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April 21

1983 - Thursday - 38° at 5:30.  Mostly fair - Good to see sun again - cool breeze.  To Mass.
I checked table cloths with Helen for Garden Club meeting next week - we'll use hers.  To town for gasoline, bank, Grand Central and Brunetti's.  Wes moved one of Oliver hemlock to place behind Rhododendron;  across path. Realigned Bog Garden path.  I transplanted Jacob's Ladder & Wood daisy to shade garden.  We made Sauerkraut-Sausage Pork Chop dish in new Superstone Roasting Pan - very good.

1984 - Holy Saturday - 42° at 5:30.  Sun coming up.  Sunny beautiful - cold windy.  Needed jackets even to work.  Did wash - transplanted balance of boxes and leucothoe that had rooted to larger pots.  To church at 9:30 to help Louise with Easter flowers.  Wes transplanted viburnum, spirea - bog oak - connected garden well pump.  I took wire and Ross netting covers from azaleas and rhododendrons - transplanted Maidenhair Spleenwort to bog - dug around ledge stone in North grass plot - watered transplants

1985 - Sunday - 48° at 6 AM.  Sunny - very warm.  Thunder in late afternoon but no rain.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Gave 5 "Early Pick" tomatoes to Gizella - Wes put in Solar Fan and front door screen - opened skylights.
To Coggeshalls at 12:15 - nice visit & good lunch as usual - home at 5 pm.  I watered lettuce and most transplants on South side.

1986 - Monday - 48° at 6 AM - Cloudy - had a small shower overnight - not measurable.  Rained lightly in morning - cloudy afternoon - rain at 6 pm - 4/10 inch in all.
Left 29 seedlings (trees) at Hartcorns - to Stop & Shop Liquor - Caldor for fishing line - Marcus - Bank - Post Office - no mailing envelopes for Cornell's pot handle but mailed card & check to John Millar for his wedding - Lunch - nap - out to put 3 bags of Hollytone (75 lbs) on Azaleas, Rhododendron, etc. - finished just before rain - good timing.  Stayed up to see Charters & Caldicott again at 11 pm.

1987 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - became fair, warm beautiful day.  First day of work at Ballard Garden - had a good crew and cleaned up all but two of the beds.  Shopped for a few groceries enroute home.  Wes had finished the extension of the water line to the side of the Solar - turned on the pumps - in service for water!  He dug a hole off the deck - we added a lot of peat & compost and moved the Enkianthus there from under the bird feeders.  Stripped all sod from area off deck.  Added lime to vegetable bed - raked it smooth.

April 22

1983 - Friday - 34° at 6 AM - Mostly sunny day.  House chores early - left at 9 for NYBG - Rock Garden Plant sale - bought three trays full - Walked in Rock Garden and Native garden - home via Poundridge Nurseries - ordered two big Hemlock for delivery Monday.  Wes started digging holes for them - hit ledge in several places - discouraging.  I planted the dwarf Rhododendron - Azalea - Andromeda along Bog Path also hitting ledge down a shovel depth.  Early dinner as worked at St. Eliz. Seton Antique Show taking tickets at East Ridge School 7-10.

1984 - Easter Sunday - 32° at 6 AM - Sunny.  Wes has a sore throat - my cold is almost over.  Beautiful day, strong wind and cold - a coat felt good.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared for Eileen and Mary's visit - here at noon with Boo - glistening white.  Had cocktails in Solar, had to pull shades it was so warm.  Good dinner if we do say - we had boned the leg of lamb!  They left about 5.  We cleaned up and read papers.

1985 - Monday - 54° at 6:30.  Fair - thunder after 3 PM - no rain (light sprinkles only) until after dinner
To Edith Miffley's to meet Hawsie Nash on Memorial Garden plan - from there to Brunetti - Greenhouse for soil.  Stop & Shop.  Stecks delivered 3 each Rhododendron and Laurel - one Hemlock - Wes had placed.  We planted them along Bog Path - Hemlock on Wood Knoll - Wes had transplanted the native azalea to Garden Room.  Cut grass.  Ordered Waldsteinia ternata for Memorial Garden from Wayside.

1986 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM - Sunny - became cloudy late afternoon.  To Mass.  We went to Ballard Garden right after and planted the two Rosebushes at the wooden arbor - mailed handle of Revere pot back to Cornells - finally.  Wes in shop.  I transplanted strawberries into pots for Garden Mart.  To Waccabuc for lunch as guest of Patty Stecknoth - then to RGC meeting at Billie Newell's - home at 5 pm.  Wes had raked leaves from North Slope - had time in shop.  Alex brought son Bob to see grounds.

1987 - Wednesday - 56° at 6 AM.  Mostly clear day - windy and cooler in afternoon.  To Mass.  Father Ed there - Father Medynski in Rome.  Wes put in Piper pump - a big job to empty and clean the pool.  I planted Heuchera taken from wood knoll to cliff path - cut off last year's deadheads from Pieris Japonica.  After lunch to Stecks - no rhododendron - to Hollandia via lots of back roads - new country to us - no rhododendron but bought Viburnum Carlesi - planted it along cliff path under deck.  Mixed sand and compost and put it in bog garden.  Dead tired