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March 22 

1983 - Tuesday- 40° at 6AM - Cloudy. Sun 5:58-6:12 Snow flurries most of day but no accumulation - very high cold wind - temperature fell to 30° at bedtime. To Mass. I picked up Jeanne Tempanelli and went to Garden Club meeting at Hawsie Nash's. Won first for Maidenhair Fern, second for Ivy Ring. Long meeting - not home until 2 pm. George Ventris put up shelves in garage & covered water hydrant. To Bethel Agway for for birdseed - Finast groceries & bought tickets for Harrisons to Vatican Show. 

1984 - Thursday - 38° at 7AM - Sunny. Home after Florida vacation - Few house chores - dug into bags of mail - to town to the bank - Squash's for newspaper - Brunetti - Stop & Shop (terribly crowded) Home for lunch & nap. Increasing cloudy in afternoon. Out to inspect grounds - deer damage in wall garden top. Raked front walk - picked up lots of sticks. 

1985 - Friday - 20° at 6:30 - Fair. Sun 556-610. Sunny cool day - breezy - needed jackets. House chores - Mrs Simard of Silk Purse came to look at our sofa and chairs - sofa too large for them to sell. Phoned Christman's not to deliver new sofa tomorrow. To Ridgefield for haircut for me - West took pictures of Memorial Garden - shopped for groceries. Home for lunch and nap. Dug holes on north slope for daffodils. About finished blooming in Solar. Walked Boo. Fire in chimney in evening - luckily didn't have to call F.D! 

1986 - Saturday - 20° at 7 AM - Sun up  Wes sore throat a little better - still coughing up a lot of mucous. 
Beautiful day. Cold but temperature rose to 40 in afternoon. Wes rested. I washed - ironed - took a walk before lunch and nap. Out to cut out skunk cabbage which is coming up, and rake leaves out of bog stream bed - picked up sticks. Fed birds - taking in dome feeder at night as raccoon must be emptying it
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1987 - Sunday - 35° at 6 AM - Cloudy - became fair. A beautiful afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Read paper for a while - left at 10:30 for Eileen's - admired her TV cabinet and new paint job - on to Mary's - she had a delayed birthday luncheon for us - gave Wes a beautiful red tie - me a nightie. Eileen gave us a garden a Water/Brush to clean car. [[strikethrough]] Home [[/strikethrough]] Phoned Hooker from Eileen's - Joan did not have a stroke - a convulsion or epileptic seizure probably as a result of her MS; much better today - test tomorrow - Home at 4:45 - cocktail - soup - final Irish Coffee. 

March 23 
1983 - Wednesday - 22° at 6 AM - Sunny windy cold. To Liquor Store - Fish - Stop & Shop. Caldor for new dishrack - Reclamation - Ridgefield Supply no luck on door for Powder Room Hall - Gasoline - left tickets for Vatican Show and thistle seed at Ricky's - home for lunch and nap. Cooked chickens and Fish Medallions. Wes in shop and he split wood.

1984 - Friday - 48th Anniversary of Mother in Death - Snow flurries. Saw a pair of Wood Ducks flying over the house and pond. To Dr Yanity at 9:15 - Wes will have tooth capped. On to Westchester County Center for Spring Garden Show - Stone Crop didn't exhibit but Rosedale and Nobel exhibits beautiful. Home for lunch and nap. Wes in shop - needs help on bending special shapes. I worked on Telephone Stock Records. Wes split wood. We haven't seen the Red Billed Woodpecker. 

1985 - Saturday - 32° at 6 AM - Drizzle - off and on - very light - at 5pm only 0.5 in gauge. Too bad, we need rain. 
Tried to locate someplace to take our sofa - called all those in Yellow Pages - either only took old stuff or had too much at present. Went to Bedford Hills to ask one store - same story. I cooked chicken & pork. Wes put up new hook for basket in powder room. Walked Boo. 

1986 - Sunday - 28° at 6:15 - Sunny - Wes had a bad night coughing. Very little sleep - didn't go to Mass. I bought milk and Robitussin at Marcus after 8 o'clock mass.
Wes rested - studied his camera books - read papers. 
I went out after lunch - pruned laurel - cut off small dead tree in bog - picked up sticks - knocked dead limbs out of trees. 

1987 - Monday - 42° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day - up to 60° and sunny. To 7:30 Mass - supposed to be in church for the Mission, but changed to chapel and no music service. Washed car, using Gardena washing brush Eileen gave us - worked well. Took a walk to Henley's - lunch - nap. Out to pick up sticks and leaves - pools unfrozen so cleaned leaves from them - look good. Planted 2 pots of Narcissi on North Slope. Took out dead white pine on West Slope - had no root system. To Mission service at 8 pm - readings - homily and benedictions.