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February 19
1983 - Saturday - 27° at 6:45. Fair. Sun 6:47-5:37 Beautiful winter day.
Cleaning day. I took Gizela's present to her for her birthday. Cooked for Eileen's visit tomorrow.
Wes worked in shop - split wood.
Lunch in Solar - opened vent to Sewing Room
Bit phoned in evening - doing ok.

1984 - Sunday - 38° at 6:30 - Cloudy - some light rain - around 40°. A dreary stretch of weather. To 8 o'clock Mass. To Westport Environmental Center for Conn. Chapter of Am. Rock Garden Society meeting - Ellen Spingarn in charge. Slides & talks by Lincoln Foster Ellen and others. Had sandwich there. Home at 2 pm nap - washed hair - Wes in shop - To Ruth Sharp's at 5pm - only Jessups there - enjoyed "Irish R.M." on channel 13

1985 - Tuesday - 34° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Sun 6:45-5:35
After a cloudy morning, a beautiful winter day - high 42° and a cold wind, warm sun. To Mass. Jennings Plumber here to install vanity in shop lavatory - looks good. I went to "Wildflowers" talk by Jack Sanders at Ballard, attended luncheon in Greenhouse following and bought parsley plants. Home to join Wes in a nap. He worked in shop - I washed hair - studied tree book for one to use in Memorial Gardens. To Rosses at 5:30 for a cocktail party Ian Adamson, friend of Sattlers, guest of honor.

1986 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:30 - Cloudy - Most of ice gone from trees - hemlocks straightening up - when we went later to Ridgefield, Ridgebury Road at McKeons was still loaded with ice. Picked up prints from Sturdevant's - had drug form signed at Pharmacy - copies made of it and Medicare forms for Metropolitan Life - shopped Waldbaums - mailed forms from Backus Post Office - home to unpack car and then went to Ridgefield General Store for Lily of the Valley Soap for Gizella's birthday - birdfood from Young's as Meeker's price was almost double the $23.00 we pay at Young's - Home for lunch - nap - Wes in shop - I knitted - watered plants & bulbs.

1987 - Thursday - 18° at 7AM - Fair - windy - cold but sunny. Wes took me to Louise McKeons before 9 and she drove to North Salem to pick up Page Dickey - on to NYC - Horticulture Society Hdqts. for meeting of Herb Society - David Smith of White Flower Farm spoke on Perennials
Home at 3:30. Wes had waited for Jennings Plumber to fix leaking circulator - here at noon. Wes picked me up at McKeons - we went to Route 6 to Texaco station for gasoline - what a business they were doing!

February 20

1983 - Sunday - 22° at 6 AM - Beautiful winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass - Prepared for Eileen's visit
Put heat on whole house, so did a little sewing in the morning in the warm sewing room.
Had cocktails in Solar - at 80 degrees - Opened a window! After dinner took a walk with Boo - warm in sun - no action in neighborhood. Eileen left at 4:30. We cleaned up - read papers - watched "Churchill" on TV in evening.

1984 - Monday - 40° at 7:15 - Saw the sun before it went under a cloud! First time in over a week. Sun 6:44-5:36 - Some sun in morning - had lunch in Solar at 80° - Then cloudy damp much cooler in P.M.
I went for haircut at 10:30 - short! - picked up deep pots from Hawsie and transplanted 3 Boxwood clippings - full roots. We transplanted the tree ivy into large pot - took dish garden apart and put some plants in its base - Wes split wood - squirrel eating suet - put more out.
"Presidents Day" - no mail

1985 - Ash Wednesday - 22° at 6:30. Beautiful winter day. Sun 6:43-5:33 - two minutes morning and night. Wes filed the duck tray holder to a curved shape. Tray is now on wall in bedroom. I put buckram on bedroom sheer draperies - pleated them - no hooks to hang them. To 12 noon Mass - took Gizella - gave her birthday gift. Home at 1 pm - lunch - nap - took a walk up Ned Mt. Wes split wood. I worked on seed orders - plants - only finished Miller - the blueberry bushes.

1986 - Thursday - 34° at 6AM & snowing - about 1/2 inch, stopped at noon - cloudy - saw the sun for an instant mid afternoon. To Mass - not many there - roads were sanded. - Shoveled
walks - ice underneath - so couldn't clean off Solar roof but the ice melted when temperature went to 38°. Indoor work - Wes in shop - I sent off the tax information to Krawchick - knitted - finished the neckline and put the sides together - a little bumpy. Joan phoned - Hooker off the cardiology floor - doing fine the doctors say - feeling side effects of drugs. I phoned Eileen again.

1987. Friday - 18° at 6:30 - Fair - Waning moon in Southwest - it was full on the 13th and has been beautiful these nights with all the snow. Beautiful winter day - 36° when we took our walk in afternoon. No heat in kitchen or den radiators - called Jennings plumber - man came at noon - bled them. Muriel here at 10:15 - we went to Samuel Budge nursery - he was sold out of Cherry Blossom Geraniums for Greenwich show - come back next week. Admired flowering plants there. Noticed domestic hot water very hot - in middle of night it was leaking from tub faucet - Wes turned off at fuse box - always something to repair!