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February 3

1983 - Thursday - 49º at 6:30 - Light rain - most of snow gone - only two lumps along front walk - they went during day as temperature neared 60º  - some clearing - sun at noon - cloudy in P.M. I went with Gizela to church - Soil Conservation man there to look at ditch - advise on filling. Wes split wood - Worked in shop. I started tax form work - listing figures. Bit phoned after 5 - Mike weak - no pain - no decision on treatment.
To McKeons at 6:30 for dinner - Tempanellis also there.

1984 - Friday - 32º at 7 AM - Foggy. Sun 7:05-5:15. Sunny morning - cloudy in afternoon - rain about 6 pm - House cleaning for cocktail party tonight - put heat on entire house - To Pepperidge Farm for party rye - Marcus for milk & butter. I went to noon mass (St Blaise) checking flowers with Louise McKeon first. We waited for Leisure Unlimited man who checked fireplace measurements - can install with special clips. Rosses- Billie - Mary Luke - Tracys - Mark and Nancy Carroll here 5:30-8.  Rosses stayed for soup.

1985 - Sunday - 18º at 5:45 - Up early to shovel snow from driveway to go to Mass.  Beautiful snow scene. Sun 7:04-5:16. To 8 o'clock Mass.
House chores - pushed snow from Solar roof and deck. Early lunch. To movie "Bostonians" - beautiful photography - clothes and backgrounds - weird story.
Shopped Waldbaums following - crowded. Home to fill feeders - Wes set up fire - (now paying $1.04/gal for fuel oil - Hoffman delivered last week.)

1986 - Monday - 27º at 7 AM - Fair - Sun 7:06-5:13
Beautiful day - high 40º - sunny. I'm feeling better finally, not so much pressure on my ears. Wes feeling lazy - no ambition. He is catching whatever I had.
Wes to bank and Waldbaums for bananas - last we bought were frozen - hard & impossible to peel. Early lunch in Solar over 70º - nap - to Ruth Sharp's Memorial Service at 2 pm in Ridgebury Congregational Church - graveside ceremony following at Ridgebury Cemetery - everyone invited for tea at the house. A passing of an age. Don't know when we'll see Martha, Sabrina or Eve Whitehouse again.

1987 - Tuesday - 32º at 6:30. Cloudy. Sun 7:05-5:15 - Off and on sunny, but not bad - Over 40º in afternoon. Snow is melting from roof but there is still a lot up there. I went to meeting at Greenhouse on Virginia Everett's bench and garden - couldn't walk in Ballard account snow. So no decision - Too many people in Needles Shop to buy wool for knitting. Wes spent day on sofa - he is feeling a little better - can read again - still blowing and now coughing.  
British Airways form on June trip arrived - value 1,000.

February 4

1983 - Friday - 36º at 7 AM - Cloudy - Re 1980 - yesterday Hoffman delivered 340 gals. at $1.18 gal. Off and on day - sun at noon - snow flurries a couple of times - Wes to Sears - bought insulating blanket for water heater - Marcus for milk. To Rosses at noon - they took us to Le Chateau for a birthday luncheon - delicious meal and attractive place. Home for nap - Wes set up fire. Quiet evening.

1984 - Saturday - 40º at 7 AM. Beautiful morning - looked like Spring - a lot of snow gone - clouded up quickly and fog came in - damp, grey, day but rather mild. Sun 7:04-5:16. Relaxing morning after party - put house back in shape - washed - To church at 10:15 to help Louise McKeon with flower arrangements. We voted on Charter Revision. Lunch - nap - Wes continued in shop - I sewed skirt band for Irish Wool skirt to keep it firm - To Tempanelli's at 6:30 for dinner - Tracys there.

1985 - Monday - 4º at 6:30. Fair - Got out of bed early to turn up heat & put on oatmeal. Sun 7:03-5:17. Beautiful winter day & snow scene. Few house chores - left at 10 o'clock - picked up Anne Tracy's Iris and Daffodils for Preview of Spring show to mind them while they are in Antigua - on to Dr. Yanity. Wes had two small cavities filled - I went to bank and Gran Central - home for lunch & nap in den sunshine - Wes split wood - cleaned ice from Solar roof - I did a little sewing - attached interfacing by steam press.

1986 - Tuesday - 30º at 6:00 AM - Sun 7:05-5:15 - didn't see it. Colds bad but we went to Mass. I went to Greenhouse as was scheduled to work, but they didn't need me so I gladly left - bought gasoline - fish at Copps Hill - few groceries at Stop & Shop - home to go back to bed. Wes in shop - laid a fire. ICP check arrived - stock valued at 29+ - luckily as price today fell to 26 with failing oil prices in the World. Light snow all afternoon - Wes brushed off an inch.

1987 - Wednesday - 33º at 6 AM. Stars and Stripes won the 4th Race and the America Cup in water off Australia.
Beautiful winter day - sunny - in the low 40's and windy. Solar over 70º in mid-day. I put the forcing bulbs and iris there - sprayed the potted miniature roses outdoors. I went to Mass - Wes' cough prevented - he rested most of day. To Marcus for milk. We did the crossword - Wes finished it. I filled the feeders - shoveled the last of the snow from terrace - snow melting from roof.  Saw the Hawk (?) in the bird feeder area - didn't stay long enough to identify.