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April 9

1983 - Saturday - 46° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Rain in gauge from yesterday 82 cleared (unexpectedly) to a good day - quite mild.
House cleaning day.  Wes cleared ashes from fireplace brought in wood for tomorrow if we need it.
I put the chicken casserole together - fixed vegetable - salad greens - breads.  Wes took off two remaining deer fences - I cleaned birdbaths - swept side terrace.  Wes transplanted 5 of the 'Emerald Gaity Euonymus' from front wall back to slope over/Wes' North wall.

1984 - Monday
28° at 6AM - Sun coming up - beautiful day - cool, breezy - warm sun.  Busy day.  Wes made date for Honda tomorrow - Wright men cut trees over cliff - good view of pond - cut down swamp maple just off deck over cliff.  Trimmed trees in bog.  Wes transplanted crab near chip area - finished clearing myrtle from north triangle - planted Hosta there - dug Primula from Wood Knoll; put them in bog garden.  Pinchbeck delivered peat & acid food.

1985 - Tuesday - 28° at 6 AM - Fair - Solar was 58° with door open.  Sun 5:26 - 6:29.  cold day - needed jackets over sweaters.  To Mass.  I drove to Hawsie Nash - she picked up Edith Miffley and we drove to Bartlett Aboretum.  Consulted Mr ted Lockwood on Memorial Garden plan.
I picked up Ball's Planting Mix from greenhouse & bananas from Stop & Shop.  Wes had cultivated new blueberry patch and took out stump from top of last stone steps - after lunch he worked on the steps - getting big flat stones.  I transplanted wild blue phlox to bog garden path.

1986 - Wednesday - 36 at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - cool day - not the best day for weather.
Did a work wash - Went to Operation Wildflower at Westport Nature Center - good talks by Viki Ferrenenia on growing and propagating.  Wes had shop time then outside - moved dirt to bog - logs from entrance near well - pushed them over cliff.
Chased three deer eating Leucothoe under Hemlock back of St Frances birdbath

1987 - Thursday - 43° at 6:30 - Cloudy.
Sun 6:27 - 7:29 - not a bad day - some sunshine.  Needed sweaters to work.  Wes took car for first servicing 2500 miles - early account [[?]] next week.  I did work wash - looked up Texaco stock - decided to sell 563 shares - phoned Alison Rowe at Prudential Bache - stock about 32 1/4.  Planted bloodwort along Bog Path - raked leaves there.  Wes dug three holes.  Moved one Eunonymous Corkybark - Took more logs up for holding bed.  I cleaned up Step Rock Garden lots of little plants coming up there happy to say.

April 10

1983 - Sunday - 42° - Light rain - became heavy at times during day - Kitchen slides leaked - Luncheon party day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared for guests - McKeons - Tracys - Nancy Carroll, here 12:30 - Nancy Carroll lost her way here and was late.  Pleasant afternoon - left before 4 o'clock.  We cleaned up - had a nap - read papers - had a snack.

1984 - Tuesday - 30° at 5:45 - Boo was up early!  Beautiful day - cold breeze in afternoon.  No mass as Wes took car to Honda - 49,400 checkup - couldn't find source of noise we heard.  I walked Boo - planted Peppers Cucumber Broccoli, Ageratum, Zinnia, Delphinum in deep pots - consolidated the tiny Tomato plants.  Wes to Dr. Yanity - had tooth capped ($375)  We then shopped Stop & Shop.  Bud Wright here on our return using bracket to trim out big oak.  Returned Ford Escort to Honda.  Transplanted Juniper near mailbox

1985 - Wednesday - 24° at 6 AM - 'That's cold!.  Fair cold day, brisk wind.  Not a day for working outdoors so we made the rounds - to Dr Neligan's nurse for Wes' blood pressure - up to 150/90 - go back on whole pill - come to Dr Neligan in a month - to Ballard Memorial Garden to check measurements - bought gasoline - to Nobels to order pool-jet and pump - bought 2 dwarf rhododendrons & 2 Kalmia latifolia - to "Natural" for lunch - to Fine Framing with prints.  Wes bought sneakers & blue jeans at Chambers - home - cleared south side to uncover Trout Lilies & Wood Anemone.

1986 - Thursday - 39° at 6 AM - Mostly cloudy - cold.  No Mass as left at 8:15 for Columbia Presbyterian - Wes had appointment with Dr Puchner - good report
I saw Dr Jacobs - good report also - have to have blood test made locally - finished there at 11 AM - to Tarrytown for sandwich from Deli - to Eileen's to pick up Letospermum standard and 2 miniature Rosebushes - home for nap - (long one) too cold to go outside - did crossword.

1987 - Friday - 39° at 6 AM - clear - Saw 4 Wood Ducks on pond at 6:40 AM.  Saw the Red Bellied Woodpecker.  He didn't come to the suet this winter so we were happy to see him - heard him twice recently.  To bank to take out Texaco Stock Certificates - selling 563 shares - took them to Prudential Bache - Shopping Waldbaums enroute.  Tony Ongars here to start stone path to garden room - finished half - looks great.  Deer had eaten day lilies, sedum and tulips - covered them and untouched stuff later.  Eileen here for lunch and to go over watering of plants while we are at Holmden's.