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January 28

1983 - Friday - 21° at 7 AM. Cloudy - cold - damp. Wes finished waxing book cabinet in den - split wood. I bought Scotch for Eileen Sunday - shopped Stop & Shop - Marcus - stopped at Caboose - no sweater but had long talk with Freemans who are pleased with the house - made cheesecake in Cuisinart - to Ruth Sharp's at 5 pm for a drink - Rosses there.

1984 - Saturday - 23° at 6:45 - Beautiful mauve sky. Sun 7:10-5:08. Beautiful sunny cold day. Did house chores - washed - cleaned. Checked on church flowers - took one white poinsettia to fill in - the last week for the church poinsettias.
To Eileen's at noon - there at 1 pm - Mary came and Eileen gave us a wonderful birthday dinner one day early because snow forecast for tomorrow. Home at 5 pm. Eileen gave Wes a "Dead End" sign - me a pink Hathaway shirt.

1985 - Monday - 19° at 6:30 - cloudy. Sun 7:10-5:09  
Sunny morning - cloudy afternoon.
House chores. Wes dropped me at Sew-n-Sew on Route 7 to look for pattern & material while he went to Photo Shop to order case for his new camera and a book
Took our walk before lunch, using Pedometer, which didn't measure the distance accurately - will have to adjust. Wes split wood - I ironed, read. Quiet day.

1986 - Tuesday - 16° at 6 AM - About 1 inch of snow. Sun 7:12-5:06. Won't see it today. Very cold and windy. Wes went to Mass - I waited for paperhanger - here at 8 AM and finished bath at noon. A good job - light improved greatly. I left for town at 10 o'clock - left club entries at Lee Dickerson's - shopped Stop & Shop - took wool vest to Needles for measurement (ready for binding off) to Nancy Callahan's for lunch - learned that Challenger Shuttle blew up killing 7 - to Garden Club meeting at 2 pm - Anne Tracy's brother spoke on National Parks - Took Helen Ross home - reached here at 5:15.

1987 - Wednesday - 8º at 6 AM. Sunny, cold day - not as cold - up to 30º in afternoon. Sun 7:10-5:08
To Mass. We did the crossword. Wes had a bad night - stiff neck - sore tummy muscle - too much shoveling. So I went to Youngs for birdseed, Stop & Shop - bank - roads via Ledges Road bad. Home for lunch - nice nap in den in sunshine - I did wash - ironed - We did some tax work.

January 29 - Wes' Birthday

1983 - Saturday - 26° at 7 AM - Sun 7:11-5:11 Beautiful winter day -  House chores.  
To Bella Italia for luncheon - good food - rather gaudy ambiance - To Brookfield Fine Arts Theatre - "Sophie's Choice" at 2 pm.  Sad - well acted.
Home at 5 for fire - cocktail - dinner
Mary, Eileen, Joan & Hooker phoned birthday greetings. Joan and Hooker sick all week with flu.

1984 - Sunday - 24° at 6 AM - Sun 7:10-5:09 - None today - snow flurries in afternoon - only about 1/2 inch accumulation - glad we went to Eileen's yesterday for Wes' birthday celebration. To 8 o'clock Mass. House chores and hobbies - a quiet day. I finished the Irish wool skirt - made a cake in microwave for Wes' birthday. Watched first episode of "The Irish R.M." in evening. Reagan announced he'd run - what a birthday present for Wes!

1985 - Tuesday - 15° at 7 AM. Sun 7:09-5:10 Beautiful sunny winter day - cold wind but 70° in Solar at noon. No Mass as Father Medynski in Florida. Few house chores - went for our walk up Ned Mountain - checked mileage by car as we went to Rosses at noon - they took us to lunch at The Three Bears for our birthdays.  Alex drove through beautiful area in Wilton - home at 4 o'clock - filled feeders - took a nap - Wes set up fire - soup for supper - a good birthday for Wes. Mary, Joan & Hooker and Pam phoned greetings.

1986 - Wednesday - 13° at 6:30 - Fair - Sun 711-5:07. Bitter cold - windy - a few snow flurries. 
Cleaned up bathroom, put fixture back. To town - Wes bought new bluejeans at Chamberlin's - vacuum bags at Caldor's - lunch at Gaddis on Grose Street - home for nap. Wes brought up wood and filled birdfeeders - I checked the shop vacuum (Wes threatened to buy a new one) and found the tube loaded with metal clippings. I planted Eliz. Hull's Begonia Bowrie.

1987 - Thursday - 13° at 6:45 - Cloudy - Wes feels better thank God. To Waldbaums - Wes had a haircut - had car washed - lots of people so slow - home had to rush to dress - Helen & Alex picked us up at 11:30 - to Capriccio's above Brewster for birthday luncheon - Sun came out - Beautiful setting looking over reservoir - home at 3 pm - nap - to Muriel Pederson's to pick up bulbs Hawsie Nash had grown for Preview of Spring Show - I will grow them on. Joan & Hooker phoned for Wes' birthday