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March 16 

1983 - Wednesday 35° at 6:45.  Sunny beautiful day. 
I worked at Ballard in morning - shopped Stop & Shop and Irish whiskey for Jule.  Home for lunch & nap.
Wes had worked in shop. 
In afternoon Wes transplanted one of the Oleace hemlock to location in front of woodpile.  I washed car and transplanted baby tomato, Lettuce & Broccoli. To mission at 8pm. 

1984 - Friday - last full day at Captiva.  Beautiful day - some clouds in late afternoon.  Heard someone say this was the first warm week.  Lucky for us.  Did wash - washed hair - walked beach sat for a while - lunch - finished the gin - nap.  Walk up road outside Plantation.  To Capt'n Al's for buffet dinner - shrimp - shark - corn on cob - beans - from both ways.  Saw McNeil-Lehrur & Washington Week. 

1985 - Saturday - 25° at 6:30 - Fair - Walked Boo before breakfast - heard Pileated.  Sunny but cold day - a little less wind.  Howard installed outlet plate in dinette corner.  Painted "change - room" - Wes removed shelves & painted backing - decided would paint shelves tomorrow as looks good white.  Out after lunch & nap - put up fence enclosure for Boo.  Wes split wood. I planted the forced iris, Dan [[?fordese]] and the daffodils.  Walked Boo.  Cleaned up part of herb bed. 

1986 - Sunday 38° at 6AM - Cloudy - Partly sunny.  High 52°.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Read papers - planted forced daffodils along path to Well - Ground was still frozen and shovel depth down.  Phoned Joan & Hooker he is doing better - phoned Eileen and Mary. 
To McKeon's at 5:30 for cocktail and Irish Hospitality, home at 7:30.

1987 - Monday - 23° at 6:30.  Clear. Fair - cold wind - Sunny.  To bank - Brunette for corned beef - fabric shop for interlining - Stop & Shop - home - Took our walk (to Sunley's - a good 2 miles) lunch - nap - To Lexington Gardens to buy begonia - 3 ferns - Home to transplant them.  Wes fed the birds.

March 17 

1983 - Thursday - 35° 6AM - Cloudy - Sun 6:05 - 6:07 - didn't see any today. To Mass.  House chores.  Left at 10:45 for bank - gas ($1.17 gal) - Poughkeepsie to Jule's there at noon - talked - to the Amrita Club (Jule's luncheon club) for cornbeef and cabbage and Jameson's.  Saw pictures of Jule's new house in Rochester - closing 3/31.  Home at 3:30 - Nap - Crossword puzzles - light supper with Irish Coffee.  Cardinal Cooke didn't meet Grand Marshall of NYC Irish Parade - an IRA Terrorist.

1984 - Saturday - Leaving day from Captiva - Beautiful sunny morning - warm sunny day.  Packed and left at 9:30 AM - over Causeway to Ft. Myers - on to Route I-95 to I-4 to I95 to Daytona Beach - reached Our Lady of Lourdes Church just in time for 4 PM Mass.  Drove to Beach for hotel room - place jammed with kids on "school break" - drove back to I-95 North - made a couple drives off to locate a motel - at St. Augustine Holiday Inn (sold out) was referred to Holiday Inn 5 miles north alongside I-95 where we put up as darkness came - resolved never to be so late again.

1985 - Sunday - 34° at 6 AM.  Partly cloudy.  Put Boo in enclosure - then walked her down to brook before breakfast.  Sun 6:04 - 6:05 - Not a bad day - cool - sunny - wind lessed at night.
To 8 o'clock Mass - painted shelves in change room - Wes put plant light connection to new outlet in dinette - Planted peas - 39 seeds.  Split wood - Walked Boo.  Last episode of "Jewel in the Crown" on Channel 13 - a wonderful series.

1986 - Monday - 32° a 6 AM - Clear - beautiful day - clouded up in afternoon.
Left at 7:30 for New Canaan Nature Center where the bus left for the N.Y. Flower Show - enjoyed it - not as big or as good as Philadelphia of course.  Bought Leptospermum to make a standard - 3 Miniature Roses - Joyce Chen scissors.  Had lunch in bus at 1 PM on return - home about 3:30 after a stop at Vista for heavy cream for Irish coffee which we had after dinner.

1987 - Tuesday - 26° at 6:30 - Fair - Light dusting of snow overnight.  Cold wind but not a bad March day.  I worked at Greenhouse in morning, shopping Stop & Shop enroute.  We took our walk, then had lunch & nap.  Wes worked on the locomotive plan.  I transplanted African Violets and planted 29 small pots of Pink Snapdragon in Milled Spaghnum Moss - put them on heat tray upstairs.  Covered two pots of Jacobeana cuttings with plastic and put them on heat tray.  Cooked corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes for dinner - had Irish Coffee for dessert.