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April 7

1983 - Thursday - 48º at 6 AM - cloudy - cleared in morning - rain started at 3 pm - light.
To Mass. I went to Ballard - gave Ivy Wreath work shop with Ricky and lots of helpers - set up at 8:30 - home at 1 pm after shopping Stop and Shop. Wes had worked in shop - split wood.
Made Piroshki for Sunday.
Were to go to Ruth Sharp's at 5 pm but nurse phoned she was not up to having visitors.

1984 - Saturday - 42º at 6:30 - Light rain - Boo is with us. Eileen and Bit fly today to Charleston - Walked Boo - Wrote Fae Marshall Maylon - Joan - sent check to Joanne Varga as she finally cancelled Read order - To Stop & Shop - Cleaners and Liquor - gas at Texaco Division & West Street - $1.22/Gal on credit card - $1.17 on cash - both pump your own. Lunch - nap - moved myrtle from right side to left side of wood pile path north end - preparatory to planting hosta. To Ruth Sharp's at 5:15.

1985 - Easter Sunday - 45º at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - off and on sunny - nice & warm in solar at noon where we had cocktails with Eileen and Mary - Boo looked beautiful so clean and white. Had a nice visit. John Millar phoned from California to speak to Mary & Wes. 
Eileen & I walked Boo - they left at 4 pm and we cleaned up. Eileen had brought up an azalea which was overgrown in her garden. Rained when we went to bed at 11 pm.

1986 - Monday - 40º at 6 AM - Foggy - went back to bed for a time. We both had a good night but still coughing Light rain in morning - cleared - sunny - cloudy again PM. Plant & house chores. Wes in shop. I went to bank - had copies made of Keeler Tavern trip (for Eileen) and Wave Hill [[grey?]] plants (for Louise) - shopped for groceries - After lunch & nap outside Wes raked leaves on North Slope - dug the 6th hole for expected laurel - I cleaned up shade garden and bog garden - Marsh Marigolds and Cardinal Flowers doing well. Bloodroot we transplanted last spring from Scodon to Bog roadside doing well.

1987 - Tuesday - 43º at 7 AM - Light rain - let up early but off and on sprinkle. Have chores in morning - after lunch & nap, out to clean up garden room pond of leaves - cleaned out rhododendron and azalea bush of leaves - brushed off May Apple and Bloodroot at foot of wall - marsh marigold coming up. Wes took some of logs from former vegetable raised beds to upper holding bed - will raise that bed when we transplant nursery stock.

April 8

1983 - Friday - 49º at 6 AM - Foggy - Cloudy - rain in afternoon.  
After house chores - wash - to Stop & Shop - Liquor cheese shop - Marcus and bank.
Jule stopped by in afternoon - she had lunch with Castles - staying overnight at Vargas - She moves in 10 days to Rochester.
We called on Ruth Sharp at 5:15 - only Nancy Carroll there - home at 7:30.

1984 - Sunday - 34º at 6 AM - Cloudy - Saw first Robin - heard one night before last on a Boo walk.
To 8 o'clock Mass, after walking Boo. Home to read papers - did work wash - cooked stew and piroshki Wes in shop. After lunch out to plant new Astilbe in shade garden  Wes transplanted 5 Forsythia - one big one from north lawn, 4 from holding bed, to spot along upper road. Brought up "moss stone" from Bogus Road to bog garden. Boo barked at 2 Raccoons in evening

1985 - Easter Monday - 44º at 6 AM - Very light tracing of snow on ground - cleared to sunny and cold - then another light snow flurry of snow in afternoon. Less than quarter inch in gauge. Did wash - ironed - Planted 6 blueberry bushes delivered by Miller in morning - planted Eileen's azalea on bank behind garden room - had handle of vacuum repaired at Vacuum Mart - bought stain for shed - left seat cushion at Da Silva - good timing as he goes to Florida next week - had hot dog near Marcus - bought milk - Wes got Lawnboy started and I cut grass - Wes worked on removing stump at top of stone steps - I edged garden plot where we planted rhubarb. 

1986 - Tuesday - 46º at 6 AM - Raining - lightly - cleared to an off and on day. To Mass. House and plant work - Wes in shop.  Wes went for bird food - Marcus - Pharmacy - stamps from Post Office - I took a nap as very sleepy - account cold I guess. After lunch and nap - transplanted the two rhubarb plants to a more forward spot along road above mailbox. To Castles at 4 pm - they took us to see their new house in Redding and gave us dinner on Old Mill Road on return. New house is big - we admired it - they move end of month.

1987 - Wednesday - 40º at 6 AM. Clear sky - first time in days. To Mass. Left at 8:40 for Westport Environmental Center where Operation Wild Flower Day was held - speakers from Arnold Arboretum, New England Wild Flower Assoc. and Richard Redfield, former President Conn. Chapter Rock Garden Society - enjoyed them and the exhibits.  Home via Copps Hill - picked up Scotch for Holmden and a few groceries. Fed birds - picked leaves from pool - Wes gathered article for T R tomorrow.