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May 3

1983 - Tuesday - 60° at 6:15 - Mostly cloudy day threatened rain didn't arrive until night - painters came here as they expected rain, so all our work was finished - garage - front screen/storm door - kitchen hall and door look great - mantel may need to be darker.
Went to Mass. Painters here at 8 AM - driveway looked like a garage sale! Wes spread chips on wood path - cut out peat around bushes in north grass & put chips there. I planted Stonecrop plants - transplanted tomatoes & cucumbers - bought suit at Sylvia Barry's.

1984 - Thursday - 42° at 6 AM. Sunny morning, cloudy afternoon, rain started at 4 pm. Glad of it. To Mass. I walked in woods off Bogus with Gizella - brought back Wood Anemone and Bloodroot; which were planted on Wood Knoll. Tony Ongaro finished wall and south terrace leveling. Wes put chips on Wood Knoll around laurel. Cultivated flower beds and vegetables - animal had dug between peas. Weeded upper nursery bed - need to move little Juniper.

1985 - Friday - 44° at 6:30. Still raining - when finished after nap was 2.60 in the gauge - thank God.
To Meekers - had 2 of Wes prescriptions filled - ordered a rug for "change-room" at Carpets Etcetera - to liquor store - cleaners - Stop & Shop - picked up Hawsie Nash at Limestone Truck Rental where she was returning a truck, and took her home - to bank - I had a haircut - home for lunch & nap. I transplanted some of plants in coldframe (growing long roots) We walked about checking plants and new back stone steps after the rain.

1986 - Saturday - 35° at 6 AM - clear - much cooler day - high wind - had to wear jacket over sweater.
To Ballard Garden to take sod from area where Cornus Kousa will be planted - put gas in car and shopped for a few groceries. Wes stripped the sod from the extension of the perennial bed - we brought over compost and dug the area with lime - fertilizer etc. Put lime on lilac and clematis. Watered some plants - left plants in coldframe as frost is reported for tonight

1987 - Sunday - 42° at 6 AM. Fair until noon when rain started - light then heavier - one inch 8 AM on 4th
To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Wes edged path to Bog - looks even better than compost path. I dug out the Lysimachia - what a job - roots all over. Brought up leaf chips to cover exposed soil.
A Martini with lunch. Long nap. Did more research on Wild Flowers Families & Zones for GCA Plant Exchange. Made David's cookie - Caught up on some papers.

May 4

1983 - Wednesday - 59° at 6:15 - Light rain. Cleared in afternoon. Just over one-quarter inch - glad to have. Spent most of day putting things back in garage - hanging tools on pegboard, etc. - looks good. 
I finished transplanting the little tomato plants - put larger ones - Pixie & Small Fry into final big pots and moved ferns from under Rhododendron - Laurel arrived from Fernbrook Nursery - brought tomatoes into Solar - temperatures to fall tonight. Saw Rose Breasted Grosbeak on feeder.

1984 - Friday - 49° at 6 AM - Raining - 1 INCH IN GAUGE. Boo didn't have a long walk (her wish) but did her duty. 
We went to Stop & Shop - Liquor - Bank - Wes left estimate at Carnall (fire). Off and on rain until late morning when we moved cold frame so Wes could continue work on wall. Cleared up the Southeast area. Thunderstorm forced us in - Wes had shop hour - I read papers.
Stopped raining luckily at 5 pm for Boo's walk. Bit phoned Piper Plant closing - Gus will have a job in Florida in August.

1985 - Saturday - 36° at 6:30 - Sun coming up - Beautiful day = only thing wrong was the stiff breeze.
Wes worked on stone wall off raised beds south side.
I staked little tomato plants - put them out in the sun. Transplanted Heuchera to front position in perennial garden - moved dwarf Aruncus to back stone steps - pulled Aquilegia from wall garden and planted it over cliff off deck - also moved one from rhododendron garden - sprayed Dwarf White Pine.

1986 - Sunday 33° at 6:15 - Fair - cool - breezy.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Put Freezias in upper  holding bed to open - watered seedlings in front bed and all transplants on North Slope. After lunch and nap to Alex Ross' show at Candlewood Valley Gallery, New Milford - met a lot of friends there - home to walk about perennial garden and plan the placement of new plants. Watched first episode of "Mapp and Lucia" on Channel 13 - delightful.

1987 - Monday - 45° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain started about noon - light. To Stop & Shop - Ballard to leave plants for Garden Mart - Bank - Ant traps at Hardware store - Pinchbeck - rhododendron not in - ordered fertilizer for the Ballard Garden tomorrow - [[Carlsong?]] for 1 Dexter Great Eastern, 1 Pink Postscript - 3 Pink Pancake (North Tisbury) - left seedlings at Punkie Scott's - home to plant - The 3 Pancake at wall top before Garden Room - the  Pink Postscript on the Knoll near well - the Great Eastern front of rock north of Piper - lunch - nap - ironed - to Prudential Bache to leave Franklin certificate with them - milk from Marcus - home for cocktail & dinner. Tired - early to bed.