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February 1

1983 - Tuesday - 28° at 7AM - clear. Sun 7:08-5:15
No Mass as Father on vacation
Left at 9:30 for bank - to White Plains - Macys to look at blinds for shop - Wes decided to buy a tool - Sears (no storage boxes) to Altman's, to Castleberry for me, had lunch there - Bloomingdales bought closet storage boxes, Cuisinarts slicing & Julienne discs - no knit suit. Home at 3:30 - nap - set up fire - I tried Cuisinart discs

1984 - Wednesday - 8° at 6:30. Fair. Sun 7:07-5:12
Cold day but sunny, so beautiful winter day - up to 70° in Solar at noon. House chores and hobbies in morning. After lunch to Leisure Unlimited in Westport - ordered a glass/brass fireplace enclosure - left $100 cash deposit - delivery about two weeks. Home to split wood (Wes) - compare bank tax figures (me). Watched "Don Carlo" - opera from Met. in evening

1985 - Friday - 26° at 6 AM - Dark, snow off and on - at least 5 inches - Sun 7:07-5:13 - none today. I cancelled out of working at Ballard Greenhouse as it was hailing at 9 AM. Worked on Wayside and White Flower Farm orders - wrote M A Long as he is going to have a knee replacement Feb. 4th. After lunch & nap we worked outside about 2 1/2 hours raking and shoveling snow & pushed it from Solar roof. Read "Raj Quartet" - fascinating book.

1986 - Saturday - 16° at 7 AM - Sun 7:08-5:11
My cold has settled in glands in my neck. Beautiful morning. Cloudy afternoon - snow flurries at night. Did wash. Went to church to water and consolidate poinsettias. Two funeral baskets still have good chrysanthemums and a few red carnations - rest dead.
Balance of day I rested - having aches like grippe - Wes in shop and brought up wood. He fixed dinner (under instruction) and cleaned up.

1987 - Sunday 26° at 6:30 - Wes' cold is bad. He will not go to Mass. Cloudy day - some sunshine at noon - up to 38° so icicles started to melt. I was Lector at 8 AM Mass. Wes rested - slept a lot - very "juicy" cold. Mary has one also, so good the trip to Bronxville today was canceled. I threw out a lot of old checks and check recorders before 1981. Read papers - filled feeders - shoveled a little more snow on driveway

February 2

1983 - Wednesday - 28° at 7 AM - Sun 7:07-5:17 Cloudy 
I went to Bethel - shopped Emily's and Finest - the needlepoint shop wouldn't make a box pillow.
Wes split wood and worked in shop. 
Rain started at noon - temperature rose to 50° at bedtime.
Made "Autumn" and "Pan" cookie bars.

1984 - Thursday - 5° at 7 AM - Overslept on a Mass Day. No breakfast before Mass - first time in age. Sun 7:06-5:14
Father Joseph Howard, Jesuit, substituting for Fr. Medynski in Jerusalem on Sabbatical. House chores. I went to Ridgefield - bank - Brunetti  - Cheese shop - Village Bank re 6 months CD due next week and tax forms - Wine - Stop & Shop - home for lunch - sun lovely in Solar - Wes worked in shop and split wood - Polished some brass - cut off paperwhites and put bulbs on compost.

1985 - Saturday. 30° at 7 AM. Slept late - more snow about an inch and still showing. Sun 7:05-5:15
Snowed all day - stopped somewhat in mid-afternoon - we raked and shoveled. Thought the storm was over, but it started again at five o'clock.
Cut out blue linen/polyester dress, putting cutting board on kitchen floor.

1986 - Sunday - 37° at 6:30 - Sun 7:07-5:12. Damp - last night's snow melted in rising temperatures - very wet ground - cloudy morning - some sun in afternoon. Wes went to Mass - I stayed in bed most of day or on sofa. Throat getting better. Wes getting dry throat. He worked in shop - set up a fire in afternoon. I finished the paper - it's boring not to feel well.
Irene Singerman visiting Eileen for the weekend.

1987 - Monday. 32° at 7 AM - Cloudy, light dusting of snow overnight. Sun - if we see it - 4:06-5:14
Did become sunny for most of day and milder - 48° - Solar was over 70° mid afternoon. Wes cold is bad - he spent day on the sofa - blowing and sleeping. I waited for mail - telephone companies dividends - phoned British Airways re 1099 on June trip - to bank - Brunetti - changing owners partly - to Village Bank where left inquiry on 1099 - shopped for groceries - parking lots difficult as loaded with snow piles - Home to cook flank steak and chicken