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January 30

1983 - Sunday - 26° at 6:15.  Dark - Havent been up this early in a week.  Sun 7:10 - 5:12 Cloudy day Rain at 5:30. To 8 o'clock mass. 
Left at 10 o'clock for Tarytown.  Eileen having a birthday dinner for Wes - Mary came at noon - she gave us the small evergreen tree she rescued at Christmas - hope it lives.  Eileen gave me tray of perennials.  Home at 5 pm. Phoned Bet - she say Mike not in pain but seems weak and is bloated with gas. 

1984 - Monday.  22° at 6:45 - slept late.  Cloudy.  Sun at 7:09 - 5:10.  Became sunny morning until after lunch - had our sandwich in solar at 70° - clouded up in afternoon and snow started at 4 pm.
To bank, Marcus - Waldbaum's.  Now buy my Golden 2% milk @ $1.75/gal.  Hobbies - I made Russian turnovers for Friday's cocktail party.  Mr Long postponed our scheduled date tomorrow.  We were glad.  Raked and shoveled old snow from driveway to make room.

1985 - Wednesday - 14° at 7 AM - Slept late - Fair.  Sun 7:08-5:11.  Re 1983 - Mary's Dwarf Alberta Spruce doing well in wall garden top.  Good winter day - sunny - cold - wind.  Decided to go sofa-looking as snow reported for tomorrow.  To Christman's Darien where saw two sofas to think about - onto Bloomingdales.  Write Plains - bought bath room clock - storage cubes - curtain for bedroom - couldn't get bathroom hooks - came home via Ridgefield where found one hook at Colby's ($14.24 a hook!) looked at shop vanities in Horst Senf - will measure.  Home for nap - set up fire - washed hair -

1986 - Thursday - 20° at 6 AM.  Sun 7:10 - 5:08 - Good winter day - very cold but mostly sunny. To mass.  After house chores, to bank, Marcus.. Waldbaum's.  Wes had car washed - picked up pictures taken at Mary's last Sunday - Wes signed up for camera course March 20th.  Lunch - nap - took our walk - Wes in shop - I made spinach soup.  
Ruth Sharp died 1 AM this morning.  We will miss her.  Memorial service on Monday.

1987 - Friday - 21° at 6 AM - Cloudy - gloomy.  To mass.  Started snowing early morning - very fine - kept up all day.  We shoveled and raked about 3 pm - about 3 inches.  Filled feeders - noticed a male cardinal in the new feeder - startling to see that red inside the dome - glad he learned how to do it.  Did tax work on the 1099's that came in - Straightened out some garden club files - the magazines sure pile up.

January 31

1983 - Monday - 36° at 6:45 - Sun 7:09-5:15 - clear morning - cloudy afternoon. 
Good day - relaxing - various hobbies and chores.  Replanted evergreen tree Mary gave us - don't know whether it is Dwarf Alberta spruce - Put [[?talipsand]] daffodils on heating tray - found one tray was broken.  Did needlepoint.  Wes split wood - made headlight bracket. 

1984. Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Snowing still - beautiful sight when put outside lights on - Sun 7:08 - 5:11
Didn't go to mass as shoveled driveway and walks - Mike came just as we finished entrance.  Pushed snow from solar roof.  There were at least 5 inches - maybe more as wet and packed.  Sun broke through about 3 o'clock and temperature fell.  Hobbies - I made cheese cookies for Friday.

1985 - Thursday - 14° at 6 AM - Sun 7:07-5:12 - Didn't see it today - snow flurries from mid-morning on - only fine accumulation only about an inch.  No mass - Father on vacation.  Left 7:35 for Dr Yamby - both of us had teeth cleaned - Wes had cavity and has to go back Monday for a filling - shopped Youngs for sunflower seed = Stop & Shop -  loads of people shopping there to avoid the storm - to Waterworks to look for bathroom hook - none - Wes put up new clock in bathroom - waxed fireplace wall in den - I made Tavern Bars and Prune muffins - raked & brushed snow.

1986 - Friday - 20° at 7 AM - fair beautiful winter day - cold but sunny - House and plant chores.  Wes brought up wood.  Solar went to 70° so I put plants there from under the lights.  The Rosses picked us up at noon and took us to lunch at Victorian Manor on Route 22 between Brewster and Croton Falls - very beautiful play and delicious food.  Home at three - nap - Wes set up fire.  Soup for supper.

1987 - Saturday - 32° at 7 AM - Fine snow - must had had at least 5 inches more.  Sun 7:07-5:12 - snowed lightly in early hours - cleared about noon to off and on, but 32° most of day.  We raked and shoveled - Wes' cold is developing - he rested in afternoon and finished the difficult crossword.  I cleared off solar roof and deck.