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January 16

1983 - Sunday - Snowing. Sun 7:20-4:56. Up early to clear driveway of snow after breakfast. Used big rake - works well. To 8 o'clock Mass - roads plowed and sanded. Cleared more snow during day - pushed snow from Solar roof but it was covered again lightly. Wes measured 7" of snow. I read Lincoln Foster's Rock Gardening which came yesterday.

1984 - Monday - Martin Luther King holiday in Conn. 2° at 7 AM - Put heat on at 5 AM so not bad in kitchen - Sun 7:18-4:53. Dreary cold damp day - snow flurries in afternoon but no accumulation. To Deep's Market - good market too bad so far - and to Da Silva Upholstery to pick up bedroom stool and make arrangements for den sofa to be started next month - we hope. Wes split wood. Balance of day on hobbies - I cut out Irish wool skirt. Joan phoned me evening Jean-Marie married

1985 - Wednesday - 8° at 7 AM - clear: Sun 7:18-4:54. Sunny cold beautiful day - windy.
Wes to Dr. Neligan at 9 AM - good report BP 150/84 - Keep using half pill each day - I shopped Brunetti and Gran Central - to bank - home - retyped Memorial Garden notes - took our walk to first log cabin on Ned Mountain about 2 miles overall - lunch, nap - Wes continued painting the tender - split wood -I took down Christmas cards from laundry door - did mending.

1986 - Thursday - 18° at 6 AM - Sun 7:20 - 4:52 - mostly cloudy - a little milder - 32° in afternoon. To Mass. Learned from Louise McKeon Peter Yancey was top vote getter last night. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse in morning, stopping for gas and new wool (for next sweater) enroute home. Wes had worked in shop. Said we needed birdseed so went to Youngs for that and Stop & Shop for bananas. Went over cliff to open path to pond so brush could be burned tomorrow. Wes split wood. Kelly & Barbara visiting Eileen - going into NYC

1987 - Friday - 35° at 6 AM - Sun 7:18-4:54. Partly cloudy morning - beautiful afternoon - to Mass. To bank. Pharmacy with drug form - had to leave it there until Monday - to Sturdevants, no wide angle lense or case for Wes' camera - to Danbury Fair but none there - had lunch in Barnaty's - to Ridgefield Photo where found lense and case - home - took our walk up Ned Mountain - looked place over for deer damage - none thank God - nap - did crossword.

January 17

1983 - Monday - 19° at 7:30. Slept late. Sun 7 19-4 57 Beautiful sunny winter day. Cold. 
Wes to paint store - materials to paint engine.
I shopped Finast - have to learn a new store now that Basics is closed. Wes cleaned den and worked in shop. I worked on vegetable seed order. Phoned Post Office re Diary lost between Eileen and us.

1984 - Tuesday - 13° at 6 AM - Sun 7:18-4:54. Sun broke thru after early icy haze to a good winter day. Wonderful to see the sun. To Mass. I worked at Ballard in morning, went to bank and drugstore following. Wes was in his shop. Lunch and nap. I sewed Irish wool skirt - knocked snow off evergreens as more predicted for tomorrow. Wes split wood. Watched "Ghost Writer" by Philip Roth with Claire Bloom on Channel 13 - didn't understand it. 

1985 - Thursday - 18° at 6 AM - Snowing. Sun 7 17-4 55 Started for church but blocked by car that couldn't make the hill on George Wash. Hwy. - so returned home and raked snow - did that all day long - kept front walk clear and pushed snow from Solar roof twice. Still lightly snowing at dark.
Vincent Campagna told us Saturday would be his last day delivering Danbury paper - told him we'd cancel 
Kept bird feeders filled - lots of them - Red Bellied Woodpecker several times - pair Cardinals - they only come in storms.

1986 Friday - 19° at 6:45 - Sun 7:19 - 453 - Mostly cloudy. Milder in the afternoon - 
Ed Wright came at 7:45 to burn the brush at the pond edge. Wes worked with him a couple of times - left at 3:30 - good to see it cleaned up. I went to bank and Marcus & drove on Old Mill Road to check the burning - glad to have it done. I wrote letters - spoke to Gizella about Bartlett Garden Tours - sent off that form.

1987 - Saturday - 20° at 7 AM - clear. Sun 7:17-4:55 Beautiful winter day - cold - sunny
Put hooks and holders in livingroom draperies to hold them back to frame - worked well Took our walk up Ned Mountain early - showered & dressed to go to luncheon as Billie Newell's guests at the Inn 12:30 - we just missed the closing time at the Village Bank to deposit Kemper interest check. Mark & Millicent Sattler at luncheon. Home at 3 pm - nap - read papers - filled birdfeeders Soup for supper.