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April 19

1983 - Tuesday - 34° at 6.30 and snowing - 2 inches already - more than 6 inches fell but compacted by rain which started around noon - continued all day.
Out only to fill feeders and Wes had to bring in wood.  Lots of little branches down - knocked snow from evergreens.
I made cookies - only one successful - Wes didn't have much luck binding roof for cab.
To Louise McKeons with Gizela - meeting on flowers for church.   (1 1/2 inches in rain gauge Weds. morning)

1984 - HOLY - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM - Cloudy - 1/2 in gauge from last nights shower.  Cold dreary day - very light drizzle in afternoon.  I went with Gizella to Abner's - bought a dozen small plants and a wind twister - stopped at Bethel market for bananas.  Sheet metal men put top on chimney - Mike has more trim work.  Wes started the repair of the crawl space door.  I planted the new Oliver plants.  Went to 8 pm service.

1985 - Friday - 72° at 7:15 with sun on thermostat, forgot to look earlier. Warm day - rain shower at 2 PM.  
Wes worked on East Slope steps - wants to replace a step.  
I went to Lexington Gardens for plastic pots - watering can & stakes.  Hollandia delivered Arborvitae - Hemlock - peat and mulch.  Planted Arborvitae near near the Ilex Glabra side of the garage - Wes drove to Ace to pick up repaired dial indicator.  After lunch & nap planted Hemlock on Wood Knoll - raining when we finished.  Hot shower - washed hair - to Rosses for drink at 5:30.

1986 - Saturday - 38° at 5:45 - sun coming up at breakfast time - Beautiful day - warm sun -
House cleaning.  Transplanted Ageratum (two varieties) the last of the ornamental grasses - put some of these outdoors to make room in Solar.  Phoned Carlsons to order Native Azalea - Hartcorns re tree seedlings - they will take them - Wes cleaned up North Slope, raking leaves into pile - will chip them Monday.  I planted rooted ends of Leucothoe we moved yesterday - digging up a section in holding bed - checked wall garden - still behind wire.

1987 - Easter Sunday - 58° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Had showered over night - good for new grown seed.  Became fair and mild.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Walked about planning and admiring plants.  Left at 10 o'clock for Eileen's, she gave us a beautiful Easter dinner - Mary came up - Boo and Snow were white and cute.  We left at four for home - Wes took a nap.  I trimmed the miniature roses - pulled out some Artemesia Silver King - will have to cut it back severely - dug out the remains of the tulips the deer had eaten.

April 20

1983 - Wednesday - 35° at 6:30.  Cloudy.  Mostly mean raw day.  Some rain/snow flurries in morning.
Wes went to Danbury Sheet Metal - they shaped the cab top - after some frustrating tries by himself recently.
Stopped at Marcus enroute home.  We left at 11:30 for Mary Sells' - had to wait 5 minutes to leave as equipment for Grouse property on road.  Had pleasant visit with Mary Sells and Cornells (Mary F. working).  Shopped Gristedes in Somers - bananas 55¢/lb.  Watched Medea on Channel 13 in evening

1984 - Good Friday - 44° at 6 AM - Cloudy and cool day - cold wind.  Cleaned up house.  Barbara and Owen Craighead came to look at house - they are moving to Mt. Desert Island, Maine, and will build a house.
Wes worked on crawl space door - I left information on  Buxie's clippings at Hawsie Nash's - did shopping for Easter dinner - banks closed.  To services at 3 o'clock.
Decided on new locations for Viburnum and Spruce.
Dutchman's Breeches up - lots of Hepaticas - the Shortias.

1985 - Saturday - 54° at 6:30 - Cloudy - foggy - cleared in afternoon.  Only .15 in rain gauge.
Tracys came with nephew Renny to see Wes' engine.  Very nice six year old.
Took off all deer fencing - takes time but looks good - can only hope deer don't eat - Rhododendron Carolina coming out - Shortia in bloom & Dutchmen Breeches - Cornus Canadensis and Bloodroot disappointing.  Put new wire on holding bed.  Wes finished last slope steps

1986 - Sunday - 43° at 6 AM - Fair - clouded up in afternoon.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Wes did desk work.  I planted onions - started break up of strawberry plants - put three in pots to give to Al Timpanelli.  To the Tracy's at 12:30 for luncheon - Ridgebury group plus Lischkes there.  Home at 4 pm - short nap - out to thin lettuce plants and continue splitting strawberries as report is for rain tomorrow.  Wes watered transplants on North slope - I had emptied rain barrels on south side transplants.  Wes put in Solar Fan.

1987 - Easter Monday - 58° at 6:30 - Cloudy - cleared to a mostly sunny day - just over 70°
Wes dug the trench to extend the water line - the hydrant at the corner of the Solar - I did the ironing - dug out the Artemesia - moved the variegated Arabis on the top of the rock garden - to town at 1:30 - Wes had a tooth filled - I went to bank - store for bananas - inquired at Ridgefield Supply for turkey wire for propagating box (none)  home to cut grass, first time this season - pulled out the broom on cliff top - we took down deer fencing at entrance to driveway - water pump wouldn't cut in