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April 17

1983 - Sunday - 34° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - winds blowing clouds - snow on ground - winter scene. 2½ inches in rain gauge. Cleared later to beautiful afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Census taken. Repotted remaining four Pixie tomatoes, cucumber seeds coming up. Wes dug big stone from proposed location of big Hemlock expected tomorrow - had to from abandon hole behind perennial garden for one Rhododendron as ledge two feet under - I planted more onions and 3 rows lettuce. Spinach coming up. Went with Gizela to see dynamited stone at Grouse site - more blasting Tuesday, she said. 

1984 - Tuesday - 44° at 6 AM. Sun! Seems ages since  we have seen it. My sore throat better. At 8 AM there was .64 in rain gauge. Wes went to Mass - I had tummy upset. Alex browsed dining room armchair for a portrait. Wes dug around Cornus Kousa - Mike worked on chimney
To Texaco Retirees lunch at Stony Hill Inn 11:15-3, stopping for birdseed and milk enroute home. With a great deal of help from Mike we moved the Cornus Kousa to new spot behind perennial garden wall. Looks good - hope it lives

1985 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:15 - Beautiful day: cool wind but sunny - perfect if we had had rain
To bank - Conn. Extension Service with piece of damaged dwarf pine - couple comments but no decision on damage - to Hollandia Nursery, bought Arborvitae - Hemlock - Peat - Chips - delivery Friday - on to Stecks bought 3 Rhododendron Maximum & 3 Laurel Home for lunch - nap - Wes dug 6 holes on slope along Bogg Path - I cut grass - planted 12 Barberrys & 3 Dryas Octopetala delivered from Lamb Nursery.    

1986 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - cloudy - ½ inch in rain gauge - included yesterday's ¼. To Mass. I went to Ballard Garden - in case anyone else came to work. Took sod from around wood trellis (arbor) where plan to plant climbing roses. Picked up new glasses - bought fish - chicken at Brunetti. Wes had dug two holes for Viburnum and Enkianthus under bird feeder wire - planted them & two Rhododendron on North Slope in afternoon. Wes moved bird feeder wire to position more over bank. Tired at night but things are shaping up. 

1987 - Good Friday - 42° at 6:30 - Home from Lockport/Fayetteville trip - Rain during night - off and on during day-light. To Brunetti to pick up lamb (will freeze it as now going to Eileen's for Easter) gasoline - Youngs for bird food and usual bag of Peat - Stop & Shop - Liquor - nap. I thinned out tomato and ageratum seedlings. To service at 3pm - home at 4:30. caught up on some of papers.

April 18

1983 - Monday - 34° at 6:30. Cloudy - snow flurries - rain showers but cleared enough for planting by Pound Ridge Nurseries - 3 Rhododendron and one big Hemlock on south side - looks good. We planted 5 Juniper Wiltonii on North Bank - moving the Heather from the top to the rock. The Juniper were hard to plant on the bank but the effect is good.
The Beirut Embassy was bombed - at least 39 people killed. 
Cancelled work at Ballard tomorrow - snow forecast.

1984 - Wednesday - 40° at 5:30. Up early - Sun coming thru fog. Last night there was a thunderstorm but very little rain,
Left at 7:15 for 7:30 Bonanza bus to NYC - $12.95 - each round trip. We had appointment with Dr. Espey Wes first time - he has pressure in right eye - will take drops twice a day. Took Caesar Nappa to lunch -- caught 2:15 bus - had Wes eye drop prescription filled Mike hadn't worked today but chimney didn't leak. Shower at 7pm.

1985 - Thursday - 35° at 6pm - Cloudy - became a beautiful windy day - cool for working - Needed jackets in morning. Wes continued work on East Slope steps - hit several big stones underneath so not finished by pm. I watered all transplants - planted the gift Hosta from Lamb - put wire at compost

1986 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM - partly cloudy. Cleared to a sunny day but very windy. Wes had shop time - I transplanted Zinnias - Marigolds - Basil into 3 & 4 inch pots - a lot of little plants to move from Park seed plugs. Dug out the dead rhododendron from side of garden room bench - put one from along compost pile in its place - moved Leucothoe that was too close to Hemlock to side of flagstone. Planted 40 seedlings of Scotch Pine - Blue Spruce - Border Pine and Concolor Fir in holding bed top of Cliff after improving soil with peat and vermiculite. Tired but satisfied. American hostage killed in Lebanon - reprisal for Libyan bombing

1987 - Holy Saturday - 48° at 6:30 - Raining - stopped about 9 AM so after doing a wash, went over to cliff to dig up wild flowera for GCA annual meeting plant exchange - Bloodroot - American Ginger - Rattlesnake Plantain - Dogtooth Violet - Solomon Seal Hepatica - planted them in pots. Wes raked path all the way to bottom of cliff. After lunch Wes moved sod to fill hole along path to garden room - raked and re-seeded new grass. I planted left-over wild flowers along bog path. Washed car. Wes started work on extending water line to south side of house. Digging around cliff water hydrant