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April 5

1983 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - cleared to a nice day - milder.  To Mass
Wes sent for haircut - renewed his ill prescription - bank & Marcus.  Freddy Grouse cutting trees.
I transplanted the small Japanese maples which were nipped by some animal - Went over cliff for Poly Pody ferns and planted them on rock off deck.  After lunch we removed wire cage baskets from Azaleas on Wood Knoll - raked up leaves - big job.  Darn deer [[?anyway]]

1984 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM - Raining - heavy at times - all day - floods in N.J. and NY & Conn. - reported 4" - looked like more - our gauge isn't out.  Chimney cleaner and insurance adjusts cancelled - will come tomorrow.  We had a quiet day - papers - mending - crossword puzzles - Wes filled the feeders - had a nice long nap after a Martini at lunch.

1985 - Good Friday - 46° at 6 AM - Cloudy - became fair - we need rain.  To Miffley's to pick up [[?A]] book of Maps (look at trails to open space) Cheese Shop, Youngs for birdseed & fertilizer - Stop & Shop & Liquor - home - took burlap from dwarf pine along road - transplanted rhubarb to spot along road above mailbox - that move makes a better path below wall near cliff - Wes dug wild blueberry [[?pile]] and a hole for it near cliff edge - move it tomorrow.
To church service 3 to 5 pm.  Very warm afternoon - put screen door on Solar.

1986 - Saturday - in Waltham, Mass - Best Western East Hotel restaurant didn't open until 8, so we left at 7 AM - found a spot for toast & coffee - to Bentley College at 8 AM for "Landscaping with Wildflowers" symposium.  Good speakers on interesting subjects during the day - ended at 4 pm.  To motel for a nap - to 6 o'clock Mass at St Joseph's Church - dinner at Quality Inn - not as good as Best Western East.  Disappointed that Charters and Caldicott wasn't on TV at nine.

1987 - Sunday - 42° at 6 AM.  Daylight Savings Time started - home from Framingham - To 8 o'clock Mass.  Straightened up a big - put suitcase away - wrote letters - out to pick up sticks - more down than from last storm - cleaned garden room - Martini at lunch time - nap - planted tomato - parsley - last year's Bue Mink Agerathum as Thompson & Morgan didn't have any this year - took burlap from Leatherleaf Viburnum and Dwarf Pine at entrance - netting from step rock garden - Cudzillos stopped by - they will build new house and asked to bring architect to look at ours.  Pam phoned on Joan.

April 6

1983 - Wednesday - 34° at 6 AM.  After some morning cloudiness cleared to a mostly sunny day.
Brought up a blanket of Poly Pody - put it under hemlock off deck.  Wes turned on pump and hung hose in new hydrant cover.  I transplanted Galax in Wood Knoll to a more shady place.  Raked leaves on South side - threw them over cliff.  Wes split wood - had some time in shop.  No word from Wright or George Ventris.

1984 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM.  Foggy - at least not raining!  Rained off and on - saw the sun twice.
Chimney cleaner here at 8:30 - did both chimneys - not much in livingroom.  Insurance adjuster here at 10 - looked around.  Mike is to send him estimate.  Prepared for Eileen and Boo - here at 1 pm.  Saw Mill was closed from Tarrytown to Mt Sisco account flooding.  Eileen brought us a big bread order - she left after lunch.  We walked Boo at 5 pm - she is a good dog.  Wes had put up a wire run outside the Solar for her.  Bet came to Eileen at 6 pm.

1985 - Saturday - 56° at 6 AM - Cloudy - turned fair - big moon at night.  I returned Assessor's Book to Miffley's - to Pinchbeck for Primulas and basket - to church to accept delivery of lilies by Pinchbeck - Wes cleaned and dusted - I washed.  Had moved big wild blueberry at 7 AM to new location just over bank - had a rain shower then but not enough.  Wes dug enough of proposed pool site to be sure we can bury it - will work out.  I moved two plants from nursery to stone steps (back steps) of Knoll.  To service at church at 7 - home at nine after rearranging lilies carried to altar during Mass.

1986 - Sunday - AM in Waltham Mass.  Breakfast at 8 AM - left right after for home.  Cloudy - cold - saw snow along road at Sturbridge - Some light showers but a good trip home - there at noon - had hot soup a long nap.  Caught up on mail and papers - Gizella had taken it in.  Called Eileen & Mary - all well.
Plants in good shape - house very cold - cold temperature over weekend didn't dry out plants.

1987 - Monday - 43° at 6:30 - Raining - periods of rain all day.  Made dentist and hair cut appointments for Saturday - car in shop Thursday.
To Waldbaum's - Wes had a haircut - Marcus - Bank.  Lunch and nap.  I sewed buttons on Blue big Shirt - deadheaded the Jasmine ring - a big job.  Wes worked on the locomotive plan.  Texas Supreme Court voted against Texaco on posting bond to appeal Getty takeover + all - a blow.  Eileen said she would phone Paul to talk about Joan's condition.