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February 15

1983 - Tuesday - 20º at 6 AM.  Partly cloudy - some sun at noon - Solar was 82º - Milder - about 40º. To Mass.
I worked at Ballard in morning. Wes shoveled to kindling pile and brought some to garage - He widened driveway path near garage doors. I watered Swingtime in crawlspace - still alive - knocked snow from roof edge over front door.

1984 - Wednesday - 50º at 6:30.  Fog - mist - rain Sun 6:51-5:30 - didn't see it. House chores and hobbies.
I went with Gizella to church to water big potted plants - clean and trim leaves - add soil - Armand was there to help. Louise McKeon and her committee met at 3:30 - discussed flower stands and arranging schedule. Gizella & I have October. I water lilies after Easter.
To Rosses at 6 PM - they gave us birthday dinner. Home 10:30.

1985 - Friday - 25º at 6:30. Sun 6:50-5:31. Beautiful winter day - cold but nice warm sun. The Solar was open from mid-morning to sunset. Put forcing bulbs there - daffodils starting to show buds.
Wes went to lumber yard for material to make ties for the railroad model - stopped at Marcus. I split the sheer curtain for the bedroom - putting hems in - washed hair - We walked to Sunley's on Ned Mountain. I made 3 kinds of cookies - undo all the walking!

1986 - Saturday - 22º at 4 AM. About another inch of snow - cleared mid-morning for a little sun - had our sandwich in Solar at 72º - cloudy and light flurries afternoon. Sun 6:51-5:29
House chores - Wes washed kitchen floor while I raked and shoveled walks - Solar Roof, Deck and driveway. I worked on Medical and drug bills - Wes in shop. His head cold is returning - my glands swollen again. Phoned Joan. Hooker fine - walked - tubes removed except for one.

1987 - Sunday - 5º at 6 AM - dropped to 3º at 6:30 - Fair - have had beautiful moon these nights - full moon was the 13th. Very cold day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - found another Iris had a bud - brought it downstairs - left bulbs in Solar until 4:30 (from noon)
To Alex & Helen's at 12:30 - they had a birthday luncheon for me - Billie - Sattlers - Stoddards - McKeons - Tempanellis - Kellers - Mary Luke - very nice - home at 4:30 - nap - read papers - watched Channel 13.

February 16

1983 - Wednesday - 26º at 6 AM - Fair day - in the 40's - snow is melting - Ash Wednesday - to 7:30 Mass in church. Wes split wood - worked in shop.
Early lunch. Wes drove me to Grove Street to meet Louise McKeon - we went to Joan Minot's for Nominating Committee meeting at 1 PM - then to Whitney Shop in New Canaan - back to Brunetti's and home.
At 8:30 pm to last meeting of Landscaping Committee - slides of proposed Church plan.

1984 - Thursday - 44º at 6 AM - Dark - couldn't see out until 6:45 - cloudy - but no fog. Sun 6:50-5:29. Gloomy damp day, but mild - around 50. To Mass. Wes had a haircut while I bought bananas and grapefruit at Waldbaums (2 lbs 89¢ = 3 for $1.00) After lunch I did the mile walk - Wes put up the "Dead End" sign at edge of our property and Judson's - hope it works! Trimmed trees there - picked up leaves and debris - noticed deer had jumped to top of wall garden - not much damage.

1985 - Saturday - 19º at 6:15 - Sun 6:49-5:32. Sunny winter day - becoming hazy in afternoon and cold.
Da Silva delivered dinette and bedroom draperies - we moved furniture before her arrival and reset after the installation - had to press both draperies as they had been packed away awaiting rods - We like them. Wes took pictures of dinette. Had our walk - a little shorter but felt good. To Billie Newells at five for a cocktail party - saw deer - Mother and two young - beautiful.

1986 - Sunday - 17º at 6 AM - Sunny early morning cloudy by 11 - damp and chilly rest of day.
To 8 o'clock Mass - Marcus for milk. Got house and dinner ready for Eileen's visit - here at noon for a nice talk and meal. She brought us some bread and hot cross buns. Eileen left about 3:45 - we cleaned up - had a nap - to John and Jane Jessup's at 5:30 for a drink - all the Ridgebury group there. Home about 7 to see "Anne of Green Gables" & "Mountbattan"

1987 - Monday - President's Day - No mail - bank, etc. 6º at 7 AM - Sunny. Sun 6:49-5:31. Beautiful winter day - very cold, sunny - temperature not over 25º. Moved plants around - solar in midday - takes time - Wes cleaned den. I wrote to Joan and thank you notes for birthday gifts. We walked to half-mile marker - first time in over a week. Worked on tax records - about finished