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January 8

1983 - Saturday - 34° at 6:30. Clear. Sunny beautiful day - not too cold. Sun 7:22 - 4:48. Washed, cleaned, etc. Put stakes around more of Azaleas on wood knoll - covered them with Ross netting. To McKeon's at 5 pm, after having coke at church, for cocktail - on to church supper - just Rosses, McKeons & us. Crowded - noisy - Decided for kids & parents only.

1984 - Sunday - 16º at 6:30 - Saw star in East - so must be clear - first morning in long time. Sun 720-4:45. Sunny morning - clouding up by noon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes in shop. I did some seams of skirt on Bernina To Hilton in Danbury for Brunch as dry run for next week when Rosses will be our guests. It was awful - food in lobby (not good at that) we sat in the "formal" diningroom. Most people in jeans and shirtsleeves! Home for nap - fixed up new suet feeder as starlings pulling suet out of wooden one. Good fire in den - read.

1985 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Light snow overnight but bright moon out now. Brushed snow from walk & pushed it off Solar roof as sun came out - very cold and windy day - temperature dropped all day - 20° at dinnertime.
To 7:30 Mass - House chores. Took our walk to Ned Mountain Road - well bundled up. Wes in shop. I finished bird wall hanging - made Bran/Prune muffins from new Cuisinart magazine. Mr Da Silva came at 6:30 pm to measure rods for draperies.

1986 - Wednesday - 13° at 7 AM - Clear - Cold Sun 722-443. Very cold day - luckily not too windy. Did plant and house chores. Wes in shop.
Took our walk to the top of Ned Mountain Road 11-12 - Put Ross netting on stone steps on East Slope to protect plants from deer. Lunch - nap. I went over recipes had taken from magazines - sorting them. Did crossword.

1987 - Thursday - 30° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy  - Sun 7:20-4:45 - Cleared to a good sunny winter day. Cold and windy but 66° in Solar at noon. 
Put cover on livingroom fireplace after recovering some cracks with black contact - (should paint it next year). Took our walk - going to Henley's mailbox I started changing the paisley pants outfit to a dress - it may work. Crossword was difficult but Wes finished it at cocktail time.
Planted the last of the small Amaryllis - first one planted November, is just opening.

January 9

1983 - Sunday - 25° at 6:30/ Sun 7:22-4:40- Sunny winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Did house chores - read papers - brunch in Solar. 
Saw "Verdict" with Paul Newman - Danbury Shopping Mall - good.
Noticeably lighter in evening now.

1984 - Monday - 19° at 7 AM - Clear! for a while anyway as snow predicted tonight. Sun 7:20-4:46. 
Beautiful sunny morning - very cold - clouds in PM.
House chores - transplanted Streptocarpus - cut off a pot of paperwhites - they have been lovely.
After lunch & nap I went in to Marcus for milk as the report is for snow tomorrow - or freezing rain.
Watched "Magic Flute" in evening - late to bed.

1985 - Wednesday - 12° at 6 AM - clear sunny winter day - very cold and windy.
Left at 8:20 for St Mary's where parked car and took bus to N.Y.C. - left at 9 AM - arrived 56th St. west of 5th Avenue at 10:35 - Walked to Dr Espy's office at 69th & Lexington Wes had a good report - come back April 3rd - subway to 42nd St - lunch at Grand Hyatt - walked to Lord & Taylor couldn't find any sofa - walked to Caswell Massey - bought Lotil - to NBC Bldg. where got bus at 4:45 - Home 7 pm - car cold & stiff but started immediately.

1986 - Thursday - 18° at 6 AM - Dark. - Partly sunny day - luckily at noon as it was very cold. To Mass - watered poinsettias following. Wes went to bank and plumber for piece to repair upstairs bath sink drain. I went to look for a pattern - no luck - a waste of time patterns are so awful - bought a few things at Stop & Shop. Wes worked on repair of pocket door to diningroom - frustrating - made a tool to try to turn the screw. Made fire in evening - first time in long while

1987 - Friday - 29° at 6 AM. Dark! Sun 720-446 Became a beautiful winter day. I went to Mass - Wes waited for paper hanger. He finished papering the shop lavatory at noon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - looks good. Wes put everything back. I went to Sylvia Barry's sale, bought a jacket & blouse - to bank & Marcus. Then I went to Muriel Pedersen's for the luncheon she was giving for Ricky Harrison - filled up with gas - discovered our Texaco credit card had expired end of December - birdfood from Young -- Stop & Shop - home - washed off car - filled feeders.