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March 20

1983 - Sunday - 44° at 6AM - Light rain early - cleared to beautiful day - much appreciated. 
To 8 o'clock Mass. To White Plains to see Westchester Flower Show - lovely - Stone Crop alpines outstanding. Home for late lunch and nap. Transplanted Rosemary into larger W77 pot. Wes moved one of the Leucothoe from top of rock along Bog Garden path to back of Compost Path. He split wood. I took mulch from Cornus Kousa and Peony and raked perennial garden. Moved Snowdrops to Bog G. path

1984 - Tuesday - Overnight at Holiday Inn Fayetteville N.C. - left after breakfast on 95 - fog in morning but cleared to a beautiful day. We could feel it getting colder as we drove north. Wes found a drugstore to buy wetting solution at our lunch stop in Petersburg, Va. Around Washington on 495 - delay there account construction - thru the tunnel at Baltimore - stopped at Edgewood, Md. - Great Western for the night - getting cloudy

1985 - Wednesday - 36° at 6:30 - Slept later as Boo had me up twice in night to go - she seems OK. Spring arrives 11:14 AM - Sun 5:59-6:08. Wes to Danbury for gasoline and case for Nikon camera. Serviced saw and cut up tree across deer trail path and the one hung up in tree when first fell. I made lots of cookies. Transplanted Ageratum and Antirrhinum - going to have oodles of seedlings if all live. Walked Boo up Ned Mountain. Phoned Pat Freeman re her possible interest in our sofa and chairs.

1986 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Wes has a bad sore throat - didn't go to Mass. Sun 6:02-6:06. Pool has finally melted. Became fair - not the snow flurries predicted, but temperature fell steadily - 26° at bedtime - and a high cold wind. Wes spent day reading, but he did go to Sturdevants for 7 PM class on camera - enjoyed it. I planted the B & D lily bulblets - native lilies - 13 of them. Also planted 2 more types of ornamental grass Muriel sent me for next year's Gavel competition. We did the crossword. I put the may apple seeds on ground along bog path wall - they need cold & it will freeze tonight.

1987 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Sun 6:00 - Spring arrives 10:52 PM. Saw two robins on the lawn! Not a spring-looking day. To Meeker's for brass screws for Wes shop lavatory clock - Pharmacy for refill of Wes' pills and eyedrops - Safe Deposit box to put in Bell South stock split certificate - Waldbaum's - home for lunch & nap.  No walk as too damp & cold and I had a tummy upset - Sewed on blue big shirt - Wes picked up print of locomotive made by Merritt. To Rosses at 6:45 and Alex drove to Waccabuc - dinner with Elizabeth Hull - She had forgotten to make reservation!
Tempanelli's there - good fish buffet.

March 21

1983 - Monday. 36° at 6:30. Cloudy. Spring arrived 11:39 last night - doesn't look it today - rain predicted - started around 10 AM - very hard at times
I went for haircut and grocery shopping - Wes had gone to Danbury Lumber to order mantel.
Enroute home I worked on Palms for Palm Sunday - workshop at McKeon Hall. Home at 1 pm - Wes had made a fire and had a Martini ready. After nap. Shop for Wes. I made Pan Cookies for Sunday's luncheon.

1984 - Wednesday - Awake in Edgewood, Md. - raining. Left at 8 AM after breakfast - Route 95 - very heavy rain - could hardly see at times, especially around Wilmington just before the bridge - got off route but reversed and on to N.J. Turnpike to Garden State Parkway - a good road and quick to Tappan Zee Bridge - ate a sandwich in Tarrytown parking lot and shopped there for groceries - home at 2:15. Everything looked good - a little snow left in Varga's shade - unpacked - picked up mail from Gizella - sorted it - lots - Glad to be home after a good trip

1985 - Thursday - 26° at 6 AM - clear - Walked Boo - No Mass as I was going to Flower Show in NY City. Wes drove me to Aldrich Parking lot (picking up Gizella whose car is down & she had a hairdresser appointment). Garden Club bus trip at NY City Flower Show - very good - crowded lines for lunch & restroom, bought two old prints from Timothy Mawson. Books for our living room - back at Aldrich at 4:30 where Wes and Boo met me. Wes had split wood - spread chips - exchanged case for camera - walked Boo.

1986 - Friday - 16° at 6:15 - Pool frozen over again. Sunny. Wes had a bad night with his cold - rested during the day. I went to Stop & Shop - gave Village Bank a copy of Krawchick bill on redo of Income Tax filing - had a haircut - fish and meat from Brunetti - gasoline - haircut - last time from Terry before her baby is born - home for lunch & nap. Did crossword - knitted - read papers. We had a Scotch for medicinal reasons - Wes' cold.

1987 - Saturday - 32° at 6 AM. Cloudy - not spring like! Snow flurries off and on - no accumulation. Did crossword - a work wash - took our walk to Sunleys - lunch - nap - I sewed "Big Shirt" - Wes worked on locomotive plan. To Billie Newell's at 5 pm for cocktail - most of Ridgebury there. Home at 7:15 for Wes' eye drop. Eileen phoned - Hooker had called her Joan suffered a stroke - was in St Mary's Hospital Niagara Falls = seemed to have recovered her speech and looked better by afternoon.