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April 23

1983 - Saturday - 34° at 5:30.  Sunny.  Up early as heard noise again in chimney and saw flickers drumming on metal caps!  Out early to plant dwarf evergreen and alpine plants bought at New York Botanical Garden.
Nan Morris and Alice Castle picked me up and as Nan's guests drove to "Treetops" Libby Holman's former home - Millions of daffodils - beautiful house - home for 1:30.  Wes had dug two holes for hemlocks expected Monday and transplanted the two wild Hemlocks - moved Varga's Pieris to spot just back of Perennial Garden - cut grass- took big stone from Hemlock hole.

1984 - Easter Monday - 40° at 6 AM.  Light Rain.  Wes' throat is better - we are both coughing.  Rain let up enough for me to plant the lilie Eileen gave us - transplant the strawberry plants from the triangle to under Ungaro wall - Wes worked on stonewall off deck - southeast side.  We took cuttings to Hawsie Nash for her to pick another plant for GCA meeting - to bank -  liquor and Stop & Shop.  I made cookies.  Wes in shop

1985- Tuesday - 54° at 6 AM.  Foggy.  Sun 5:05 - 6:44.  Off and on cloudy - warm - cooled off at evening.
No Mass as I left early to work in Ballard Garden home at 11:45.  Wes had increased size of perennial bed - Wayside delivered the Carnus alternifolia & other plans.  Lunch and left at 12:30 for Wes' appointment with Dr Puchner - good - came back in year - home via Tarrytown to pick up Boo as Eileen went to Coral Gables - home at 4:30 - walked Boo.  Jule Lane visited Vargas.

1986 - Wednesday - 36° at 6 AM.  Had rained and snowed or hailed during night - very little here - 3" in New Jersey.  Had snow flurries later in day - very cold.
I met Hawsie Nash at Pinchbeck's - looked at Cornus Kousa for Ballard Garden - bought Hollytone for us - had air put in back tire - Wes later took car to tire place & they took out a nail - He had lots of shop time in bad weather.  I ironed - put oven thru clean cycle - had trouble turning off - Wes discovered oven clock was wrong time - Nice clean oven!  Watched Marriage of Figaro on Channel 13 - great.

1987 - Thursday - 45° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - cold - damp.  I went to hear Paul Frere talk about color in your garden at Carriage House, shopping Stop & Shop enroute.  Was to have gone to Rossdale after with [[?Jerry]] looked at shrubs for Virginia Everett garden but that was postponed.  Wes put in the Frog pump - picked up sand left at cliffside where had planted Viburnum and Enkianthus near deck.  Wes dug up one Eunonymus near mailbox - put it under oak up the road.  I moved more Mayapple (tiny) found at step rock garden & dug up Mertensia on Knoll & put that under Rhodo, Bog Path.

April 24

1983 - Sunday - Appraisal Day for Ridgefield Garden Club - 48° and starting to rain at 6:30 - Rained all day heavy at times.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Had to put containers out to catch drip from Kitchen slider.  
Early lunch as I worked at Appraisal Sunday 2-4.
Wes had time in shop finally!
Time changed to daylight saving.

1984 - Tuesday - 45° at 6:15 - Slept late!  Cloudy.  Wes worked on stone wall when I was at luncheon at (with) Punkie Seath's - and on to garden club to hear Ralph Snodsmith.  Took cookies but brought them back when they weren't needed.
We had gone to Mass and watered the azaleas in church in morning
Cold dreary day - looked like rain but none.
4/10 inch rain from Monday.

1985 - Wednesday - 46° at 6 AM - cloudy.  Walked Boo at 5:15 - also up with her at 2 AM.  Cold day - raw - needed jackets to work.
Planted Wayside order - 3 Cornus alternifolia, Myrtle, Bruce White Phlox, Hosta - I moved dwarf Hosta to new stone steps.  Wes cut off grass from cliff path - finished enlarged perennial garden border - I went to RGC meeting at Louise McKeon's - won first for Narcissus - program English gardens - Wes walked Boo - Eileen phoned from Coral Gables - she will return tomorrow.

1986 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Sunny - breezy, but a beautiful day - warm in afternoon.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning.  Wes took (Cut) down the small beech at top of East Steps.  After lunch we pushed leaf clipper up near well pump & chipped the leaves in that area - Wes spread them there - they were mostly wet so made a lovely looking mulch.  I transplanted the tomatoes Hawsie gave me - also 18 of the Bright Butterflies Snapdragons - 
Early to bed as we were both very tired.

1987 - Friday - 49° at 6:30.  Had rained overnight.  Rain most of day - light.  Wes repaired hot water tap in Powder Room.  Watered church flowers - dug Aquilegia for GCA plant exchange at Rosses - to Pinchbeck - Ordered 4 Rhododendron Maximum - 1 Carnus Kousa - peat & chips for later delivery - shopped Waldbaum - took drug forms to Pharmacy for signature - lunch - nap - traces planted myrtle standards into larger pots - Wes ordered blueplans from LL Beau - Chamois from Equity's Tool Shop - made David's cookies - accomplished a lot for a rainy day.  More than 20 men killed Bridgeport Building collapse.