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January 12

1983 - Wednesday - 31° at 7AM. Sun 7:21-4:52. Nice day. Cold & windy in evening but lunch in Solar. Wes vacuumed - I washed floor - worked with plants - feeding - pruning. Takes time. Wrote Joan & Bit refunding postage for forwarding Mystic gifts. Wes split wood. I went to Landscaping meeting at Rectory - saw only bit of "Nicholas Nickelby" when came home at 9:45. 

1984 - Thursday - 6° at 6 AM - Dark - Sun 7:19-4:49. 
Sunny - very cold day - high wind. Snow didn't melt from Solar roof - reached 52° in there - about 26° outdoors.
To Mass. To Reclamation Center with papers and glass. Stop & Shop & Genovese. Home to cook chicken - brown rice and make Leek & Potato Soup.  Lunch & nap interrupted by call from Armand to go to church to pick leaves from Poinsettias - they were in bad shape. Wes put up blinds in bedroom and bath - too red a color - a mistake. 

1985 - SAturday - 14° at 7 AM. Cold sunny winter day. Sun 7:19-4:50 - a minute change in the morning - Solar never over 60° despite sun. 
I made bran-prune muffins & rice pudding.  Wes finished sanding solder from rim of tender. I worked on RGC minutes, researching Memorial Garden & Ballard Garden. Took our walk before lunch. Kept bird feeders filled. Wes swept snow from front walk from Friday's snowstorm. 

1986 - Sunday - 29° at 6 AM - Dark - became a sunny good winter day - not as warm as predicted - but over 40 at noon. Sun 7:21-4:47. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector. Marcus for milk, I worked with plants - cleaned up some recipe records - made out orders for lilies and New England Wildflower and American Hort Society seeds. After lunch and nap to Southbury for Evelyn Mazzie's wake. Home at four - changed clothes - read papers. Wes set up fire. Saw "Bleak House" and Agatha Christie "Murder in the Library".  

1987 - Monday - 33° at 7 AM. Cloudy - Sun 7:20-4:48. Mostly cloudy day - few snow showers & breezy.
Phoned W77 on Kelly's Christmas gift not received. They will replace with gift order - Wes studied booklet on electric calculator - wrote a couple letters. I sewed seams of paisley pants bodysuit - made it a dress - will like it much better. Took a walk up to Sunley's on Ned Mountain - not as cold as I had feared. 
I threw away some sick plants - phoned Mary Luke to tell her Amaryllis she had given us was blooming. 

January 13

1983 - Thursday - 20° at 6:15. Sun 7:21-4:53. 
Basics closed last Saturday - we'll miss it. To Mass. I worked at Ballard 9-12, shopping Brunetti and Grand Central enroute. Wes in shop and split wood in afternoon.  Last episode - 3 Hrs - of "Nicholas Nickelby". Eileen received our new diary from London - will mail it. 

1984 - Friday - 14° at 6:30 - Sun 7:19-4:50. Cloudy - snow flurries - temperature rose to 20°. 
To Louise McKeon's for church key to check flowers tomorrow. Marcus - bank - Airport Texaco - learned they would close. Next week - State taking property for Route 7 - they said Marcus was to go - too bad. Rest of day indoors. Wes transferred his shop blind for the bedroom - looks better. I made pan cookies - did a little sewing.

1985 - Sunday - 25° at 6AM - Sunny cold winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Sun 7:19-4:51. 
Quiet day - did the research of RGC minutes on the Memorial & Ballard Gardens - Wes cleaned up the shop. We took our walk at noon - sun was warm - cold wind. Wes moved gas grill into driveway and cooked steak for noon dinner.
Enjoyed "Jewel in the Crown" at night. 

1986. Monday - 29° at 7 AM - Good to sleep in. Fair. Sun 7:21-4:48. Good winter day - high about 45°. Took our walk early as forecast was for clouds later - they did come. To Colbys to return wallpaper books - bananas at Gran Central (2/89¢). Wire at Ridgefield Supply. We worked on deer fencing - completing the wood knoll. I put Ross netting (found in crawl space when went in there to water Fuchsias - in bad shape) on azaleas and small rhododendron on south side as deer had trimmed Eileen's azalea. 

1987 - Tuesday - 34° at 7:45 - Snow showers - Really slept late! Sun 7:19-4:49, change in morning.  
Did crossword - to Brunetti - Reclamation - Liquor and Stop & Shop. Took our walk up Ned Mountain - lunch - nap. I did a wash and ironed. Wes made a hook for bird feeder as squirrel knocked the tube feeder off the wire and the hook broke. Good winter day - more wind than yesterday - but nice to have some sun.
Made out check for last payment Federal tax.