop. I washed - made English Bran muffins.

1984 Wednesday - 30° at 6 AM - Dark. Sun 7 20 - 4 41 Cloudy early - some sun by 10 o'clock - We put heater on in Solar and took Christmas tree down - put it behind perennial garden for the birds - luckily did that early as it started snowing - lightly. I went to Ridgefield had haircut - shopped Grand Central - found Appalachian shop closed - wanted to ask about taking Bernina from cabinet - bought patterns at Circle Store - home - We had brought in wood - We discovered phone didnt work!!

1985 - Friday - 24° at 6:45. Cloudy. Sun 7 20 - 4 42 - Won't see it today - cloudy - cold day - freezing rain started about 5pm. 
I went to Waldbaum's for bananas - pork - flour - bran buds - made Bran English muffins - not successful too heavy - worked on Rock Garden seed order - Wes in shop and split wood before dark.
Took our walk before lunch.

1986 - Saturday - 26° at 7 AM - Re previous years, gallon of milk at Marcus is now $1.89.. cloudy morning - cleared before noon. Did wash - house and plant chores. Wes in shop - We walked up Ned Mountain between 11 & 12 - used the chicken wire we bought yesterday to fill up holes in. fence against deer (wood knoll) Need more as snow fencing. Lunch - nap. I made bran muffins and tavern bars for Wes - I'm trying to cut back on eating as have three pounds to lose - a hard job.

1987 - Sunday - 22° at 6:30 - Clear - Sun 7:20-4:41
Now using low fat milk - $1.75/gal at Marcus. To 8 o'clock Mass - I substituted for Lester who didn't show - luckily had my glasses. Quiet day - Wes raked out the car turnaround. I washed the car - discovered how much ice packs into back fender area. We traced deer tracks - at least three had come up trail from lake - then separated - only one came over the juniper near mailbox crossed the driveway - inspected the lavender plant and out again - they went into Vargas despite their fence - Read papers. Martini at lunch, long nap. 

January 5 

1983 - Wednesday. 26° at 7 AM. Sun 7:22 - 4:45. Gloomy day - no sun. light rain at night Shop work - I ironed big tablecloth - mended boot seam. Did crossword puzzle - took all afternoon.

1984 - Thursday - 33° at 6 AM - Dark. Sun 7 20 - 4.42 Cloudy - gloomy all day. To Mass - took telephone with us to Rectory to check it and call Eileen. Phone ok - just as we thought Alex phoned repair service - they came at 2:45 - fuze out on pole Wes finished tender chassis. I checked skirt patterns - took out golf skirt pattern preparatory to sewing Started Mary Luke's "Nonesuch Lure" - very good. To Mary Luke's at 5:30 for drink picking up Helen as Alex went to Philadelphia

1985 - Saturday - 29° at 6:30 - about 1 1/2 inches snow Well packed down - report says icy underneath - Wes shoveled walk - I put on "melting crystals" - first time used them. Some sunshine in afternoon. I pushed snow from Solar roof - temperature low so ice covered roof from roof drippings. Took our walk down Bogus. Grouses delivered Girl Scout cookies. I worked on Rock Garden seed order - Wes in shop. To Castles at 6 pm for dinner - home at 10:30.

1986 - Sunday - 30° at 7:15 - Slept late - Icy crust over everything. Sun 7:22 - 4:40. Saw it fleetingly. 
To reception for Father Birge at church at 10:30 - he is leaving for a 5-month sabbatical -
I shoveled deck, paths and front walk - icy crust having softened. Wes helped get the ice off solar roof.
After lunch read papers - Wes in shop - Went to Hartcourts at 4 pm for home mass and dinner - Rosses - Kellers - Walter & Lydia - Father Tighe said Mass (Boutillon) Isabelle?, a French girl living in Hartcourts apartment works at Beringer - Engleheim 

1987 - Monday

22° at 6:45 - clear - Sun 7:20 - 4:42. Beautiful winter day - sunny - windy. 
Left at 8:45 for Purdy's Station - 9:23 train to Grand Central - fast ride. Subway to 68th street - walked to Dr Espy's office - Wes had good report - come back April 1st - lunch at Foucher - East side of Lexington Avenue about 61st Street - good soup & sandwich - quiche salad - walked to Saks - no purse date book - found one in Stationery Store enroute Grand Central - 2:48 tain - 4 pm at Purdy's - home at 4:30 - Read papers - relaxed.