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January 14

1983 - Friday - 18° at 6:15 AM. Sun 7:21-4:54.
Sunny, cold day - lunch in Solar. To Friendly Plumber - pipe for Wes - drugstore to have refund form signed - put AT&T certificate in safe deposit - had car washed - Marcus and home for coffee. Wes split wood in pm - I fed birds pruned some branches along road - Wes made aluminum pulling rod for den drapery - works better than wood dowel.

1984 - Saturday - 21° at 6:30 - no voice on QXR 6:30 program Sun 719-4:51. Cloudy - snow  showers - little over an inch. Shoveled walk - raked driveway - pushed snow from Solar roof - no sun to melt anything but was a bit milder.
House chores - cleaned - washed etc. To church to check on Pointsettias - not bad - nap - did a little sewing. Wes in shop. Made almond macaroons, using new cookie sheet - a success. Watched "Wrong Box" farcical movie - Ralph Richardson - John Mills - Peter Sellers.

1985 - Monday - 20° at 7 AM. Good to sleep late. Sun 7:19-4:52. Cloudy in morning - sunny from noon to late evening - Did wash. To Stop and Shop and to Ridgefield Supply - Wes bought a dowel and put up the bird wallhanging in the green guestroom. Took our walk up Ned Mountain Road - measured it with the car to discover have to go to second rise to make two miles overall. Lunch - nap - did more research in RGC minutes - finished the rough draft.

1986 - Tuesday - 15° at 6:30 - Dark. Sun 7:20-4:49 Cloudy - some pale winter sun at noon. To Mass. - Checked church flowers following. Took our walk early as forecast says colder later. (2 miles in 18° weather) Paperhanger here at 10 to estimate master bath - phoned Colby to order 6 single rolls - they reported later paper cancelled After lunch I went over and selected another paper - also shopped for groceries - home at 4:30 - Wes had fire laid - he had bled radiators

1987 - Wednesday - 26° at 6 AM - Dark - A bright moon last night. Beautiful winter day - milder - over 40 in afternoon. To Mass. Took our walk up Ned Mountain early as I was invited to luncheon Chris was giving for Hawsie Nash and Marjorie Reed, who are leaving Ridgefield. I picked up pictures Wes had taken of grounds going back to fall - very good. Wes had worked on tube birdfeeder - making hook - taking off tray - covering off hole squirrels had chewed in it - rehung it before dark.

January 15

1983 - Saturday - 28º at 7 AM. Sun 7:20 - 4:55.  Change in morning again.  Snow predicted so Wes split wood early.  Did house cleaning.  Wrote letters.  Snow all day - starting lightly - glad we only had to go to Vargas for dinner as roads looked bad.  [[?Hausheus]] at Vargas also - home at 11:30

1984 - Sunday - 20º at 6:15.  Dark - Slept well - didnt have heat on and oatmeal on at 5 AM!  Sun 7:18 - 4:52 
To 8 o'clock Mass. Sun came thru finally for a beautiful cold day. Wes had a couple hours of shop work - I did a work wash - finished light knit plaid skirt - material too thin but pattern ok. Took Rosses to dinner at Le Chateau at 2 pm - good meal - pleasant afternoon - home at 5:30.

1985 - Tuesday - 32º at 6 AM.  Snowing lightly - about an inch.  Sun 7:18-4:53 - another minute in morning
About 3 inches of snow before it stopped before noon - raked and brushed it from drive and walks.  To Mass. 
Did house chores. Had our walk before lunch, going a little further up Ned Mountain Road. Lunch - nap in den in sun. Wes started painting his tender - I brought down typewriter and typed notes on Memorial Garden - out of practice typing.

1986 - Wednesday - 8º at 7 AM - clear.  Sun 7:20-4:50. Very cold but, thank God, a sunny day. Walked our 2 miles up Ned Mountain. To Motor Vehicle Bureau for renewal of my license - no improvement in the picture! - bought bag for Wes' photo equipment at Sturdevants' for his birthday - bought TV cart at Ethan Allen to use at side of sofa in den for compact disc storage - home for cocktail - dinner - to Veterans Park School at 8:30 Caucus Republicans to ballot for Town Committee members - very disorganized meeting.

1987 - Thursday - 42º at 7:15 - Had rain in night - snow on deck off kitchen has melted - I watched a squirrel jump from the tree and knock the tube feeder off the wire. Wes will make a better top hook. Sun 7:18-4:52. won't see it today. Took our walk early as showers predicted - however not a bad day at all - just over 50º - cloudy but no rain. To Marcus and bank. Wes fixed another hook for birdfeeder - moved it on the wire to try to stop the squirrel - Wes chipped ice on path - I cleaned off deck where ice hadn't melted - very thick - cut up Christmas tree and covered chrysoganum virgianum at front steps - put rest of netting on juniper at entrance.