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March 14

1983 - Monday - 30° at 6:30 - Sun just coming over the hill - beautiful day.  Milder - good solar gain. 
To Ace - Matz & Danbury Lumber for fireplace mantel information - Finast & bank & Marcus. 
Home for lunch and nap. 
Outdoors until 4:30 -  split wood - brought chips to garden path - cedar log for daylily bed - uncovered Primulas as two are blooming

1984 -  Wednesday - at Captiva Island - Sunny beautiful day - warm - saw 79° posted in afternoon. 
After breakfast packed lunch and drove to Corkscrew Sanctuary - Audubon - Middle of Florida - Everglades - boardwalk thru swamp - Cypress - saw Wood Storks resting - then back to Ft. Myers and toward Thomas Edison Home - garden - laboratory and Museum.
Back at South Sea Plantation at 5:30 stopping enroute for banana and grapefruit. 

1985 - Thursday - 39· at 6:15 - Clear - I walked Boo before breakfast - heard Geese on pond and Pileated drumming on trees. Chilly, windy - light shower in afternoon.
To Mass. To Ace - Waldbaum - Bank - Cleaners - Caldor for spray paint - Greenhouse for Ball's Mix. Lunch & nap. To St Charles Kitchens to return paper towel holder, delivered in steel - unfortunately almond color not made anymore. Home to walk Boo - drink, dinner - read - Eileen & Bob picked up at 4 pm - flight to Rome 6 pm.

1986 - Friday - 36° at 6 AM - Raining - heavy at times.  
I met Muriel Pedersen at the Greenhouse - we packed up the Primulas and she drove to 55th Street Pier, NYC - and we entered them in the NY Flower Show. I was back home at 1 pm.
Wes worked in shop - he brought in wood - very wet.  
I made salmon loaf - poached pears - We did crossword puzzle. Daddy's birthday - he would have been 104. Made out Lorne Nursery Order.

1987 - Saturday - 26° at 6:15 - Sun going to to come up.  
Saw deer outside bathroom window along front wall - when I yelled from front door he ran down deer trail - he is big - must be the prints we saw yesterday. Beautiful sunny cool day. Took our walk at 11. House and plant chores - otherwise at hobbies. Couldn't finish crossword puzzle.
To Mary Luke's in morning to water plants - returned home to get timer for her plant lights - on to Marcus for milk & heavy cream for Irish coffee tomorrow.

March 15

1983 - Tuesday - 39° at 6:00 AM. Partly cloudy - partly sunny - milder until late in afternoon when cold wind came in. To Mass.
Trimmed wall garden. Noted deer damage. Also cultivated shade garden - bulbs coming up there. Wes dug three holes for rhododendrons we want to lay. Discussed location of present hemlock we want to move. Removed half of evergreen mulch from plants.

1984 - Thursday - at Captiva - Beautiful sunny day. After breakfast went to beach - sat and slept trying to dry up Wes' cold. Back for lunch and nap. Took tram to North end of island - walked about. Watched children's play school - walked along golf course and marina - sat on bench at edge of water and enjoyed seeing birds dive for fish - Watched all kinds of boats. Wes to bed early - I watched Spy Reilly but didn't understand it.

1985 - Friday - 32° at 6 AM. Fair.  Boo got me up early - she had to do her "duties". Walked her to the corner as we don't have the fence up yet. Sun 6:08-6:03 - Had considerable but also a very high, cold wind.  Uncomfortable.
To Samuel Bridge Nursery - bought supplies - 2 ferns & 2 Variegated Geraniums for June show. Home for lunch & nap. I transplanted all the Vinca Bright Eyes that Hawsie Nash gave us - 39 plants! Howard Castle's Jimmy here to put new outlet in dinette corner - fix Wes' milling machine switch - oiled, didn't replace, bar light switch.

1986 - Saturday - 39° at 7 AM. Cloudy early - became beautiful day - sunny and windy.
House chores - I made Tavern Bars for Garden club meeting and later, Apricot Bread - Put in freezer.
To town to pick up repaired shelf clock from Horologist - fill car with gasoline - few groceries.
Did crossword
Sun 6:10-6 pm.

1987 - Sunday - 26° at 6:30. Cloudy - Wes saw the deer again on north side bank at 2 AM in the moonlight - ran toward road - ate pieces of Juniper on bank, so later we covered it with Ross netting taken from Step Rock Garden. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers. Wes in shop scaling down locomotive - I sewed on shirt - What I could without interfacing. Had Martini in Solar at noon nice and warm. Had our walk to Sunley's before.