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April 15

1983 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - Rain predicted - none but cold miserable day.
To Pound Ridge - placed order for 3 Rhododendron Maximus - 1 Hemlock - 5 Wiltonii Juniper - delivery Monday
Stopped at Pinchbeck to pick up tulips for Ruth Sharp and delivered them.  Transplanted rest of Emerald Gaiety from bank to cliff side with others - Wes went for gas - started Lawnboy - cut grass - only needed it in spots.  Transplanted Epimedium.  Two blasts dynamite Grouse's rock.  To Helen and Alex for a drink at 5:30 - Sattlers - Stoddards there

1984 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM - Raining - 1.35 inches at 9 AM.  Cloudy and cold day here - rain elsewhere - rain again at night.  I'm getting a sore throat
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Relaxing day - read papers - cleaned oven and refrigerator - Wes in shop.
Long nap - out only to fill feeders.
Bit phoned Eileen Neil lost his job - Gus will hear May 1 whether Piper will close down.

1985 - Monday - 45° at 6 AM.  Misty - not enough to stop work until almost 6 o'clock - then light rain.  I worked at Ballard Garden and cut down Teucrium in Memorial Garden - shopped Brunetti and Stop & Shop.  Mailed tax returns!  Wes had a haircut - brush along road was picked up by Groundskeepers - Double beater delivered by Bloomingdale with broken handle!  Phoned them for pickup.  Worked all afternoon on lifting huge stone in Wood Knoll which Wes had uncovered in morning.  He finally got it out - had to move 3 ferns and 3 Wood Saxifrage.

1986 - Tuesday - 36° at 5:45.  Fair.  Raccoon had taken the birdfeeder off the hook again.  Will have to take it in.  To Mass.  Wes firmed in all of yesterday's plantings - we put Hollytone and watered it in.  I transplanted the Salvia Victoria (annual) bought yesterday at greenhouse.  Left at 11:15 for Spinning Wheel Inn where Texaco Retirees luncheon was held - a "Theatre Program" during the luncheon - terrible.  Home for a nap.  Transplanted Native Columbines found in the garden to bank over cliff - cultivated for expected rain - fixed wire around new Arborvitae against deer.

1987 - Wednesday - AM in Youngstown, N.Y. with Joan & Hooker - to Mass at 7:30 - big breakfast - left around 10 AM for Kelly's at Fayetteville - took it slowly, napping at rest stops - reached Kelly's at 3 pm - had lemonade on her terrace - walked the feeder canal along creek - back to Kelly's for drink & dinner - John and Jerry stopped by to talk - To bed at 11:45.  Day had been fair in morning - cloudy toward Syracuse and a few sprinkles late afternoon.

April 16

1983 - Saturday - 44° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Rain started at breakfast time - all day - heavy at times - Kitchen Slider leaked - turned to snow at 6 PM!  About 2 inches - heavy & wet.
Indoor day - Wes cleaned shop & den - I made coffee-cake for Ballard Garden Work Day - cookies for us and Garden Club Meeting.  Wes redrew Ballard Garden Plan - enlarging it.
To Ruth Sharp's 91st Birthday Party - 5-7 - she looked wonderful - lots of people there.

1984 - Monday - 40° at 6:30.  Raining.  Changed towels around pipe in hayloft and in shop.  Snow birds (Juncos) still around.  .60 in rain gauge at 8 AM.
I went with Terry Keller to Roth Nurseries, Armonk, for 60 Belgian Block - $120.00 plus $7.00 tax.  Terry bought plants.  Home at noon for lunch with Wes after he & [[?Trang]] [[?Keller]] unloaded blocks.  Washed hair - out at 3 pm when rain let up.  Wes transplanted small Hemlock, South side, to more forward position.  Wes had asked Mike to check chimney cover to prevent rain leaks - he did.  To Ruth Sharp's 92nd Birthday Party - 5:00/7:30.

1985 - Tuesday - 55° at 6 AM.  Foggy - cleared - mostly cloudy day however.  Only 1/10 inch rain - too bad.
Man came to repair front screen door.  We left at 10:45 for Shoreham Club where Texaco Retirees luncheon was held - home at 3:30 - nap - dressed for Ruth Sharp's birthday party 5-7 - Nancy Carroll said it was the 94th.
Learned Tee Wheeler died yesterday - 93 years old.

1986 - Wednesday - 42° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Had taken bird feeder in last night - raccoon pulled down the suet holder and the dome cover of the feeder so had to get out ladder to rehang.  He is a nuisance.  Light rain - a 1/4 inch - NYC having heavy rain.  Planted Tomato seeds - put them on warm shelf in kitchen plant light stand.  Wes in shop.  To Pinchbeck, bought 2 Rhododendron Maximum, Enkianthus and Viburnum tomentosum - Hollytone - Peat - bought two climbing roses (First Prize) for Ballard Garden.  To Rosses at 5:30 - party remembering Ruth Sharp - took Billie home.

1987 - Thursday - Morning with Kelly at Fayetteville.  Breakfast of oatmeal with raisins - good - On our way home at 8 AM - Route 481 - 81 - 17 - 17K - 84.  Stopped at [[?Brinster]] for milk and sandwich fillings - home about 1 pm.  Lunch - nap - Everything in good shape - Eileen had come up yesterday and watered plants - Gizella took in mail - Tony Ongaro had finished walk to Garden Room, put Belgian Block on path near garage - leveled up the sunken stones in terrace.  Unpacked - I separated Salvia and Basil seeds - poor germination of Zinnias & Marigolds on top of lights in garage.  Weather turned cloudy & cold