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May 15

1983 - Sunday. 52° at 6 AM - Raining- 1/4 inch at Mass time. 
Cleaned House - prepared dinner for Eileen here at noon with Boo - Budget meetings at Texaco 
Rain light - let up enough for Wes to cook beef kabob on grill and Eileen and I to walk Boo after dinner.  She left about 4 o'clock = Boo was a good dog. Rain heavier during evening.  Saw Oriole.

1984 - Tuesday - 38° at 6AM - Sunny - partly cloudy some sprinkling in afternoon - cool - Wes made a fire for dinner.  I worked at Ballard Garden in morning Wes spread 15 bags of Pine Bark mulch on Wood Knoll - need a couple more to finish.  I transplanted Narcissus from Bird Bath to spots in hill - We took out some wall stones in doing the holes - Wes is redoing part of wall.  Planted White Astilbe, bought at Ballard, in shade garden. Covered coldframe with plastic over night

1985 - Wednesday - 48° at 6:15 - Cloudy - House chores. To Brunetti's - Bank - I had blood tests and urinalysis at Danbury Hospital Medical Laboratory - Young's - Agway for Weed & Feed and Peat moss - stakes for Ballard Garden. Warren Malkin returned the grandmother clock - took the shelf clock & one bedroom clock for repair.  Put all the Calendula - some Pyrethrum in sun garden - moved Lamb's Ears - Gizella gave me Lamb's Ears and I planted that.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5 - Rosses there.
1986 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy - but no rain.  Wes went to Mass - I prepared for Ballard Garden work - left at 8 - back at 1:15 after stop at bank & Talbots to pick up gift certificate for Mary's birthday.  After lunch & nap Wes went to Timpanellis to look at their water tank problem.  They need a plumber.  We continued with spreading leaf chips - put gravel on deck path.  I gave Gizella tomatoes & basil.  She gave me Aconitum (Monkshood) for shade garden 
Planted rest of Marigolds I raised - watered - pulled weeds in Dell Garden.

1987 - Friday - 58° at 7 AM.  Cloudy.  Didn't go to Mass account Wes' cold - my need of sleep.  Light rain at 8 AM - cleared in afternoon - not miserable rain.  To town - lab closed so couldn't have blood taken - ordered cake for Mary's birthday - cheese shop - Talbots for gift certificate - Stop & Shop - home for lunch - Wes had rested his cold - after nap to bank and Marcus.  Mailed check gifts to Bridget Runwald & John & Jade Miller for their baby girl - weather cleared - I cut grass - We weeded Canada Lily of Valley and watered recent transplants

May 16

1983 - Monday. 52° at 6:30. Cloudy - rainy 1/2 inch in gauge at 9 AM. Bad day for walking Boo. Lots of catch up chores - letters - called Cooperstown for Oct 7-8 reservations - made them - planted Zucchini in vegetable bin - Wes went for a haircut - hardware store - bought suet for Red Bellied Woodpecker - however suet bag too small for him to land on!  To Stamford House and Garden Shop to leave chainsaw for repair - filled car with gasoline - I bought white pleated skirt at Sylvia Barry's

1984 - Wednesday 38° at 6 AM. Cloudy and cold - very few sprinkles - wore jackets most of day.
Wes finished wall off deck except for one top stone - brought down flat stone for landing. I finished transplanting Narcissus to North spots - transplanted Epimedium from front position (too sunny) to Wood Knoll walk - cut grass.  Covered up coldframe again as frost predicted in low areas. Enjoying seeing the Rose Breasted on the feeder.

1985 - [[strikethrough]] Holy [[\strikethrough]] Ascension Thursday - 52° at 6 AM - Mist overnight - not the needed rain.  To noon Mass. 
Howard Castle & Jimmy connected the electric line for the pool - put a switch in shop.  Wes took Jet to plumber to cut it down - plumber made new one instead - now we will look for stones to edge it.  I planted Cleome - Snapdragons in perennial garden (annuals) and Waldsteinia ternata on Wood Knoll.  Sprayed Mugho pines for worms No rain - further water restrictions in New Jersey

1986 - Friday - 54° at 7AM - Cloudy all day - cool morning, warming up in afternoon. 
To town.  I had blood test made at lab - Wes went to Bank and Reclamation - bought liquor and a few vegetables at Stop & Shop.  To White Plains at 10:45 - bought cookies at Plaza Sweets - Met Mary & Eileen at Le Jockey Club for Mary's birthday luncheon - nice time - Stopped at Mabel's for basket of Pink Impatiens - Eileen had bought a Fuchsia for us at Shemin's - home at 4:15 - nap - to Rosses at 5:30 for a drink - Stoddards there - home at 8 pm for soup.

1987 Saturday - 43° at 6 AM - Fair, breezy, beautiful day. I worked at Garden Mart 8 to 11:30 - at Pinchbeck's - home for Wes.  We voted at East Ridge School against increasing the budget - stopped to pick up Mary's birthday cake and for items from Stop & Shop - Lunch and nap - Wes had finished spreading leaf chips and cleaning up the walks house/shed area - cleaned pools - looks great.  I cleaned the living room - transplanted a couple bleeding hearts - filled birdfeeder - we will stop at end of seed supply as mostly Bluejays and Grakels.  Early to bed - Wes is feeling better - I'm fighting off a sore throat