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March 4

1983 - Friday - 32° at 6:45. Few sprinkles early morning - mostly cloudy afternoon but we were out for two hours clearing brush and small trees in well area. 
In morning I went to Yarnbee to pick up Irish lace pillow - bank - Brunetti for meat - gasoline 
Enough heat in Solar after our nap for me to sit and sew there.

1984 - Sunday - 17° at 6:15 - Fair, cold, windy.
To 8 oclock Mass. Bought NY Times there. Did work wash - ironed - watered plants - Wes cleaned out den fireplace.
To Coggeshalls for luncheon - left here at 12 - home at 5:30. Pleasant afternoon. I washed my hair - had soup and banana. Final episode of "Irish RM" good series.

1985 - Monday - 26° at 6 AM. Cloudy - Sun 6:25-5:51
To 7:30 Mass in church for the mission. Wes went for haircut - bought bananas & cucumbers instead of zucchini in Waldbaums. Started snowing about 10 AM - an inch - then icy rain balance of day. I refilled bird feeders and shoveled front walk. Did wash - ironed. Recopied tax figures. Phoned Garden Club members on bulbs for Greenwish show at Hawsie Nash's request. Put Hyacinth & Tulips under lights in garage.

1986 - Tuesday - 25° at 6 AM - Cloudy - some little sun mid-morning. Sun 6:28-5:48. To 7:30 Mass - Parish Renewal. I went to Ballard - Perennials talk by Mary Jo Lunt - to bank - gas - Brunetti - Stop & Shop before returning home. Wes chipped ice from front walk - worked in shop. After lunch & nap we measured location of septic tank as grass over it is exposed. I cleaned up bulb roots for Preview of Spring Show - trimmed Jasmine ring - painted the wire ring in spots - some bloom on the Jasmine. Didnt go to evening [[Rebrent?]] service as repeat of morning.
Eleen phoned - Hooker came home 
1987 - Ash Wednesday - 27° at 7 AM - Cloudy.
Some sun. Did wash - ironed. Took our walk early. To Mass at noon - driving up Ned Mountain to get the mileage. Lunch - nap. I sewed on a skirt - redoing the belt to make it bigger - ah me! Moving the bulb pots in and out of the sun.

March 5

1983 - Saturday - 35° at 6:30. Raining lightly - For the record, gasoline bought yesterday was $1.21/gal. Brookfield Texaco reports selling for $1.02 - Coffee on coupon $1.99. Because of California storms - vegetable and fruit prices will be high. Cleared in afternoon.
House chores - hobbies. Finished blue summer dress. Wes split one load of wood.
To Castles at 6 pm for dinner with the Vargas.

1984 - Monday - 26° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Snow flurries - rain - fog. Did close up chores - gave garage door opener to Gizela - left at 8:30 - G.W. Bridge to I-95 - Jersey Turnpike - to 301 to Annapolis - nice route 
Snow flurries and rain and fog - couldnt see water as went over Bay Bridge - at Maryland Inn about 3:30. Quaint old inn but warm and comfortable. Good dinner Treaty of Paris Restaurant.

1985 - Tuesday - 37º at 6 AM. Foggy. To record, now buying Super Unleaded Gasoline $1.29 a gallon - now using decaffinated coffee - only one cup a day - costs about $3.50 a lb. but we always buy with a coupon - 40¢ to 50¢ off. To 7:30 Mass. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9-12, having bought gasoline first. Stopped at Library for copies and mailed tax data to Lou Krawchick. To Edith Meffley and we went to Young's of Wilton, met Ted Safford who advised on Memorial Garden plants and took us to planting fields - Home at 4. Wes had cleared the brush from the cliff path. To Ruth Sharp's at five - she looks very frail.

1986 - Wednesday - 28º at 6 AM - cloudy. Price of Decaf. Maxwell coffee now $4.49 (60¢ off coupon) Super gasoline $1.30/gal - had been high of $1.50/gal. 
Wes took Honda to shop for oil change - tires checked etc Back home at 10. I prepared plants & material - took them to Hawsie Nash's after picking up Louise McKeon - we worked on entries for Greenwich Show - home after 5. We had laid a fire - worked in the shop - cleaned front walk of remaining ice. Phoned Bit - She had the news of Hooker home from the hospital.
1987 - Thursday - 23º at 6:30. Fair Sun 6:24-5:51 Now paying $1.08 gal. for Super Unleaded - had been $1.05 for some time. Decaffinated [[decaffeinated]] coffee $2.99. 
Did crossword - hard - Wes finished it later - took our walk - early lunch & nap. I went to Greenhouse where worked with Muriel Pedersen on entries for N. Y. show - bought gasoline and sewing notions before coming home