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March 6

1983 - Sunday - 28° at 6:30 - Sun rose at 6:24 - 5:55. We saw it at 6:50 over the hill - beautiful morning but clouded up before Mass ended - gloomy afternoon. 
Quiet morning - Wes in shop - I finished reading papers. After lunch to Greenwich "Preview of Spring" show at Christ Church.  Hawsie Nash won for daffodils and tulips - lots of lovely things.  Home to build fire in den - cocktail - dinner - End of Churchill "Wilderness Years"

1984 - Tuesday - in Annapolis - Rain during night - cleared - cold and windy.  Breakfast at Inn.  Walked to Paca House, Prince George Street, - tour of house and we explored gardens - then to Hammond-Harwood House, Maryland Ave & King George St. - tour there - handsome Georgian Bldgs - walked to Middleton Tavern for lunch - back to Inn for nap - walked through Naval Academy - went into Chapel and Museum - back to Maryland Inn for dinner.
Watched "Gin Game" - Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy - on T.V.

1985 - Wednesday - 22° at 6 AM.  Beautiful sunrise.  Saw Redwings on Scodon two days ago - came to our feeder later in day.  Big news - we saw the Red Bellied Woodpecker female at the suet.  I cleaned bulb pans for Greenwich show - took them to Hawsie Nash's.  Lew Krawchick awaited information on cost of AT&T stock - sent him all our data.  Wes in shop.  Late lunch & nap.  Too cold to work outdoors - Wes split wood however.  Cold wind.  To Mission service at 8 pm.  Individual confession.

1986 - Thursday - 28° at 5:45 - Up early - Wes drove me to Louise McKeon's at 7 AM - then he went to Mars.
Sun 6:25 - 5:50.  Cloudy but not the sleet & snow predicted.  Louise drove us to Hawsie Nash - packed plants in Lee Dickinson's car - on to Greenwich Preview of Spring show - I had 5 entries - don't think will get anything.  Louise went to Rozock's dress shop - Pinchbeck - Grand Union - drove me home.  Wes had gone to Sturdevants and Marcus - split wood.  After lunch & nap, he worked in shop.  I did house chores - fooled with pleats.  Phoned Holmden's - Hooker doing OK - gained a pound.

1987 - Friday - 20° at 6:15 - Clear - Put my [[?]] topiaries in car - dropped off Wes at Mass - (he walked home) - on to Muriel Pedersen's - loaded her car with 9 entries - she drove to N.Y. Flower Show - we entered the plants - admired the exhibits that were completed or in progress (Show opens tomorrow).  I reached home at 12:45.  Lunch - nap - we washed car - worked on crossword - didn't finish it.  Enjoyed "Wizard of Oz" and "Pride & Prejudice" with Laurence Olivier and Greer Garson

March 7

1983 - Monday - 42° at 6:30.  Raining and Metro North is on strike! - Poor commuters.
House chores and hobbies
Planted tomato and lettuce seeds - 4 deep pot six-packs.
Bud Wright here at 2 PM to discuss trees to trim and cut down - also will dormant spray Hemlock and Spruce.  Finished Times crossword puzzle.

1984 - Ash Wednesday - AM in Annapolis - Clearing - Turned into a beautiful day - Sunny and cool.  Walked to St. Mary's Church for 8 AM Mass and ashes.  Packed - checked out of Maryland Inn - drove to I-95 Lorton - To Gunston Hall - found it undergoing research of architect historian - very cut up.  To Auto Train - Bedroom B in Car 5300 - Amtrack had redone cars and station - help very pleasant - left on time - had dinner - bed made up early - turned in early
286 miles to Annapolis

1985 - Thursday - 16° at 5:30 - Clear - Up early to go to "Preview of Spring" Show.  To Hawsie Nash's at 6:45 - with Chris Clark loaded entries into Chris' car, left at 7:30 for Greenwich - I followed them in our Honda - Entered bulbs and plants - 2 Daffodils & 1 Tulip were refused - I drove to New Canaan Nature Center for 10-2:30 Frederick McGurty talk/slides on Perennials.  Home at 4 pm - Wes had worked in shop.  We went to Mass at 8 pm - final ceremony of Mission - almost a Southern Baptist - home at 9:45.

1986 - Friday - 26° at 6 AM - Very high wind - temperature to drop - very cold tonight.  Sunny day but very cold with very high winds.  To Mass - last of Mission - on to Stop & Shop - Youngs for bird food - bank - Brunetti - left den shelf clock at the Horologist, Ridgefield, for repair - home to put heat on rest of house - clean - cook for dinner - Hoffman delivered oil - 99¢ - a real break - had paid $1.22 in December - Wes picked up Helen at 5:30 - pleasant evening - Wes took her home at 9:30.  Winds howled in livingroom - down drafts in fire so let it go out.  Mary phoned - Irene in hospital.

1987 - Saturday - 40° at 6:30.  Cloudy - became a beautiful day, sunny & mild.  Paid bills - few house chores.  Picked up Alex & Helen Ross and on to The Inn for luncheon.  Elizabeth Hull forgot the date - I picked her up - Billie came - had a good luncheon and nice talk - Home at 4 pm - Nap.  Did crossword, read some papers.  John Millar phoned - they are driving to Maine tomorrow and will stop by - phoned Mary but she is tied up.