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May 1

1983 - Sunday - 55° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Had Total cereal for breakfast as oatmeal gave out - didn't like it.
Cleared to sunny day - partly cloudy - warm.
To 8 o'clock Mass - Louise McKeon asked me to help on a rush transfer of white for pink flowers at altar.  To Oliver's Nursery at 10:30 - bought Juniperus procumbens nana for Wood Knoll steps - more double bloodroot and other rock garden plants - home for lunch - planted all new plants - to Billie's at five for drink and to show her how to pinch RGC chrysanthemums. 

1984 - Tuesday - 49° at 6:30.  Slept until 6:16 so rushed breakfast.  Beautiful day.  To mass.
To Waldbaums for groceries - Wes went to Levine for  copper tubing.  Started transplanting tomato, pepper and Zinnia plants.  Early lunch as I left 12:45 to look at Bloodroot at Anne Tracy's - Stop & Shop for bird suet - Hawsie Nash for meeting with Honey Callahan on Sweepstakes - Eileen brought Boo for us to mind while she is in New Orleans - Watered all transplants - Wes worked on wall.

1985 - Wednesday - 58° at 6AM.  Partly cloudy - warm.  Very enervating!
Wes started a stone wall on south off vegetable garden.  Brought in stones.  I ironed - cut grass - transplanted Astilbe chinensis to east steps to Wood Knoll - put in rest of NYBG plants.  Village Groundskeeper picked up load of brush from upper road. Christman's delivered new sofa and loveseat. 
We moved furniture in livingroom to work out the best arrangement of loveseat - chests and tables.

1986 - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - no rain until dark - then a light shower - not measurable
No Mass as I was  working at Ballard Garden and Wes was waiting for delivery of Rhododendron Vaseyi from Carlson's - they phoned ball of big one not satisfactory - sent a 3 foot one which Wes planted in hole he dug Clethra from yesterday.  Rest of day Wes took down saplings in North Slope - and used the leaf chipper.  I replanted dug up rock plants and two of those bought at NYBG along the Step Garden.

1987 - Friday - 36° at 6AM.  Fair - cool - beautiful day -  To mass.  To town - Reclamation - copies made of Wes' doctor bills & sent them to Metropolitan Life - to Ballard greenhouse - left Wayside catalog for Penny, picked up Siningia from Muriel Pedersen - bought Balls mix home to transplant 5 Cornus Kousa along shed/well path - I thinned out the pine & spruce seedlings - potting about 10 of them - took off deer fencing from Rock Garden, Arborvitae - Rhododendron Gardens - good to have it down hope deer dont come - it did a good job over winter.

May 2

1983 - Monday - 58° at 6 AM - Clear - clouded up - looked like rain - couple sprinkles during day.
Did house chores - left at 10:30 for Cold Spring, Route #301 - beautiful lake country and Fahnestock Park - lunch at "Dockside" Cold Spring - Hudson House closed - to Boscobel - admired furniture and grounds - had trouble finding Stone-Crop Nursery but finally got there at 2:15 - outstanding collection of plants and location - bought two boxes of plants - home at 4:30 - cut grass - very high - had to rake - Wes had bad gas pains.

1984 - Wednesday - 42° at 6:15 - Beautiful - Walked Boo - she was good overnight.  Wes had put on some screens yesterday - put on more.  Sun 5:53-7:53. 
Tony Ongaro put in all Belgian Block for walk South of garage - I started on leveling stones on south terrace.
We took 6 small Hemlock from Bogus Road - Wes planted them on north slope.  He moved the 9 small Laurel from nursery bed to join new Pinchbeck ones on Wood Knoll.  Transplanted rest of tomatoes - brought out cold-frame and put half of them in that on South side. Walked Boo 
Eileen phoned from New Orleans in evening.

Thursday - 48° at 6 AM and raining lightly, thank God.  Continued lightly all day - at 4 pm had .54 in gauge.
To Mass.  Did work wash.  Wes replaced [[?stadge]] handle.  I was standing by to go to Litchfield with Louise McKeon, but when she cancelled, Wes and I checked out the Litchfield Inn for Bill Kalnay & Texaco Retirees - good lunch - talked to Banquet manager - stopped at WF Farm, bought 3 Primulas  Lobelia - bowl for paperwhites - checked on missing item from order (Adenophora) home at 4 - nap - read papers.

1986 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM - Sun up here about 6:25.  Cooler - good working weather - a 2-sweater day.
Wes took down two beeches on south side below woodpile - the big one off path near well - and on that one the saw jammed - took it to Nutmeg for repair. 
I planted the NYBG dwarf plants, some in wall garden, splitting 2 Armerias to make room - Armerias in poor shape - put piece below cliff wall - Placed Bog Rosemary at future pool, moving a fern to do so.  Brought down coldframe & put all unplanted pots in it for the night.

1987 - Saturday - 40° at 6:15 AM. 
Sun coming up.  Not a bad working day except for the may flies which are terrible - had to wear a hat or a scarf. Wes worked on compost, path edging and re-aligning it - covered it with chips.  I put the forced Iris in the perennial garden - dug out the Heliopsis flora-plena - too invasive - transplanted bleeding hearts and potted some for the Garden Mart - rolled up rest of deer fencing - left some near Bog as will try to keep that area fence against deer.  
To Nancy Carrolls for Derby Day - Helen & Punkie won first & second.