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April 25

1983 - Monday - 49° at 6:30. - Rained all night 2 1/2 inches at 8 AM - Light rain most of day.
Pound Ridge Nursery delivered 2 big Hemlocks & peat and we planted them in prepared holes - look good.
Leisurely lunch - nap.  Walked out in the light rain to review trees to be cut out in case Wright comes tomorrow.
I listed all plants purchased at NYBG - polished silver for tomorrow's RGC meeting

1984 - Wednesday - 45° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Saw Cowbirds under feeders - Cold, dreary day - rain in afternoon.
After shop hour, Wes continued work on wall off Solar.  I did the ironing of tablecloth & napkins - gave the last three strawberry plants to Gizela.  To Book & Authors Luncheon at Red Lion at 11:30/3:30.  Mary Luke - Lillian Wieles - Hugh Mulligan spoke - left prescription for new eyeglasses at Dr Martin's - shopped Brunetti for steak for tomorrow - to Reclamation with glass - home to find Mike here - finished chimney work except for paint.  Had first fire since fire!

1985 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - Boo slept thru the night.  Cloudy - damp day - no rain here.
To Reclamation - Youngs for Arthene to spray dwarf pine - bank - Caldor for plastic dishpans to plant Artemesia in Ballard Garden - Stop & Shop - home.  Dug Bloodroot from roadside on Scodon - brought up 6 wheelbarrow loads of compost to new perennial bed - added cow manure & peat - didn't finish when time to walk Boo.

1986 - Friday - 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Watched pair of Wood ducks in trees below the deck - at same time a Pileated came into South side oaks - Fascinating.
I went to Nancy Callahans - she drove to Gilbertie's in Westport - bought Herbs - shopped Stop & Shop enroute home.  Wes had shop hour - cleaned up logs along road at service entrance - cut down little beech on Wood Knoll - after lunch cut grass first time - took clematis off wooden trellis and put wire around tree - tied clematis to that.  Watered from rain barrels.  Tired but satisfied.

1987 - Saturday - 43° at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared before noon to a sunny cool day - was cold, damp and windy in morning - more like March.  Put heat on.  I made cookies.  Wes dug holes for Cornus Kousa and a Leucothoe - Pinchbeck delivered 2 bags Peat - 6 bags nuggets - the Kousa which we planted near shed area - brought down the largest Leucothoe from holding bed - put that front of rocks opposite Piper - planted an Pieris Japonica off deck near Viburnum mariesii - I cut grass after we took fencing and posts from Wood Knoll - looks much better.  Rhododendron Carolina almost in full bloom - Beautiful.

April 26

1983 - Tuesday - 40° at 6 AM.  Cloudy morning - cleared around 3:30 - sunny beautiful late afternoon & evening.  To Mass.  Prepared Amaryllis - 8 blooms - for RGC meeting.  After early lunch Wes drove me and all supplies to Congregational Church Hall - was hostess with Helen Ross, Carol Nagel, Rene, [[?Buss]] Dayton - Program on Water - served tea and coffee - cookies - cleaned up - Helen drove me home.  Wes had worked in shop - checked Wiltonii juniper for cover - reset one - to Ruth Sharp's for drink 5:30-7 - Billie Newell & McKeons there.

1984 - Thursday - 45° at 6 AM.  Sun up - Beautiful - best day in ages.  To Mass.  Prepared for Cornels visit - here at noon.  Wes cooked first steak of the season on the grill - very good.  Cornels brought Wes Mary Sells' picture of his 1927 class in Pleasantville - All the names except for three girls Wes, Buck & Marion worked out.  After the Cornels left we planted the Lamb Nursery Alpine plants in wall garden.

1985 - Friday - 48° at 5:30 - Beautiful morning - must have had mist - or dew overnight - Walked Boo - saw Canada geese on pond.  Warm day - strong breeze - dry.
Picked up Gizella - returned Boo to Eileen's - on to NY Botanical Garden for rock plant sale - not much this year - luncheon at Campagna's (formerly Ichabod's) - home.
Planted Forget-me-not in bog garden - brought up moss, stone and Marsh Marigolds from brook down Bogus Rd.  Planted them in Bog - Wes brought more compost to perennial bed - I added peat and fertilizer and turned over some.  Watered shade garden - so dry.

1986 - Saturday - 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Forgot to bring in bird feeder last night, but raccoon didn't pull it off.  Light rain in morning, only .10 here.  To Bethel Conn. Agricultural Station to pick up 5 Hemlock, 5 Douglas Fir, 5 Cornus Kousa - back home to make sandwich - to NY Botanical Garden, picked up 3 French Lavender (one of Eileen's) bought couple rock plants - walked thru Wildflower Garden - to Eileen's - she gave us Hosta, Sweet Woodruff and Plymouth stockings for me - home at 3:45 - nap - planted Woodruff along Bog Path - last of Charters and Caldicott at night.

1987  Sunday - 34° at 6 AM.  Sun came over the hill at 6:33
Beautiful day - sunny, cool.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Cultivated, removed leaves, put bark chips mulch on front shrub border - Planted leucothoe at bottom of path near shed - Ilex off deck - both from top holding bed.
Moved Bleeding Heart off path opposite Piper - Wes took out two big stones from that spot.  Wes cooked sirloin strip steak for dinner - good.