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January 22

1983 - Saturday. 15° at 6:30. Sun 7:16 - 5:03 Watched sun come up at breakfast. Cold winter day but sunny. Temperature rose to 32° in pm. Cleaning day - defrosted refrigerator - Went to Louise McKeon's with Impatiens Tower - went over September Flower Show Horticulture schedule - Home for lunch. Shoveled front walk wider. Made Louise's cookies "Pan Bars" - very good.

1984 - Sunday - Minus 7° at 6 o'clock. Sun 715 - 5 PM Very cold day, but sunny - sun felt good on my back when reading papers in den after 3 o'clock Mass Wes balanced checkbook - paid a few bills & donations I took out "Preview of Spring" bulbs from dark/cold - put them on windowledge. Didn't have luck sewing Irish wool skirt - will have to take in side seams. Wes said he wasn't successful making curved corner plates for tender. Watched final episode of "Citadel" - very good.

1985 - Tuesday - 5° at 6 AM. Sun 7:14 - 5:01 - Partly cloudy & sunny but very high winds. Buffalo has snowstorm state of emergency. Hooker in hospital. Pam's cat bit her hand. To Mass - for Carol Stoddard's Father who died after Christmas - Carol was there. Made more currant-nut muffins Early lunch & nap as went to Garden Club at 1 pm - Ballard Hall - Talk & slides on Endangered Plants & Animals in Conn. Home at 4:30. Wes had worked in shop - split wood

1986 - Wednesday - 28° at 7 AM. Slept late - Beautiful morning - heavy frost last night - all our snow melted last few days - sun 7:16 - 4:59 - Beautiful winter day. 
Did the crossword - Wes vacuumed - took our walk. To Liquor Store - Stop & Shop - car wash was jammed, so dirty car didn't get a bath - bank - "Cooper Tavern" at Branchville Road and Route  7 for lunch - very salty, to us, sauce on fish - bought wind chime (Soleri bell) at Fine Framing Shop - home for nap - shop work - I knitted and made chicken succotash.

1987 - Thursday - 20° at 7 AM - Cloudy. Sun 7:15-5:01 Took our walk early as a storm predicted - walked 3 miles round trip - snow started just as we returned. I cooked stew and marinated pork tenderloin. After lunch & nap, outdoors to shovel and rake snow from driveway, terrace and path to birdfeeders. Snow filled in almost as fast as we shoveled. Plows came around 4:30 - we shoveled out driveway entrance again. Windy. So there was drifting at least 10 inches or more.

January 23

1983 - Sunday - 31° at 6:30. Freezing rain in early morning but we made 8 o'clock Mass - changed to rain - light all day. Temperature 38° at bedtime. Glad to be in for the day. Wes banged his head closing a door. He set up  a fire and we had a martini before lunch. I took in seams of grey flannel skirt. Quiet day.

1984 - Monday - 7° at 6:30. Pretty sky - Sun 714-502 Sunny day - rising temperature - about 34° in afternoon Solar rose to 68° at noon. Very welcome.
To Ridgefield banks to check on incorrect and missing Social security numbers - meal at Brunetti - contact for fireplace cover - liquor - Stop & Shop & Gran Central. Home for lunch - nap. Wes took Alex to Croton Falls to pick up his car which had trouble Saturday - on to Honda for repair I worked on wool skirt - made pot roast.

1985 - Wednesday - 24° at 6:30 - Sun 7:14-5:02. Partly sunny - not as cold - went to 34° in afternoon.
To Hobby Shop on Main St. Danbury for gold paint for lettering of Wes' tender - only to find it closed Weds. To Waldbaum for a few groceries - home for lunch & nap. Wes split wood - I pushed snow from deck - Threw out some magazines - Wes balanced checkbook

1986 - Thursday - 30° at 6 AM- Sun 7:16-5 PM. Beautiful winter day - clear and cold some wind. To Mass. Checked flowers at church following. Brought back the two baskets of funeral flowers - put them on our compost - they were beautiful. Quiet day - took our walk before lunch - a hard crossword puzzle almost completed - did knitting - put Cornus canadensis and New England aster seeds in refrigerator - Wes in shop - he split wood. Caught another mouse in garage - quite a few now.

1987 - Friday - 25° at 7 AM - Clear. Sun 7:14-5:02 Clear, sunny morning - snow flurries in afternoon Just what we didn't need. Hard crust on snow, so hard to estimate depth - think at least a foot. Wes cleared driveway - I opened path on terrace - pulled snow from Solar roof - had to break the crust from upstairs window to do it. After lunch & nap - Wes opened path to birdfeeders - I worked on deck - Wes joined at end. No walk as plenty of exercise. Transplanted Ricky's lemon geranium & sprayed roses with Orthene - smelly - never again indoors.