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February 21

1983 - Monday - Presidents Day Holiday - 29º at 6:30. Early morning clouds.  Sun 6:44-5:40. Became a beautiful sunny day.
Same quiet routine - house chores - Wes in shop. I sewed - putting heat on upstairs - after lunch in Solar and a nap - outdoors for wood - shoveled snow from terrace - followed deer tracks from woodpile to top of hill - no damage - First act of Die Walkure at night.

1984 - Tuesday - 35º at 6 AM. - Off and on day To Mass. I cleaned up pots for Hartford Flower Show - Transplanted Maidenhair ferns into clay pots. Picked up an African Violet from Helen Ross
Wes in shop

1985 - Thursday - 20º at 6 AM - clear morning - hazy afternoon but milder.  To Mass at 7:30 - not many there - surprised us. Wes to Ace - Waldbaum's for Old Fashioned oatmeal - now 1.99.  To Bloomingdale's White Plains to return bathroom clock (defective) exchanged it for different style; ordered storage cube for shop lavatory - double boiler with handles!! - bought drapery hooks and small cutting board for the bar - home for a nap - Wes put up clock. - I hung the sheer curtain in bedroom - had to resew one side. 

1986 - Friday - 35º at 7 AM - Foggy - Sun 6:44|5:35  Old fashioned oatmeal now $2.29 - and they say food prices are coming down.
I went for a haircut - shopped Brunetti - to bank - left directions for Wood Duck box at Mike Pontello's - to greenhouse for mini plant sale - bought parsley - marguerite and cineraria - to Needles for a crochet hook - Stop & Shop - home for lunch.  Wes had brought up wood - worked in shop. I learned to crochet reading directions from Bernat book - finished one armhole - we worked on crossword.

1987 - Saturday - 20º at 7 AM. Fair - Sun 6:42|5:37. Beautiful winter day.  high 40º - almost 80º in Solar at noon. To Waldbaum & Post office - had copies made of Metropolitan data and sent those Medicare sheets off for refund, we hope. Took our walk - all the way to Sunley's - first time in a month. Howard Castle came to replace thermostats on water heater, as water was overheating. Had a nap. Washed car. I started seed order - confusing.  Eileen picked up her new car - a Honda XL - brown color.

February 22

1983 - Tuesday - 34º at 6 AM. Sunny beautiful day over 50º in afternoon - Solar went to 86º 
To Mass. Wes went for haircut, had car washed.  
I had a haircut at 1:30 - banked - bought groceries - had broken filling repaired at 2:30.
To Ruth Sharp's at 5 pm for a drink -Billie was there. Ruth seemed very frail.

1984 - Wednesday. 28º at 5 AM - Up early as I was going to Hartford Flower Show - Sun 6:41-5:38. Beautiful day! We loaded car with Apricot Beauty Tulip - Cyclamen Helen's and mine African Violets - to McKeon's - Met Hawsie Nash there - loaded plants and Louise's Begonia - left about 6:45 for Hartford - there at 8 to unload and enter - home at 10:45 - we had lunch in Solar at 83º. DaSilva came for sofa bed - Anne Tracy took her lily - to Caldors to look for light weight golf bags - just looked - Missed having sofa in den during evening.

1985 - Friday - 39º at 6 AM. Dark - cloudy. Left house at 8:30 - took bulb pots back to Anne Tracy - to town - gasoline - bank - Brunetti - Squash (new blotter for desk) Ridgefield Supply - Caldor - Stop & Shop. Home for lunch & nap. Put patch on our bathroom wallpaper to hide holes where old clock was - not very successful.
Wes in shop - I made soup - 
Mild in afternoon - high was 52º - hazy sun 
Had measured Memorial Garden in morning

1986 - Saturday - 26º at 6:45 - the sun is going to be seen today!  Everyone is rejoicing - in fact Billie Newell asked us to go to the Inn for lunch with the Rosses - Did house chores - cleaned - washed - I made Breton White Beans. To the Inn for 12:30 date - discovered Billie had made reservation for 1 Had a good time -  cloudy again when we left after there. Home for a nap - had light supper - phoned Joan. Hooker developed an infection in opening so won't come home this weekend. Phoned Eileen. Watched Sherlock Holmes

1987 - Sunday - 20º at 6:15 - clear sky. Beautiful day - mildest in a long time - around 42º. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made up seed orders for Harris - Park - Burpee - Thompson & Morgan - Kennedy & Carlson. Took a walk to top of Ned Mountain Road - met only one car in 50 minutes. Martini in Solar about 80º - opened window there. Nice nap. Wes worked on brass clock for shop lavatory - hung board on wall.